Friday, April 15, 2022

My Sister Helped Me Heal- Ebook: The Power of Kingdom Sisterhood Kindle Edition by Chavon Thomas

 Book Excerpt:

"Chavon Anette and an amazing group of women join in an Anthology to share their story about the Powerful gift of Kingdom Sisterhood. The book is about real stories of Sisterhood That helped people move - from broken to a whole - from hidden to walking in purpose - from rejected to accepted - from insecure to confident - from afraid to bold as a lioness."

Title: My Sister Helped Me Heal...The Power of Kindom Sisterhood
Author: Chavon Thomas
Publisher: C.T.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
'My Sister Helped Me Heal' by Chavon Thomas

My Assessment:

This book 'My Sister Helped Me Heal' was a wonderful group of anthologies that these women shared in 'their story about the Powerful gift of Kingdom Sisterhood. As I read through each story, I was moved by how these sisters [authors] helped one understand just what was going on in their lives and how, through Sisterhood, they were able to 'help their sisters heal.

There will be 65 stories and an epilogue of how God worked it all out for these ladies. Some of my favorites anthologies were...The Foreword by Kristal Kear...wonderfully delivered...She Didn't Know What She Carried Until...Nakia Harris...another well-told story, Teach Me to Pray...Ebony Cherry. ...Sisterhood Helped Me Heal...Domonique Peele, ...My Plan Didn't Work...Jessica Simmons,...A Divine Meet-up...Pastor Paulette Harper, "Live with purpose. Don't limit God; stay focused and allow God to take you places you have only imagined."

I am a Woman of Life,...Lakia Perez,...Hidden in insecurity to walking in purpose confidently, ...Antoinette Hines,...The Angel that Helped Me Heal, Michelle Franklin,...Covered,...Dr. Charlene Bellis,...Down but Not Out, ...Melissa L. Bell,... The Drop Could Have Killed Me, But God,...Shelia Cook, Ode to My Sisters, ...Tamia Copeland.

"The book is about real stories of Sisterhood That helped people move - from broken to the whole - from hidden to walking in purpose - from rejected to accepted - from insecure to confident - from afraid to bold as a lioness."

These anthologies were excellent reads; you will get something from each of the various readings. The epilogue lets one see almost their own story in many reads. One is left thinking, what is my story when all is said and done...we all have a story, and having a sister as 'God heals your heart completely and sends sisters your way to help you live and give birth to your purpose.'

This was an outstanding read!

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