Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Last Dance By: Kierney Scott

Book Description...

"American-born prima ballerina Georgina Fairley made a mistake that could destroy her. Now, saving her career means selling her soul to the Russian government. A spy who uses her body to lure men and secure their secrets, Georgina is tasked with seducing Roman Zakharov, the most dangerous oligarch in Russia.

Roman Zakharov a man with a past as ugly as his disfigured face. An assassination attempt left him horribly burned, but the scars go deeper than the frightening exterior. Jaded and cruel, he lets pots Georgina into his world but only to punish her and teach the pretty dancer that no one crosses Roman Zakharov. He will show her what it means to be used. And he will teach her to beg.

And in the end, they may teach each other to love..."

Title:  The Last Dance
Author:  Kierney Scott
Publisher:  Loose ID
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"The Last Dance" by Kierney Scott

My Thoughts....

This was definitely one of those romantic suspenseful reads that you will not want to put down until the very end.  In the end the reader gets a well written story that will put a smile on your face and saying well done to the author.  The two main characters Georgina and Roman were some very interesting characters in this hot and steamy erotic tale.  How Georgina gets mixed up with Roman was truly one story all by itself.  Who knew that there would be such a attraction between these two people. Even after everything seems to come to out just who Georgina was and all of her involvement with Pavel and being a spy, would Roman like this heroine even though there was much  doubt in his mind that he had about Georgina?  Will Georgina be able to carry through her assignment in seducing Roman? As the story continues on from the read one will soon find out that things don't go according to the plans that had been set out.  Why was that?  I will say this will be interesting in how this author presents to the reader quite a intriguing good read.  Will Roman turn out to be a good guy in the end? By the end of this story you have a good story of apprehension, a dark pass, deception, desire,    and less not forget to mention the erotic romance.   Well, I will stop here and just say you will have to pick up this good read to find out how this story will turn out.  Since it seems like Georgina is doing all she can do in order to survive  will she be able to do so without Roman?  I will definitely say that Roman was quite some hero of a character!

Waiting For Rio By Marie Cole

Book Description...

"Rio Levant growing up had a normal loving family. But one fateful night his mother was killed and the life he knew was gone. His father committed an unforgivable act and Rio blames himself for the outcome. Now, a recovering alcoholic, Rio is still struggling to piece himself back together. Nothing and no one has been able to help him.

Until her.

Growing up, Stacy Hammond was taught that the best way to survive was to latch onto a man and hope he never let you go. Stacy is determined not to follow in her mama's footsteps and is committed to making a life for herself without a man by her side. But a drunken one-night stand pushes Stacy towards a man who she never would have picked out for anything other than his hot body and his bad boy attitude. He seems like the wrong choice but she can't seem to get enough of him.

Rio and Stacy are going to find out that sometimes what you believe is completely and totally wrong."

Title:  Waiting For Rio
Author:  Marie Cole
Publisher: M.C.
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Four

"Waiting For Rio" by Marie Cole

My Thoughts...

Yes, I will agree with this title it seemed like Stacy was 'Waiting For Rio' especially after what she had with her previous relationship with Chance. This was a sweet romance about how two people finally comes together in the end.  I thought the story was rather predictable but still one that would keep you turning the pages to see how this relationship will go. I like how this author brings in the secondary characters that kept this read interesting and moving right along at a good pace. Be ready for a story will lots of drama in this seductive tale.  One thing I felt this story lacked was communication between the two main characters.  Will Stacy be able to make her goal of graduating and getting a good job in order to help take care of her mom and will Rio be able to face his past and insecurities in order to finally move on with his life after what had happened to him during his childhood?  Will Stacy and Rion finally get their HEA in the end? Well, you will just have to pick up this good read to see for yourself how well this author brings it all out to the reader.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Ashes By Steven Manchester

Book Description....

"Middle-aged brothers Jason and Tom Prendergast thought they were completely done with each other. Perceived betrayal had burned the bridge between them, tossing them into the icy river of estrangement. But life – and death – has a robust sense of irony, and when they learn that their cruel father has died and made his final request that they travel together across the country to spread his ashes, they have no choice but to spend a long, long car trip in each other's company. It's either that or lose out on the contents of the envelope he's left with his lawyer. The trip will be as gut-wrenching as each expects it to be . . . and revealing in ways neither of them is prepared for.

At turns humorous, biting, poignant, and surprisingly tender, ASHES puts a new spin on family and dysfunction with a story that is at once fresh and timelessly universal."

Title:  Ashes
Author:  Steven Manchester
Publisher:  Story Plant
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Ashes" by Steven Manchester

My Thoughts...

'Ashes' was quite some story about two brother Tom and Jason Prendergast. These two brothers
hadn't been together for many years [15]mainly due to their hateful abusive father and now he was dead and had requested them  to make a drive together to Seattle in order to take and spread  his ashes.  Now, they had to do this in order to get the 'contents of a sealed envelope their father had lift with his lawyer.'   At this point I wondered why it was so important to get this envelope especially since the way their father had mistreated them so horribly while growing up. What in the world world would this man be leaving them that was worth this trip?  What turns out to be a trip from hell also turns out to to be so much more as these two brothers travel together to Seattle.  What these two brothers find out during this trip will truly have you shaking your head and saying how more crueler could this father have been!  Wow! I don't want to spoil it for you the reader other than saying this is one well written story to pick up and read. I enjoyed how this author was able to give the reader a little humor and even some tears in the midst of what all was going on in this read.   In the end will these two brothers be able to get over the abuse they both suffered during their dysfunctional childhood and now they were both parents how has this affected their present life?  I liked how this author puts the storyline together with answering all the how will this trip end?  Along the trip who all did they come in contact with?  Was this trip with getting that 'envelope' left from their father? What happens in Tom and Jason's 'brotherly relationship' after this trip?  All of these questions and so much more will be answered fully in this excellent read.

So, be ready for a very tensed, emotional journey, sentimental, a travel across country, little mystery and even some humor  as "Ashes" will bring it all to you front and center all the way to the very end. Would I recommend? YES!    

Daily Wisdom: That Small Still Voice By: James V. Daniels

Book Description....

"Read this book and be blessed. Learn how to be happy, cheerful, and at peace with yourself and others. Learn that being happy is a choice that we all have. Learn how to keep your peace and be happy with the everyday challenges of life. Daily Wisdom is a book of true life experiences, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of God's love for us and how he wants us to be happy here on earth."

Title:  Daily Wisdom:  That Small Still Voice
Author:  James V. Daniels
Publisher:  J.V.D.
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Daily Wisdom:  That Small Still Voice" by James V. Daniels

My Thoughts....

What a wonderful Christian novel that is for anyone to read and understand. The one thing that I enjoyed reading was in putting God first in your life and listening to Him and from that I know that in the end everything will work out alright. I love the all the chapters for the deal so well with our daily lives.  I think one of my favorite ones was from chapter 9 and that was 'Smile and Laugh as Much as Possible'  and not letting your happiness go out the window! This one definitely is needed in our world today!  I also loved the scriptures that were featured that went right along with the subject matter.

