Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Before the Beginning: A Spirit and Sanctioned Mate Prequel - Book #0 Kindle Edition by EJ Brock

 Book Excerpt:

"Above the vast span of endless darkness, a brilliant light beams with an iridescent splendor. Streaked with various colors, prisms from that marvelous light cascade downward and pierce the blackness. Amid that kaleidoscopic glow sits a foursquare city. No variation of darkness plagues the city because its glorious illumination is impenetrable. The city is walled off by twelve pearl-sealed gates. Three on each of the city's four jewel-encrusted walls. Within the walls of the city resides a royal throne room. The throne seat is high and lifted up on an altar. It is occupied by the self-existent God. The Alpha and the Omega. The one who is reverently known as The Great I AM."

Title:  Before the Beginning

Author:  E. J. Brock

Publisher:  E.J.B.  October 14, 2021

Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean

Rating:  Five


'I Am The Beginning' by E. J. Brock

My Perception:

'I Am The Beginning' was quite an exciting story about how this author created a unique, fantastical story for the readers. I loved this scripture at the beginning of the read:  "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."  Ecclesiastes 3:11 This scripture gives you a feeling of how this author displays the read.  

I enjoyed reading about these characters: Abba, Word, I AM, Michael, Wrod, YHWH, Free Will, Graviton, and many more, which will keep you turning the pages. I also loved how the verses and scriptures played very well in this story, making one feel like they were there.  

I loved how the beginning of each chapter gave the reader a little title explaining how that chapter deals with how our God created Heaven, the universe, and man. 

This author did an excellent job of bringing this all out, giving us some truth and fantasy in her thoughts about what happened before the creation of Heaven, along with a little more.   This is where you must pick up 'I Am The Beginning' to see how well she brings it all together.

I also love the Epilogue, As it ends with The Beginning: 'And God said, Let there be light: and there was light, and God saw the light, that it was good: God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And the evening and the morning were the First Day! Genesis 1:3-5'

Thank you for an incredible read.

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