Monday, September 20, 2021

His Strength in my Weakness: A Journey of Brokenness, Breakthrough, and Transformation Author: Dr. Eurita Taylor

 Book Excerpt:

"“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

God knows our weaknesses and wants to be our strength. He loves us and wants to show His love by protecting and guiding us.

I knew all about God as a little girl attending church regularly. I felt secure then with the knowledge that God loves and wants me. Going to church felt good to me. Then things changed, and with it, my feelings of love and safety vanished. What followed was neglect, abandonment, hospitalizations, wanting to die, and desperate brokenness. My breakthrough came when I returned to God.

This is my story of how God transformed me into the virtuous woman I am today.

Title:  His Strength in my Weakness: A Journey of Brokenness, Breakthrough, and Transformation
Author:  Dr. Eurita Taylor
Publisher:   Xulon Press          
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  Five
"His Strength in my Weakness: A Journey of Brokenness, Breakthrough, and Transformation" by DR. EURITA TAYLOR

My Opinion:  

"His Strength in my Weakness" was a read of a single mother and how God brought her out of her present situation. This author went through some of it all from being a survivor of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.' Reading through her novel, I could only hope, and it was good to see how it worked out in her life-giving her 'a smile and even a laugh again.' It was a good read to see how one's life was taken from 'mess and distress and transformed her into the strong, confident woman she is today.' The title of Dr. Taylor's novel conveys what her life was like and takes one on a  'Journey of Brokenness, Breakthrough, and Transformation.'  The introduction starts with one world...Forgiveness..without that, can we move forward?... Letter to Daddy...And then on from chapters 1-17, the reader gets quite a read of what all Dr. Eurita Taylor went through to get where she is today...from 'Humble Beginnings to Sheer Willpower.'  

What was this novel about that will keep one turning the pages?

As the story from her Eurita deals with her parents and a strange uncle.. harsh disciple moving to the East Coast from the Caribbean... an Antigua...meets and marries Carl... what will happen when the children start coming? ..was this to be a good marriage without God in their lives? ...move to South Bend, Indiana as ...Children continue coming...Friendships...Defeated and Deflated...Sweet Surrender...A New Beginning...Renewed Level of Faith...My God is Real...Sheer the Conclusion. 

It was nice to have in each of the chapters having 'Biblical Applications,' which went along so well this what had happened in that chapter, along with a Prayer offered and several questions asked from the previous read. And at the end...God's all!

To get it all, the reader must pick up and read this novel to understand how Eurita's life changed for her good truly. It was so good to see Eurita having good friends in her life as to Ms. Linda and several pastors that seemed to always be there for her just at the right time. Everyone can use a good friend.   

When Eurita thought she was going into the accounting field with two degrees, it was good to see how her life changed, getting her doctorate Ph.D. in Christian Counseling instead and becoming a Christian Counselor/Motivational doing what God wanted in her life.  

The story was about how 'God transformed Dr. Taylor into the virtuous lady she is today.' It was so good seeing how 'God had taken her life's mess and distress and transformed her into a strong, confident woman' here the 'final chapters of her life [and ours] are still being written.' All in all, this was quite a beautiful read of how one life changed for its good after she got on the right path to receive His word. And it is offered to all who believe in His word. 

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Eurita tells her journey to wholeness following abuse, neglect, and abandonment in #HisStrengthTheBook. I encourage every woman looking for peace and contentment to read this book and connect with the author.


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