Tuesday, October 11, 2022

The Misadventures of Itchy Izzy By N.Y. Dunlap

 Book Excerpt:

"Life has imploded for Isabelle Chavalier, MBA, knocking the silver spoon from her mouth.

Her cushioned inheritance can buy her anything, almost anything. She desperately desires another moment with her mother. Now, a family feud has threatened to rip apart the little sanity Isabelle has left. And with it, all she ever believed in . . . hope. At the edge of hopelessness, the sudden return of an old childhood friend, Peter Stephens, offers Izzy peace. He has heaven in his heart and challenges her disbelief. The once confident Izzy throws all her effort into Peter instead of mourning her mom, leading to mishaps and other desperate measures. And sort of smothering her old best friend too. But is Isabelle Chevalier's obsession with the Spirit of God residing in Peter Stephens or just the man himself? 

If you enjoy Christian Romance stories that pull at your heartstrings, making you laugh, shed a tear, and root for the characters, this is the story for you.

Her cushioned inheritance can buy her anything, almost anything. She desperately desires another moment with her mother.

Now, a family feud has threatened to rip apart the little sanity Isabelle has left. And with it, all she ever believed in . . . hope.
At the edge of hopelessness, the sudden return of an old childhood friend, Peter Stephens, offers Izzy peace. He has heaven in his heart and challenges her disbelief.
The once confident Izzy throws all her effort into Peter instead of mourning her mom, leading to mishaps and other desperate measures. And sort of smothering her old best friend too.
But is Isabelle Chevalier's obsession with the Spirit of God residing in Peter Stephens or just the man himself?

If you enjoy Christian Romance stories that pull at your heartstrings, making you laugh, shed a tear, and root for the characters, this is the story for you.

Title: The Misadventures of Itchy Izzy
Author: N.Y. Dunlap
Publisher: N.Y. D.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"The Misadventures of Itchy" by N.Y. Dunlap

My Assessment:

'The Misadventures of Itchy Izzy' was a good story featuring Isabelle and Peter. Interestingly, this author delivered her story so well to her audience. Both of these characters had lost their mom in one way or another. Izzy had lost her mom through heart complications, and Peter, well, that is quite another story that I will just let you read for yourself. Both of these characters were complex; however, Peter was able to get God into his life, and things were looking up for him. Will Peter be able to help Izzy along this road? Now for Izzy, things were somewhat different, but God had a plan for these two childhood first lovers. Both of these characters had some family members that were off the chart in what was happening, and the reader will have to pick up this novel to see what all that was about. It was great seeing how Peter and Isabelle got back together and how, with God, they were able to ... well, again, I will stop here, not wanting to give too much away. The central part of the story was how faith allowed Izzy and Peter to return to each other at the right time after all that had gone on with their damaged parents. The story is loaded with some very intriguing secondary characters that will have one shaking their heads and saying wow!

'The Misadventures of Itchy Izzy' read it was very entertaining, clean, and wholesome, which will keep one turning the pages to see what was coming next with these two families. So be ready for a good read.

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