Friday, November 9, 2018

Lady Guardians: Born to Ride Kindle Edition by Janae Keyes


"Josephine McDonald engaged to a man she can’t love and living a life she is only existing in. Josephine has nowhere to escape until she’s introduced to the off the path biker bar and the Lady Guardians. Under the wing of the Lady Guardians, Josephine is reborn as, Jo, and finds the path she’s always belonged on and a love stronger than any drink she’s ever had.
Jo knows one thing to be true, she was born to ride. The Lady Guardians have unlocked the door, but taking the path is Jo’s decision.
Is she willing to defy her family and embark on the ride of her life, or will she shrink back into her hole of depression and submission?"

Title:  Lady Guardians:  Born To Ride
Author:  Janae Keyes
Publisher:  J. K.                      
Series:  Lady Guardians
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Four

"Lady Guardians:  Born to Ride" by Janae Keyes

My Thoughts.....

I enjoyed how this story changed for the good for the heroine Josephine McDonald and karma coming for that fiance William.  It was a delight to see Jo's sister [Harriet] stepping in to help her sister because she really needed it along with the Lady Guardians and Evan being right there when it was so needed. By the end of the story we find Jo was able to finally tell her horrible story and it was even more of a delight to what her mother finally did that added to this story and proving that Jo was definitely a 'Lady Guardian who was 'Born to Ride.'   

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