Thursday, January 26, 2023

His Main Attraction: Elite Alliance (The Clark's of Northshire Bend) Kindle Edition by Stephanie Nicole Norris

 Book Excerpt:

"As an emerging star with her girl group Genesis Rising, lead singer Tina Braddon's career elevates at every turn. She has the best of friends and her close family she cherishes more than anything. Beautiful, healthy, and a lover at heart, Tina absorbs all the goodness life has to offer--including her healthy competitiveness to win. But the man of her dreams is the one person who remains out of her reach. He's here today and gone tomorrow, and Tina can't help but wonder if it's for the best.

CIA operative Malik Anthony Clark has a jones in his bones for the stunning lead singer of Genesis Rising. But his top secret missions keep him in the shadows—only able to watch her from afar while longing for her like a figment of his imagination. However, when an opportunity arises for Malik to give Tina his undivided attention, Malik never looks back, taking a chance on a love that he hopes will last an eternity."

Title:  His Main Attraction:  Elite Alliance

Author:  Stephanie Nicole Norris

Publisher:  Love Is A Drug Ink LLC 

Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean

Rating:  Five


"His Main Attraction:  Elite Alliance" by Stephanie Nicole Norris

My Sentiments:

"His Main Attraction" was a beautiful read about Malik and Tina. His love for her was undeniable, seeing that Malik had finally found someone to love. The story showed how well this family of brothers, including Langston and Tristan, truly loved their mom despite what had gone on with their father. Seeing their mom find a king who seemed to make her happy was so good. Also, we find Tina's aunt Loretta was giving her some trouble in what was going on in her life with just getting older. How well this story all comes; together; you will have to pick this story to see how well this author presents it to the reader. Indeed it was a good read. 

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