Monday, October 19, 2020

The Price of Dreams: Faith & Fortune 3 Kindle Edition by Toni Shiloh

Book Excerpt:

"Ballet has always been my life, but one terrible moment may have destroyed everything I’ve worked so hard for—especially my title of Octavia Ricci, principal ballerina. I thought for sure my physical therapist, Dr. Noah Wright, could help me obtain my dream once more, but he wants more than I’m prepared to give.

I’ve seen firsthand the trials of interracial relationships. I’m a product of one myself and promised I’d never put my hopefully-someday kids through that drama. Everyone keeps telling me to let go of other people’s expectations, but I’m just not sure I can. Besides, if my dreams of returning to ballet are futile, what hope is there in seeking unconditional love?"

The Price of Dreams is the third and final book in the Christian Chick Lit series: Faith & Fortune.

Title: The Price of Dreams
Author: Toni Shiloh
Publisher: T.S.
Series: Faith & Fortune Book 3
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"The Price of Dreams" by Toni Shiloh

The Speculation:

I have enjoyed this whole series of Faith & Fortune being so well-written by this author. As in this one, the stories all seem so real and relatable in this interracial relationship as it was for Octavia and Noah. It was so good seeing Octavia finally getting a lover in her life. With an African American mom and a white Italian dad, one could see her thoughts as the truth will come out; where did this really affect her parent's marriage? It was great seeing how Octavia's faith deepen as she gets closer to God with her many thoughts in wanting to please him. So from Octavia's injury and healing, the new relationship with Noah, a new job, and God in her life, how will this all turn out for them? This is where I will say you will have to pick up "The Price of Dreams" to see how well this heartwarming romance will turn out.

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