This novel is truly a 'personal guide' for one to be able to live a Christian life each and everyday.
If you are looking for a inspirational read that gives you 'Daily Wisdom' as this read gives one
purpose for being able to walk in the spirit of it each and every day.

'Daily Wisdom' was definitely a read written from the heart and I would  recommend this novel to you as a excellent read.  It is a easy short read that will find yourself re reading, studying it again and again giving you many thoughts long after the read.  Would I recommend this wonderful read? YES!

Really Bad Girls of the Bible By: Liz Curtis Higgs

Book Description...

"When it Comes to Badness, There's Nothing New Under the Sun

In her best-selling book Bad Girls of the Bible, Liz Curtis Higgs breathed new life into ancient stories depicting eight of the most infamous women in scriptural history, from Jezebel to Delilah. Biblically sound and cutting-edge fresh, Bad Girls already has helped thousands of women experience God's grace anew by learning more about our nefarious sisters.

And there are more where they came from! With Really Bad Girls of the Bible, Liz reveals the power of God's sovereignty in the lives of other shady ladies we know by reputation but have rarely studied in depth: Bathsheba, the bathing beauty. Jael, the tent-peg-toting warrior princess. Herodias, the horrible beheader. Tamar, the widow and not-so-timid temptress. Athaliah, the deadly daughter of Jezebel. And three ancient women whose names we do not know but who have much to teach us: the ashamed Adulteress, the bewitching Medium of En Dor, and the desperate Bleeding Woman.

The eye-opening stories of these eight "Really Bad" women demonstrate one really life-changing concept: the sovereign power of God to rule our hearts and our lives with grace, compassion, and hope."

Title:  Really Bad Girls of the Bible
Author:  Liz Curtis Higgs
Publisher:  WaterBrook
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  Five

"Really Bad Girls of the Bible" by Liz Curtis Higgs

My Thoughts....

I loved this author's goal of writing this book..."My goal is simple: to help women embrace the grace of God with joy and abandon!" and I think she did a wonderful job at it. I will say I was able to learn
from the read. Some of these characters I hadn't read about and it was quite interesting reading about
them in the modern day version.  I was definitely found opening up my Bible to read about these 'bad girls' and definitely looking at their stories quite differently seeing how God pulled them through it all.  

It was quite interesting in seeing so many of these traits that were portrayed by these 'bad girls' can be found in us today. Wow, some things just don't change!  This author does a wonderful job at relating the 'Biblical archetypes to the what is going on now,' giving us some 'humor, empathy and intellect.'  

There is also discussion questions and study guide for ones personal use or for your a study groups that are included.  

If you are looking for a informative and interesting read about 'Really Bad Girls of the Bible'  I would recommend read to you as a good read.  

I received this book from Blogging for Books to read and review. 

What Doesn't Kill Us By: Stephanie Henry

Book Description.....

"In What Doesn’t Kill Us, we follow two teenagers in alternating point-of-views as they experience life-changing events. Drew is the son of a cop, raised in a small house on his dad’s average salary. His mother ran off when he was just a boy, due to a tragic accident that will forever define Drew’s life. Hailey is from a wealthy family and has a seemingly perfect life, until she learns of the secret her father has been keeping for years. Subsequently, her peaceful reality becomes morphed into something she never could have predicted. When Drew and Hailey meet, they quickly fall in love and ultimately discover that fate had meant for their lives to be perpetually entwined."

Title:  What Doesn't Kill Us
Author:  Stephanie Henry
Publisher:  S.H.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"What Doesn't Kill Us" by Stephanie Henry

My Thoughts....

This  YA romance storyline was a very good one.  This author gives the reader quite a interesting story about Andrew [Drew] and Hailey.  I liked how this author brought these two together with them both having had something in their lives that was troubling. For each one the trouble was
with their fathers.  The story will be one that will keep your attention all the way through to the end
because each character had something going on.  For Drew all I can say is that this poor kid really
had it bad with what he had to endure from that father [abuse & pain] and for Hailey well it seems like her life was falling apart with what all had happened to her relationship with her father.  I don't want to spoil it so I will say you will have to pick up this well written read to find out what this story is all about.  The big question to be answered is will Hailey and Drew find love and happiness in the end?

I am sure when you get into the read the reader will find it one good read.  I don't want to leave out the secondary character for they really presented some very interesting thoughts that gave this read
one you will not want to put the read down until the end.  Be prepared for a excellent read with many twist and turns that will have you saying I didn't see that coming!  I will say I enjoyed this authors writing style and I would recommend this novel as a good read.

What I'd Do For Love By: K. F. Johnson

Book Description....

"A woman scorned is a dangerous woman. Greer Patterson always felt like an outsider. Loathed by her step mother and half siblings for being the green eyed, fair skinned product of her black father's affair with a white woman; she's never truly felt loved by anyone except her father and husband Michael.
When Greer's life as she knows it comes crashing down after discovering her husband's torrid affair, she decides to take matters into her own bloody hands. Soon, after sending Michael to his untimely death and framing his mistress, she begins feeling something she's never felt before...powerful. Now, with a new found confidence and the freedom, if she can stay out of jail, she's determined to stop anything and anyone from standing in the way of true love again!"

Title:  What I'd Do For Love
Author:  K. F. Johnson
Publisher:  One Ironwoman
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"What I'd Do For Love" by K. F. Johnson

My Thoughts.....

Truly Geer Patterson was one women who one didn't mess with.  Now why was that?  One may not
be long on this earth as it was for Geer's husband Michael.  It seems like all of Geer's life after the
death of her mother she hasn't had a good life definitely bringing on many dramatic unresolved issues.  It seems like it all starts with her father bringing her to his home with his present wife and children and presenting her as the daughter he had by a 'white women.' Now, will he be able to protect her?   The stepmother and her children seems to hate her and it seems like Geer's life was simply horrible living with these people.  Will Geer ever have the life she wants after marrying Michael who she thought loved her. For a minute Geer thought she had it all well in her life but, this is when all hell breaks loose when Geer [the scorned woman] learns about her husband Michael's infidelity and from here all the way to the end this author gives the reader one story  that will keep you turning the pages to the end.  What all will Geer do when she finds out that not only her husband had a problem but also her father who she thought had love her unconditionally?  This will be quite some read when she finds out about her father and so much more!  I don't want to spoil to much more about this read other than say this was one exceptional written story that will have you shaking your head by the time you get to the end of this suspenseful read. Many questions will be asked...  Will Geer get the love she wanted now that she had a new beau in her life?  Will she be able to give up to her old life to get on with her life after all she had done by the end of this read?   Yes, I will admit that Geer was 'certified crazy' that needed some help...but will she get the help before it's too late?  Again this is where I say you will have to pick up this good read to find out. Truly the title say it all..."What I'd Do For Love" left me saying wow..between a husband, a sex friend, a boyfriend and a father what a ending! This was definitely a read about what happens when a woman is scorned and she can't seem to find her way.   If you are looking for a well written read with intriguing drama, some mystery/suspense with a little romance then you have come to the right place for this novel will give it all to you and much more.  Would I recommend?  Yes!

