Tuesday, August 31, 2021


 Book Excerpt:

"Do you often find yourself not being able to keep a man or get your own man? If so, in this book, you will find the tools to keep a man addicted to you. Learn how men think, and acquire the skills to continuously keep themselves sexually, emotionally, financially, and mentally satisfied. Let this book serve as one of your personal life guides, and start living a happier life today. This book is the gift that keeps on giving."

Title: Why and How Women are Exploited by Men Worldwide
Author: Tolu
Publisher: Tolu2Books
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

My Opinion:

I can say what a read this author gives the readers to think about long after the read. The table of contents says it all as the author gives a personal life guide for all women starting from [table of contents] ...A Woman's Work, Empty Magnum Wrappers, The Male's Need to Control, Cultural and Legal Practices, Break Me off a Piece, Father's Roles in Determining Daughter's Self-Worth, Are You on the Same Page, Women's Participation in the Enabling of Other Women's Exploitation, My Babies' Dady, Goals Diggers, Pressing Flesh, Trading One Kind of Footblinding for Another, Who Is Thy Vessel, Before You "Jump the Broom," Love Him But LeaveYour Assets in a Trust, Everybody Loves A Winner, Know When to Fold Them, Just Stop Talking About Other Women's Business and Life to Men, Reflections in the Mirror, Mount Rather Than be Mounted and lastly Covering Your Backside- to Quick Reference. From this read, I was left shaking my head and saying this is a read that 'empowers women of all ages to take and stand, no one's power, claim and safeguard it.'

The read gives one 'personal life guide for females from 9 to 109' that all women should hear at least one time in their lives. I enjoyed how the author explores this subject from all around the globe that is there for all cultures to read and relate to. The reading may seem a little harsh on the male side of things, but as one keeps on reading, what is being said is possibly true as one more or less accepts the male as the dominant figure.

The author wants the women to open their eyes and see what is happening around them and, above all, "encourages women to stop, look, listen, and change the way things have always been."

"Why and How Women Are Exploited By Men" would be a book recommendation for any culture, as many of one's questions will be answered for the reader why the author thought and said what she provided the women.

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