Thursday, August 1, 2013

How Shall We Love?

By:  Precarious Yates
Published By:  Createspace
Age Recommended: YA -  New Adult - Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  5

"How Shall We Love?" by Precarious Yates was a well written contemporary Christian fiction read.  You will be taken on a journey like no other as this person(Cornelia Tisdale) will go though 'faith, self-discovery, pain, heartache, fear, and many emotions in between.'  This author did a wonderful job presenting the reader  with 'Cornelia through year life and we see as she grows and finds God through a relationship with his son Jesus.' Cornelia's father is one that is opposed to any thing religious and you will find from the read that 'Cornelia's harshest punishments come when her study of her 5 sureties leads her in that direction.'  How will this come out.... you must pick up "How Shall We Love?" to see how this author will bring these questions out about God, faith and the love that most people do have.'  Also,  that there will be certain issues that this author will bring to the front...'child sexual abuse to homosexuality.'
This novel definitely brings out that these are things that have happened to many young girls ...and not spoken about.  Would I recommend this read?  YES!

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