Wind River Wrangler By: Lindsay McKenna

Book Description...

First in a new series by the author of Night Hawk and Out Rider
Still waters run deep . . .
From the moment  Roan Taggart picked up the pretty redhead at the Jackson Hole airport, his training and experience told him she was spooked. She’s left New York City to visit the Wind River Ranch, where Roan is a wrangler, and just as he can pick up a horse’s mood, he can feel the tension coming off her body.  And that vulnerability is triggering all his protective instincts...

Shiloh Gallagher likes the gray-eyed cowboy’s dry humor—and the Special Forces background that lends him a stoic, powerful presence. But she’s been scarred by trauma and her mother’s murder . . . and knows a strong man can be dangerous. She came to wide-open Wyoming to flee a threat that’s left her unable to write her novels. Now, as she rides horses with Roan and helps him build an isolated cabin, she’s slowly letting down her guard. But danger has followed her west, and they won’t have a future together unless they defeat a killer from her past…"

Title:  Wind River Wrangler
Author:  Lindsay McKenna
Publisher:  Zebra
Series:  Wind River Valley #1
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  Four

"Wind River Wrangler" by Lindsay McKenna

My Thoughts....

I found this novel a good contemporary romance with some drama and suspense.  It was definitely
one of those easy read with some predictability one could see coming, however still a good read with a few twist and turns that will keep your attention till the end.  This author gives the reader a interesting read about Shiloh [a romance writer] and Roan's love story.  Now before it will get to that part we get a story about Shiloh's life where a threat[stalker] that has followed her from New York to the Wind River Ranch in Wyoming.  Now, will  this ranch wrangler [Roan] ex-military, sexy alpha man be able to help and keep her safe?   What will he do as he sees that Shiloh's been through quite a rough time in her life? Will Shiloh find hope and healing so that she will be able to write again?   The characters for the most part were well developed, interesting and memorable giving the read a good balance of what is going on in this fun read.  The story will definitely keep the reader guessing who and why someone is trying to terrorize Shiloh. By the way...I guessed who was stalking Shiloh long before the end!  I did enjoy how this author was able to give the readers a story that built up to the suspense of just when the stalker did strike.  

Now for you to find out you will have to pick up this novel and see for yourself if these two will get their HEA?  Be ready for a lots of  'action, mayhem, sadness, insecurity,  intrigue, longing, adventure, mystery and love' as the reader get to explore all that is going on in this love story. Also, at the end of the novel the author gives the reader a preview of what is coming in the next series that did seem quite a interesting read.  

This book was provided from NetGallery for the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments, and ratings are my own.

Clean Break By: Abby Vegas

Book Description....

"Lane Haviland can’t seem to catch a break. She’s dead broke, barely functioning as an adult, and completely alone in New York City. Her so-called “apartment” is a six-by-nine cell in a Brooklyn basement. And her new boss hasn’t ever met a personal or professional boundary she can’t bulldoze through.

Still, Lane’s determined to at least attempt to claw her way back to respectability. But she can’t seem to get her mysterious handyman, Viktor, out of her apartment – or her headspace. Maybe that’s a good thing: Viktor’s easy on the eyes, and that deep-voiced Russian accent is beyond sexy. But as he and Lane grow closer, he can no longer hide his connections with a dangerous criminal underworld – where secrets can be deadly."

Title:  Clean  Break
Author:  Abby Vegas
Publisher:  Create Space Independent Publishing Platform
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Clean Break" by Abby Vegas

My Thoughts....

This was definitely one of those contemporary romance with suspense and mystery  that will keep you engaged turning the pages till the end because you will want to know what happens next.  This protagonist, Lane Haviland was really quite a interesting person as she is able to make it work in almost any adventurous situation that is given to her.  I will say she had quite a rough road with all that happens to her from being 'virtually penniless, her part time job won't pay her bills and not having a family or a home living there in New York City.' It hadn't always been like this for Lane...for once she had everything in her life....'a wonderful family, money and love' but what had happened to her?

Wow, and as this story goes on Lane has been scammed out of money[$800] that was to have been for her down payment for an apartment. At this point I was left wondering what all had brought her to this point in her life.  However, I will say this heroine was one smart lady, but a times she handled situations a little strange to me.  What did happen to her after Lane goes to the police and meets that detective [Jarrett]?   What happens after that is sort of a nightmare that  seems to go on and on for Lane after the detective helps her find a place to stay.  Then a handymen [Viktor]shows up and will help Lane and this is where this story really starts to take off.

What will happen after Lane found her [PA]assistant job to this 'spoiled wealthy women with two kids and a husband that works all the time.'  That part of the novel was very interesting and I will stop here and say to find out more about this relationship with this family along with Lane being given a basement apartment where she meets that get the rest of this story you will have to pick up this read to see what all happens in this rich story of  'Clean Break.'

The reader will get a very well told story that is told in first person, showing struggle, redemption, referred to sexual scenes, heartwarming, unexpected surprises and even humorous at times,  however, there will be some dark parts in the read that did leave questions especially of a certain character who turned out to be a really 'creepy dude' that was not answered for me in the to what happened with him?  What was up with the hero...the handyman [Viktor] as it seemed like he was tied up with 'the Russian crime element in Lane's neighborhood.' What I didn't care about this hero was the way he kept Lane in the dark? I know he had too but?  Oh will all of this affect Lane in the end as she tries to find out more about this situation?  Will these two [Lane and Griff] get to their HEA?  Again to get the answers to all of these questions the reader will have to pick up this good read to find out.

I found all the characters [Lane, Viktor, Randy, Cynthia, Jarrett] to name a few were simply off the chart being well developed, defined, portrayed and believable giving the reader one intriguing read.
By the end of this read I did agree with this title and that this heroine and hero definitely needed a 'Clean Break!'

If you are looking for a read with lots of suspense, twist and turns with some romance you have come to the right place for 'Clean Break' will give it all to you.

I received this through NOR for an honest review.

Honor Bound By: B. J. Daniels

Book Description...

"Protecting her life will mean betraying her trust 
Ainsley Hamilton has always been the responsible one of the family. As the oldest daughter of presidential candidate Buckmaster Hamilton, she's also a potential target. For months she's sensed someone following her. When an expedition to scout locations for a commercial takes a terrifying turn, she's rescued by a natural-born cowboy who tempts the good girl to finally let loose.
Sawyer Nash knows just how reckless it is to fall for someone he's gone undercover to protect. Yet masquerading as an extra on set, he starts to see beneath Ainsley's controlled facade. And with the election—and a killer—drawing closer, Sawyer stands to lose not just his job and his life but the woman for whom he'd gladly risk both."

Title:  Honor Bound
Author:  B.J. Daniels
Publisher:  HQN Books
Series:  The Montana Hamiltons
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Honor Bound" by B.J. Daniels

My Thoughts...

