Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Age of Desire

Author: Jennie Fields
Published By: Pamela Dorman Books
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4


"The Age of Desire" by Jennie Fields good historical-biographical fiction novel  read.  This storyline main character was Edith Wharton that really kept you on a roller coaster ride.  I didn't know whether to like her or not .... this just depends on what is going on at the time. Ms. Wharton employee... Anna was really some employee and best friend.  I would love to have had  her friendship!

I do not want to ruin this novel for you but just saying it was a good novel that
will keep you interest from the start till the finish however, sometimes I did
become bored but I hung in there and it was worth it in the end. 

"The Age of Desire" was told from the point of view of two women in the early 1900's.  One of the view points of Edith Wharton and the other from Anna, Edith's governess when growing up and on to now her personal secretary. You will have to pick up this novel to see the how, what and why of it all.  Be ready for a beautiful atmosphere of this novel with 'the French Salons, parties
in London, the gossipy people, the bourgeois lifestyle, and yes the sex.'

If you are interested in a well written read, you have come to the right place for
"The Age of Desire" will be  recommend as a good read for you.

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