Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Dem Folk At Holy Rock (My Son's Wife Book 10) Kindle Edition by Shelia E. Bell

 Book Excerpt:

"Hezekiah McCoy is a free man in more ways than one. He's roaming around seeking a place to establish "New Holy Rock Ministries" and finds himself a first lady to go along with it. Fancy McCoy is determined to live her best life after being duped by a man who was sent by her ex-husband to humiliate her. Dem McCoy Boys are still making their marks and leaving some unforgettable legacies (not necessarily all good ones). Stiles's visits to Holy Rock are growing more frequent. Is it because of his new position or the new lady in his life?"

Title: Dem Folk At Holy Rock
Author: Shelia E. Bell
Publisher: S.E.B. (July 20, 2020)
Series: My Son's Wife Book 10
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Dem Folk At Holy Rock" by Shelia E. Bell

My Perception:
Be ready for many twists, turns, and drama in this series 10, 'Dem Folk At Holy Rock.' We find Hezekiah starting a new church, Holy Rock Ministries, and wanting to employ his brother Stiles as co-pastoring with him, and he seems to be looking for a new first lady. Pepper marries Xaviar, knowing that he is gay but thinking she could change him. Then there was Ian, who seemed to be there for Xaviar. Let's not leave out Fancy and her new guy, and we find that the story continues on and on, keeping the reader turning the pages to see what was coming next. And all that was left to stay was a horrible wedding, especially in how it ended with Khalil and Eiana. I am not sure who I felt more sorrier for... Pepper, Victoria, and Eliana, to name a few.

By the end of this series, we can see that Holy Rock has so many secrets, deceits, and betrayals that you will shake your head and say, "Wow," at the outrageousness of it all.

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