This was a wonderful read that once you start reading it finding it hard to put down until the end.
It was quite interesting seeing Hinsley Hamilton finally getting her HEA which as a good ending to this explosive series 'The Montana Hamiltons #6.'  The reader will have to keep up because there will be so much happening.  We find that many of the characters and events will come together revealing there part in this 'Prophecy' story.'  Now what that is about ties in to the last series...'Into Dust' that dealt with the question of just what the Prophecy's end game was.  Anyway on into this series  we find Ainsley Hamilton, the older daughter to the presidential candidate Buckmaster Hamilton being a target of a stalker and that's where Sawyer Nash comes into the picture where he is to keep a keep on her. Will he be able to protect her?  This will be one explosive ending...where I say you will have to pick this one up to see for yourself how well this author brings it all out to the readers. Be ready for a lots of 'psycho, fatal attraction, crazy type villains that are very strong wanting to obtain their objections with many twist and turns. Will they succeed?  This is definitely one of those reads that will be have one guessing  who...until the very end with all of its mystery, intrigue and oh yes, romance.   If you are looking for a good complexed romance suspense that will give you one 'incredible story' then  I would recommend this one to you as one good read. This was a good ending for one good series..The Montana Hamiltons!

I received this book from NOR for an honest review.

The McCullagh Inn in Maine By: Jen McLaughlin

Book Description...

Her second chance at love. . .

"Chelsea McCullagh escapes to Maine with a gun and fresh bruises. She's ready to begin anew-until she runs into her old flame, Jeremy Holland. As he helps to fix her inn, her heart heals and they rediscover what they once loved about each other. But as the two play house, it starts to seem too good to last. . . ."

Title:  The McCullagh Inn in Maine
Author:  Jen McLaughlin
Publisher:  BookShots
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Four

"The McCullagh Inn in Maine" by Jen McLaughlin

My Thoughts....

Be ready for a short, suspenseful, sexy adventurous read full of secrets, reconnections and twists that this author gives so very well to the readers.  I like this friends to was Chelsea and Jeremy had been at one time.  But after Jeremy was supposed to marry someone else Chelsea leaves and would she  have known that Jeremy calls off the wedding soon after she leaves.  Oh the story goes Chelsea leaves  to get away from not only Jeremy but her strange family.  As the story goes she gets the job as being a assistant district attorney but would you believe she come involved a crooked and abusive boyfriend that lead her into trouble that she finds herself having to come back home with a new identity and dyed hair.  Now, this next part of the read I did find a little predictable in that Chelsea come back home [to Maine with a gun and fresh bruises] and gets involved with Jeremy and from this part I will stop here and say you must pick up the good short read and see for yourself how well this author brings it all out to the reader.  Now that Chelsea is back home and Jeremy is back in her life what secrets are they keeping from each other?  I liked how this author kept these secrets so well hidden. How will this play out? Will Chelsea get the  help she needed  fixing up her [The McCullagh Inn] that her aunt had left her from Jeremy?  The problem I had with this read was that it seemed like the story comes to an end and you are left saying what?  Did the action and suspense overpower the romance of the story?  Oh well, it was still a good enjoyable read if you are into a short sweet friends again to lovers.

I received this book from NOR for an honest review.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Earned by the Billionaire: A Sweet BWWM Romance By: Shani Greene-Dowdell

Book Description....

"I won’t settle for love. Love isn’t enough. 
Standing in front of a classy boutique, I’m window shopping for a sexy black dress. I’m in search of the perfect “single again” gift to somehow, some way, make me forget the last year ever happened. From this day forward, it’s all about me. I will no longer give myself away to a man that doesn’t appreciate me. I intend to enjoy this newfound freedom to the fullest. My favorite earring slipping from my ear shatters that wish. When I turn around to find handsome, elegantly dressed, Rusty von Strauss holding my favorite piece of jewelry in his hand, my constitution slowly slips away. Looking into his ocean blue eyes, I immediately know that Rusty is a one-man wrecking crew. He finds his way in, breaks down my walls, and makes me believe in magic again. But, will his biggest secret ruin all the love we’ve made? ~Kayla

Everything was going great. Until I fell for her.
A stray piece of jewelry lying on the ground gives me a unique opportunity. It’s ridiculously presumptuous of me, but I have to find out if she’ll, at least, have a cup of coffee with me. The view from behind her is impeccable, but I wait patiently to get a full glimpse of the beauty that accompanies her lusciously long, ebony legs. When Kayla Johnson faces me, I’m in awe of the way her beauty strikes me. But that's all it is—a fleeting feeling. Right? Nothing that will last past that coffee, dinner, and an all-nighter at my penthouse. After losing my one true love, I made an oath to never love again. My resolve is stronger than ever. I refuse to fall into the trap of that L-thing. Giving my heart away yields consequences I’m not willing to pay. If all of this is true, then why does the thought of never holding Kayla in my arms rattle my core? ~ Rusty

Expect a sexy, sweet standalone romance that tugs at your heartstrings in Earned by the Billionaire by Shani Greene-Dowdell, Amazon Bestselling Author of Breathless: In Love with an Alpha Billionaire."

Title: Earned by the Billionaire: A Sweet BWWM Romance
Author: Shani Greene-Dowdell
Publisher: S.G.D.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rate: Five

"Earned by the Billionaire: A Sweet BWWM Romance by Shani Greene-Dowdell

My Thoughts.....

I liked this story! This author did a wonderful joy with giving the readers a story that begins with
how Kayla was feed up with her boyfriend that wasn't giving her what she wanted and ending it. I was glad to see her get out of that situation and meeting Rusty the billionaire was just the icing on the cake for her. But was it? I will say as I was reading this novel I thought it was somewhat predictable, however as I kept reading I did find it somewhat different with some twist and turns that this author gives the reader that made the read somewhat different from my previous thoughts about the read. I would like to explain more but I don't want to give away too much! All I will say is that this was very well done by the author!

Now, I will have to say that communication was definitely needed and was lacking that did bring about some major problems however, it seems like in the end ... well, I will stop here and say I don't want to give it all away but just tell the reader to pick up the good read for a sweet beautiful story of Kayal and Rusty. Truly Rusty had quite a story about what had happen earlier in his life that was indeed sad. However, will Kayla be able forgive Rusty in the end for not sharing with her about his situation? Will Kayal and Rusty be able to move on and find their HEA in the end? This was definitely one of those reads that was about 'life, faith, hope, tragedy, trust, death and love' that will keep your turning the pages till the captivating end. The characters from Kayla, Pam, Ju, Helen, Rusty, Cassandra and Paula to name a few gives the novel quite some storyline being well developed, portrayed and in the end one good interesting read. Another reason I enjoyed this read was that it is a standalone read.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Sun On Sundays By: Wendy Lou Jones

Book Description....

"Sun on Sundays is an emotionally compelling tale of family and friendship and hope.
Carrie-Ann is 19 and in love with Tom; she always has been, yet their worlds only touch every other weekend. She had thought that by agreeing to work on Nutt Hill she would get see him far more. Unfortunately that didn’t seem to be the case.
But Maggie is a sucker for young love and despite Carrie-Ann keeping her years of yearning close to her chest, one day Tom turns up on the hill.
Will he ever see her the way she wants to be seen?
Sometimes these things need a helping hand...
This is the second Echoes of Nutt Hill novel."

Title:  Sun On Sunday
Author:  Wendy Lou Jones
Publisher:  Create Independent Publishing Platform
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: FIVE 

"Sun On Sundays"  by Wendy Lou Jones

My Thoughts...

This was quite a romance about Carrie Ann and Tom's life who both seemed to have a big problem with 'self confidence.'  It seems like neither one of these two actually spoke and listened well to each other and even those around them often did not share, therefore there will be many conflicts that will present many twist and turns in this read. To learn that Carrie Ann has loved Tom since early childhood and he had no idea gives this novel quite one interesting read.  What all will come out for these Carrie Ann and Tom before we get to the end will keep the reader turning pages to see what will happen next.  I will say I did find the read a little predictable but still a good read that will keep your interest.

Will the love these two have for each other prevail in the end as the mistakes are brought out for these two?  I found this novel was a sweet read with some very interesting secondary characters that kept this read right on target giving the reader a good read.  I don't want to spoil too much other than say to find out what all goes on in this novel... 'Sun On Sundays' you will have to pick up this captivating intriguing romance to see if Carrie Ann and Tom will get there HEA in the end.

I received a copy of the book from the author or publisher in exchange for my honest opinion or review of the book.

Them Shane Boys By: Sarah McWhite

Book Description...

"I love him, but I can't have him. We are two broken souls, but I know we could weather the storm together, if only he would let his guard down. I know he has issues about being raised as the bastard Shane Covington Jr, instead of the golden Shane Covington Jr, but if he will let me love him, he will never have to feel second best again, so Harmony James thought.

Shane Covington Jr. has accomplished much success in his short lifetime. He started a company from scratch, and turned it into a multi-million dollar conglomerate known today as Covington Computers.

Shane was born into this world as the first Shane Covington Jr, but he soon would learn he is not the only. He was conceived secretly when his dad had an extra marital affair.

Life has thrown him a lot of curves, but he was able to knock everyone of them out the park; except getting over being the bastard son of Shane Covington Sr.

Shane has a broken soul and has tried to repair it through hard work and determination. He realizes from the gentleness of Harmony, and the loyalty of his brother that work is not enough to keep him from a deep depression.

Will Harmony James and his brother, the other Shane Covington Jr, be able to convince him that he can trust, love, and let his guard down without consequence, or will it be the other way around and Shane's secrets being exposed turn Harmony and his brother against him.

How heavy does an unhealthy relationship have to be to out weigh loyalty and love."

Title:  Them Shane Boys
Author:  Sarah McWhite
Publisher:  S.M.W.
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Four

"Them Shane Boys"  by Sarah McWhite

My Thoughts...

"Them Shane Boys" were really quite a read that this author gives the reader will keep your attention all the way to the end.  We find Harmony James in quite a bit of a fix after meeting Shane Covington Jr.[the second one]. Now, what is up with that?  Truly this was quite some story of Shane being the 'bastard son' of Shane Covington Sr. Why had Shane Sr treated this son the way he did?  How will this play into some of the gray areas that we see this Shane Jr feeling about himself?  How did this Shane Jr.  feel about his other brother who was also named Shane?  I found that very important in this read.   As I was reading this story I thought wow this father had two sons named Shane Jr.  from two different women. Now, what in the world was up with all of this and continuing to read on in this well written story...that is what you will get and so much more.  We get to see how this affected Shane in his daily life and after meeting Harmony the thought that he had it all but there will be some deep secrets [Abby] that will seem to get the better of him in his world of "trust, love and even  in letting his guard down with consequences."  I was truly left feeling somewhat sorry for both of these two main characters because in the end I am not sure if either got what they really wanted from this relationship.  As for Harmony well my, my  was she beginning to have feelings for her boss [Mr. Terrance Montgomery] too and how in the world will that turn out for her?

There is a lots going on in the read that you will just have to pick this one up and see for yourself what you think of this read.  By the time I got to the end I was left a little in a query of wondering what just happened... has Shane realized it is not to be and what is going on with Mr. Montgomery... is he leaving her? Will Harmony ever get her HEA?   Anyway, I did find the read somewhat intriguing but I was still left with wondering about how that ending turned out.  I did find all the characters for the most part well developed, portrayed and even somewhat believable giving the reader quite a captivating read.  Would I recommend?  Yes, it has a lots of substance that will keep your attention all the way to the end.

Thank you to the author for a gift of the read for giving my honest opinion of the read.  

Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Angel of Forest Hill By: Cindy Woodsmall

Book Description...

"A time of anticipation. A season of miracles.

Because of Joel s impossible situation, twenty-one-year-old Rose must sacrifice everything. As days pass into years in the midst of the beautiful hills, the laughter of children, and God's providence is it too much for Rose to hope for love in return?

An amazing journey toward love and belonging, filled with the wonder of the season of Christ s birth.

When Old Order Amish Rose Kurtz is asked to leave her family, travel deep into West Virginia, and help Joel Dienner with his children in the wake of tragedy, the quiet young woman recognizes a home where she might find kindness instead of criticism and hope replacing harsh words. She agrees to stay in Forest Hill and become Joel s wife for the sake of his family needs, but their marriage is to be a partnership, one built from need, not love and affection.
As the years pass, Rose continues to beckon Joel to join life again, to take joy in his growing children, and to awaken his heart to the possibility of new love. Joel hopes that Rose can move beyond deep-rooted hurts to see the beautiful Christmas ahead, their season. But will the arrival of a beautiful widow and a series of misunderstandings reverse how far Rose and Joel have come?"

Title:  The Angel of Forest Hill
Author:  Cindy Woodsmall
Publisher:  WaterBrook
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"The Angel of Forest Hill" by Cindy Woodsmall

My Thoughts...

What a interesting read that will keep your attention all the way to the end.  What a job that was
presented to Rose Kurtz by Nat Eash who was her bishop. Rose was leaving Perry County, Pennsylvania to go to Forest Hill to help out this situation.  However, Rose would have never known what all would be involved for her upon her arrival.

As I read this story I couldn't imagine what all Rose went through as as she was put into this predicament of becoming a caretaker of this grieving  Joel Dienner family and then onto a marriage that was in name only. But I must say her home life wasn't something great to talk about either.

How will this turn out for Rose?  Will Rose be able to get pass all that had happened to her from her family and a certain member of the Dienner family?   What will happen when the 'beautiful widow' arrives that will bring on "a series of misunderstandings?"  I will say at a certain part in the read I really enjoyed the forgiveness that was presented to Rose  from her mamm.  I will stop her and just say you will just have to pick up this good read to see how well it is presented to the reader.  It will definitely be one of those read that will be with you long after the read. If you are looking for a good light read this would be one for you to read.  

I received this from Bloggingforbooks in exchange for review.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Fire, Fury, Faith [Winged Warriors #1] By N. D. Jones

Book Description....

"Issa, tribal chieftain and warrior, dies trying to protect his family and tribesmen from slave traders but is given a second chance at life as an angel. Having lost his home, daughters, and life by forces beyond his control, Issa, a Guardian Angel for four centuries, has yet to come to terms with this “failure.” So when a rogue demon attacks and almost kills his wife, Serwa, Issa goes on the hunt. Serwa knows the pain of loss, the burn of fire, the heat of love. She is a Healer Angel, bound to help, to heal, to protect. And the person she wants most to heal is Issa, her husband, her soul mate, her warrior. But what is a woman to do when a husband's guilt and fury challenge the very foundation of their marriage?"

Title:  Fire, Fury, Faith
Author:  N. D. Jones
Publisher:  N. D. J.
Series:  Winged Warriors #1
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Four

"Fire, Fury, Faith" by N. D. Jones

My Thoughts....

What a fantasy love story this was of Issa [who had been given a second chance at the life of an angel and a tribal chieftain] and Serwa as the reader finds them having come from warring tribes.  What will Issa do when a rogue demon attacks and almost kills his wife?  How will Serwa help and heal Issa as she is a 'Healer Angel?'  Will Serwa finally be able to heal her husband and help him get over his fury?

This will be quite a intensed  plot as well as steamy one about these angels.  The author really gives the readers quite a journey that will whole your attention as you listen to this story. Yes, this was on audio and very well presented to the reader by this  narrator as he gives life to these magical characters.  Be ready for a good read with lots of 'emotional ramifications on its victims'  along with 'warring tribes, angels and demons, dark and light, bond of love and the terror of hate.' Now to truly understand all that is going on you must pick up this good read to find out just what all is going on  in this interesting read.  This author really knows how to write and tell an engaging story .
that will definitely keep your attention.

Thanks to the author for a audio of this novel for a fair and unbiased review.

Run To You By Rachel Lacey

Book Description....


Moments after meeting the most gorgeous guy ever, Gabby Winters promptly gets stung by a zillion yellowjackets and falls-not gracefully-into a stream. Yup, Ethan Hunter is trouble with a capital "hot," and Gabby definitely needs to keep her distance. Except in the small town of Haven, there's nowhere to hide from Ethan's sexy, infectious grin . . . and all the residents are conspiring against her.

At the center of the town's matchmaking is Ethan's grandmother, who's convinced their relationship is a done deal. Rather than break her heart, Gabby and Ethan find themselves cornered into pretending to be falling in love. The problem: there's serious sizzling attraction between them. And if this charade continues, they won't fool just the entire town - they might fool themselves too . . ."

Title:  Run to You
Author:  Rachel Lacey
Publisher:  Forever
Series:  Risking It All
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Run To You" by Rachel Lacey

My Thoughts...

What will happen when a meddling grandmother [Dixie] interferes in this romance of her grandson Ethan  Hunter and such a lovely girl Gabby Winters. Now the measures Dixie will go to to see her grandson 'settled and happy' will be quite interesting.  We find Gabby was running from an abusive relationship where she really only wanted was to put her life back together after a bad relationship
and finding her strength.  For Ethan he is dealing with "trying to get his Off the Grid Adventures business off the ground, finding out that his grandmother has an aneurysm that could burst at anytime, and the baggage of having an abusive father who ended up killing his mother."

What brings these two together was Gabby the attack by hornets and Ethan rescued her. This was funny especially 'Trespassing on his land and getting stung by a bunch of yellow jackets and jumping in the river.'  How will this play out especially when Ethan asks Gabby out?  Why wasn't  Gabby in for a relationship with Ethan?  However, with that grandmother pushing what will these two do? This is where I say you will have to pick up this well written read to see what is in store as complicated situation will be in store for these two especially with that humorous meddling grandmother. What will happen when a 'fake relationship becomes more than just a fling' as these two figure it all out.  I love the three main characters [Gabby, Ethan and Dixie] and that beautiful Haven, Carolina setting was just beautiful done.  In the end the reader gets one fun, sweet, and entertaining romantic story that is full of 'angst, passion and much heart'  that will keep your attention all the way to the end.

Thank you to the author for your gift of your read and my giving my honest opinion of the read.

A Baxter Family Christmas By: Karen Kingsbury

Book Description...

"From #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury comes A Baxter Family Christmas, the first in a new series, combining the charm and holiday ambiance of The Bridge with the familiar members of fan-favorite family, the Baxters.

Two sorrowful years have passed since the terrible car accident that took the life of John Baxter's daughter, Erin, along with her husband and three of their four daughters. But this year John has invited a stranger for dinner - Kendra Bryant, the transplant recipient who now has Erin's heart.

In light of her father's idea, Ashley and her brother Luke don't think it's right. They want to protect their ten-year-old niece, Amy - the only surviving member of the accident. But John is determined and believes meeting this woman is something his deceased daughter would want.

At the same time, Maddie West, the eighteen-year-old daughter of Brooke Baxter West, is praying for meaning this Christmas. Could she find it in a newfound friendship with a boy she never expected to see again? Maddie believes in miracles, especially at Christmastime, but this is a stretch even she can't imagine.

Meanwhile, Kendra Bryant has been struggling these past few years to find meaning in the tragedy that gave her a second chance. She believes this invitation to see the Baxters and witness their unwavering faith in God can instill hope and happiness back into her life.

Heartwarming and touching, filled with love and hope, A Baxter Family Christmas brings together two families in the aftermath of a tragedy and in the midst of an unfolding love story, all with the help of one very special child."

Title:  A Baxter Family Christmas
Author:  Karen Kingsbury
Publisher:  Howard Books
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  Five

"A Baxter Family Christmas" by Karen Kingsbury

My Thoughts...

Karen Kingsbury gives the readers one incredible read in 'A Baxter Family Christmas.'  This is
definitely one that you will not want to stop until you are finished with this good read. Even though
this was a sad story of how Kendra received Erin Baster's heart the story had such a incredible
deliverance of how the father [John Baxter] decides to do something different  doing this Christmas . Eve.  Now what was that?  How will this invitation affect this Baxter family?  This is where I say you will have to pick this one up and read it for yourself which will be one good read and also giving the reader a 'christian' theme.  Be ready for a very 'emotional and heartfelt' read that may even present some tears.  Some of the characters had me shaking my head but I think in the end I think they are able to understand the big picture through 'real life growth and change.'

This was a beautifully told story that showed when 'they listen to Him and to each other, they are then
able to experience this Christmas miracle.'

This ARC was given by the publisher and NetGallery in exchange for a honest and unbiased review.

Finding Libbie By: Deanna Lynn Sletten

Book Description....

"Poring over a dusty hatbox of photographs in her grandmother’s closet, Emily Prentice is shocked to discover her father was married to his high school sweetheart before meeting her mother.

In the summer of 1968, Jack and Libbie fall in love under the spell of their small town, untouched by the chaos of the late sixties. Though Libbie’s well-to-do parents disapprove of Jack’s humble family and his aspiration to become a mechanic, she marries Jack a year after they graduate high school. But soon their happiness crumbles as Libbie’s mental state unravels and she is drawn to alcohol and drugs. Despite his efforts to help her, Jack loses the woman he loves and is forced to move on with his life.

Now that Emily’s mother has passed away, Jack is alone again, and Emily grows obsessed with the beautiful woman who had given her father such joy. Determined to find Libbie, Emily pieces together the couple’s fragmented past. But is it too late for happy endings?"

Title:  Finding Libbie
Author:  Deanna Lynn Sletten
Publisher:  Lake Union Publishing
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Finding Libbie" by Deanna Lynn Sletten

My Thoughts....

"Finding Libbie was a well written story [part 1 and part 2] that will keep your attention all the way to the end.  I liked the shift of the read staring 'at present day...shifting to the late 60's, to Jack and Libby's story...and then back to the present day.'

What would you do or think if you found out that your father was previously married and you had no idea of this?  This was a story also about 'mental illness,' which presented quite a roller coaster ride and even to  having a second chance at love.  Libbie is Jack's previous wife before he met Emily's mother & married her,

The reader will be captivated in finding out the truth about this young couple [Libbie and Jack's] struggles in this very emotional love story.  Be ready for quite a heartbreaking read full of 'memories, sorrow, heartache, and love.'  This was definitely a tear grabber.   Now, why was that? Why couldn't Emily get this story out of her mind..."It's just that dad and Lobbies' story is so sad, I feel a need to find out if Libbie is okay, wherever she is.'  This is where I say you will have to pick this read up to see how this author will bring it all out to the reader.  This is definitely a good love story that will break your heart as it deals with addictions and mental illness with some 'well drawn characters, in a Minnesota setting during the Vietnam War.'  This read definitely left me saying Wow what a good read!

ARC Provided by the Publisher and NetGalley.

The Promise Kitchen By: Peggy Lampman

Book Description....

"Food, friendship, family, and a fresh start. Shelby Preston, a young single mother, is at a crossroads. She feels suffocated by her hardscrabble life in rural Georgia and dreams of becoming a professional chef. Lord knows her family could use a pot of something good. In Atlanta, Mallory Lakes is reeling from a bad breakup. The newspaper food columnist is also bracing for major changes at work that could put her job at risk. Determined to find the perfect recipe for how to reinvent herself, she gets involved in the growing farm-to-table movement. But an emotional setback threatens to derail everything she’s worked for. Shelby and Mallory couldn’t be more different. But through their shared passion for food, they form an unlikely friendship—a bond that just might be their salvation. This heartwarming and lyrical tale reminds us that family isn’t necessarily whom you’re related to—it’s whom you invite to your table. This is a new release of a previously published edition titled Simmer and Smoke; it contains twenty delightful recipes."

Title: The Promise Kitchen
Author:  Peggy Lampman
Publisher:  Lake Union Publishing
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four

"The Promise Kitchen" by Peggy Lampman

My Thoughts....

This story about the lives of Mallory and Shelby who were living near Atlanta, Georgia [after a life altering incident] with very different backgrounds.  Mallory being from a more privileged upbringing and Shelby having to fight for every penny she had.  However, certain events will bring these two together that will prove to be quite interesting...even sometimes humorous twist and turns. Two important questions may be asked...'Will Shelby [single mom] be able to fulfil her dream of becoming a chef and will Mallory get her life back tack and be able to do what she loves?'  to find out the reader will have to pick up this well written story to find out.   This author will give the readers quite a interesting and touching story to see if each of these ladies will be able to 'overcome the adversity they faced.'  At the end of the novel the reader will see the recipes that were mentioned in the story and they do look delicious.  In the end the reader gets the 'culinary back drop that will really put this friendship and family connections together' that I would recommend to you as a good read especially if you are into cooking.

This ARC was given by the publisher and NetGallery in exchange for a honest and unbiased review.

ARC Provided by the Publisher and NetGalley

Echoes Of Family By: Barbara Claypole White

Book Description...

"Sometimes the only way through darkness is to return to where it began.

Marianne Stokes fled England at seventeen, spiraling into the manic depression that would become her shadow. She left behind secrets, memories, and tragedy: one teen dead, and her first love, Gabriel, badly injured. Three decades later she’s finally found peace in the North Carolina recording studio she runs with her husband, Darius, and her almost-daughter, Jade…until another fatality propels her back across the ocean to confront the long-buried past.

In her picturesque childhood village, the first person she meets is the last person she wants to see again: Gabriel. Now the village vicar, he takes her in without question, and ripples of what if reverberate through both their hearts. As Marianne’s mind unravels, Jade and Darius track her down. Tempers clash when everyone tries to help, but only by finding the courage to face her illness can Marianne heal herself and her offbeat family."

Title:  Echoes Of  Family
Author:  Barbara Claypole White
Publisher:  Lake Union Publishing 
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Echoes Of Family" by Barbara Claypole White

My Thoughts....

What a well written story that was so heartbreaking that dealt with bipolar disorder.  The reader can tell that this author puts in much time with much research that was presented about this gripping disease. What will happen are a family is plunged into a crisis that involves mental illness. The main character Marianne was bipolar["a complex, successful woman who happens to be manic-depressive"], flawed and we find her having such a horrible time especially when she goes off of medication that caused her to sink into deep depression that lead to alcoholism and suicide attempts.
This was quite a rollercoaster emotional ride for Marianne.  Will she be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel?

It seems that those who loved her may have received Marianne as 'unpredictable, volatile, violent, evasive and unbearably arrogant.'

The author really gives the readers some well developed characters [Darius, Gabriel and Jade] that were presented being well developed, compelling, portrayed and believable giving us a a real 'true to life dialogue' definitely widening ones insight this disease.  "Echoes of Family" will definitely keep your attention all the way through to the end.  I was found being touched by this read that I would recommend to all to read.  I will say this story is somewhat gritty, tragedy, resilience, heartbreaking but keep on reading to the end because the reader may see some family love too. Now, to see how well this author presents this to her readers you must pick up this good fiction read and see for yourself.

I thought this was a very good read that helps one understand what it is like to have to live with this disease. It was really interesting seeing the love that was their for Marianne and seeing if  her family will finally come to terms of  with it.  One thing is for sure we may know of someone who has this disease...and the burning question is will they be willing to get the help they need?  I loved how this author brings out that "it can be controlled, and there is always hope at the end of the dark and desolate path to sanity."  This will definitely be one of those read that you will remember long after the read.

This ARC was given by the publisher and NetGallery in exchange for a honest and unbiased review.

This Loving Feeling By: Miranda Liasson

Book Description....

"Samantha Rushford’s future looks bright: the high school art teacher is getting ready to leave Mirror Lake and move to Boston with her ambitious boyfriend, and she hopes a diamond ring is just around the corner. But her past still has a hold on her—especially the bittersweet memory of her rebellious ex, who kissed her passionately before he left town without a word.
Since then, Lukas Spikonos has parlayed his rebel ways into life as an up-and-coming recording artist. When he shows up for a surprise gig at the high school prom, Sam is more dumbstruck than starstruck—he used the words of a poem she wrote about their breakup to create a number one hit. But Lukas hasn’t returned just to impress students; he’s facing some real-life responsibilities and needs Sam’s help. But she has her own unresolved issues about the life she wants to lead. Will the music—and the pull of true love and family—put their hearts back in harmony?"

Title:  This Loving Feeling
Author:  Miranda Liasson
Publisher:  Montlake Romance
Series:  Mirror Lake #3
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"This Loving Feeling" by Miranda Liasson

My Thoughts....

When I picked the title I thought to myself I hope this a a good romance.  Well, I will say I picked a winner. This author will give the readers a little something, something that will leave you with a big smile and saying wow, what a  engaging read. I loved this read featuring Samantha and Lukas and his nephew Stevie. Sam and Lukas had been childhood friends but he had abruptly left town twice with no explanation. Why was this?  We find Sam now a Art teacher, thinking she had her life all sewed up[with her senator boyfriend Harris] but when a childhood friend [Lukas] comes back to 'Mirror Lake' will there be a change in her life? What will happen as Lukas comes back to town and now a 'Rock Star' who sings a song at the high school prom using "words of a poem Sam had wrote about their breakup that created a number one hit.  Now, what was up with that?!  Also he brings to town with him his adorable nephew [his brother's child] who was five whom he wanted to adopt?  So, now we have a 'current boyfriend and a celebrity ex. who has a child.'  How will this all turn out especially when Harris thinks it time to get engaged and Lukas finally decides he [and Stevie] wants Sam?  Be ready for a good read with a few twist and turns that will keep you turning the pages to the very end. There were some good characters [I especially liked Effie] that were well developed, portrayed, little humorous and believable giving the reader a wonderful read.  Even though the reader may guess there maybe or will be  a HEA for Sam and Lukas, however, it was fascinating seeing how this author creates quite the tension in this relationship up to the very end.  With Lukas being 'sexy, caring and super person and Sam is kind as well as spunky' all having you say wow!  In the end one gets one excellent small town romantic story.  Even though this is a series it can be read as a standalone.

I received this book from NOR for an honest review.

A Man Of Honor By: Miranda Liasson

Book Description....

"Former Army Captain and venture capitalist Preston Guthrie has always had a thing for Cat Kingston, but he never felt like he could date his best friend’s sister. Plus, he’s a wrong-side-of-the-tracks guy and she’s a white-picket-fence kind of woman. Yet when they met again just before he was deployed, sparks flew. A fire ignited. And the heat was hot. For the first time, he thought a relationship with her might be possible…until an injury in the war changed everything…

Journalist Cat Kingston had a rough couple of years, surviving a broken engagement and the loss of her job. But connecting with Preston last fall seemed right. They shared steamy Skype sessions while he was overseas—until he was wounded, and cut her off without explanation. Now he’s back in town to be the Best Man for her sister’s wedding…and she wants answers.

Preston’s struggling with a leg wound, but the war scarred him on the inside, too. When Cat pays him a surprise visit and her brother catches them in a compromising position, Preston tells him they’re dating. He’s not sure how he can spend the entire wedding week fake-dating her when the chemistry between them feels anything but…"

Title:  A Man Of Honor
Author:  Miranda Liasson
Publisher:  Entangled Publishing LLC
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  Four

"A Man Of Honor" by Miranda Liasson

Welcome to a luscious read featuring Cat and Preston that was the third the 'Mirror Lake' series.  Did I enjoy this read?  Yes,  I found it a little predicable but still a good story of a second chance romance read.  I like how these two had been friends to lover back to friends and then to lovers again. Now why in the world had gone on with these two? Well, we have soldier and then his best friend's sister and from there this author gives the readers one amusing story.  What will happen after Preston is injured both physically and psychologically while he was in the military and from that he pushes Cat away because he feels damaged.  Also Presion had a quite 'jack up childhood.'   As for Cat she is strong and determined and with that how will Cat except this situation of Preston  pushing her away?  What will happen as these two stubborn people have  to come together in Cat's sister's wedding?  I liked how this author write such a compelling story 'that effects our military and their loved ones' and in the end giving the readers one impressive love story dealing with 'true love, loss, pain,real life issues, hope and in the end confidence.'  I liked how the attraction and chemistry that these two had for each other seemed to take over all the tension that seemed to go on taking over everything that happens.  What will happen as Preston fugues it all out?  I will say a times both of these  two main characters frustrated me somewhat but I keep reading and thought that will be quite a journey as it is all figured out on this journey.  Be ready for some fascinating characters that some were well developed, flawed, relatable, portrayed and believable giving the reader a beautiful story that will keep you turning the pages till the end.  Will these two get their HEA?  Well, you will have to pick up this good read to see.  I liked that epilogue!  If you are looking for a 'entertaining, emotional. sweet and fun' read you have come to the right place for "A Man of Honor" will give it all to you that I would recommend.  Beautiful Cover!

I received this book from NOR for an honest review.

A Bird in the Hand By Dane McCaslin

Book Description....

"Take two British expats, transplant them to upstate New York where the local HOA is worshipped and neighbors spy on each other for fun, and you have the makings of murder gone amok.

Caro Layton-Browning, an accomplished writer of mysteries, never imagined she would unwittingly stumble into a series of real-life murders good enough to be in her own books. But when the Cat Lady next door, who Caro is convinced is out to make life miserable for her, is found dead among her feline collection, Caro finds herself in trouble far more dangerous than her neighborhood HOA has ever dished out before. Suddenly she and her professor hubby, Gregory, find themselves on the trail of a murderer far more sinister than Caro's imagination could conjure up.

As the bodies begin to pile up in picturesque Seneca Meadows, Caro sees the possibility of a plot for her newest book, and the killer sees someone who needs to be moved out of the way…permanently."

Title:  A Bird In The Hand
Author:  Dane McCaslin
Publisher:  Gemma Halliday  Publishing
Series:  Proverbial Crime # 1
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"A Bird In The Hand" by Dane McCaslin

My Thoughts...

I found this story quite a entertaining mystery writer/amateur sleuth which involved Caroline and her husband Gregory[the attorney] and let's not leave out their funny dog Trixie.  This story will involve many incidents that will have you laughing. What will happen when this team becomes involved with these murders?  This author will keep the reader trying to figure out who is behind all of these killings as we find Caro a mystery writer and housewife [clumsy] comes upon a murder that leads to several more.  It will be interesting to see how this plays into Caroline's investigations that secrets will come out about some neighbors[HOA] and  politicians that will get her into danger.  You will be drawn into the relationship [the bantering] between the two main characters...Caroline and her husband Gregory. What will happen when Caroline decides to help the police?

 Be ready for a story with a cozy mystery, suspense, romance, twist and turns that seemed to be all over the place, however it will keep your attention.  Oh let's not forget about those baked goods[pastries]! Yummy! To find out what all this is about you will have to pick up the novel and see how this author presents it all to the reader.  Will you be able to learn who the guilty person was before the end?  I DID!  Oh well, it was still a  thought-provoking read.

I received this book from NOR for an honest review.

Tilt A Novel by Emma Pattee

Book Excerpt: " Set over one day, a heart-racing debut about a woman facing the unimaginable, determined to find safety. Last night, yo...