Thursday, February 27, 2014

To Catch A Creeper: A Crouch End Confidential Mystery By: Ellie Campbell

Title:  To Catch A Creeper: A Crouch End Confidential Mystery
Author:  Ellie Campbell
Publisher:  Across The Pond Press
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  5

"To Catch A Creeper"  by Ellie Campbell was a very interesting mystery that was just a  good that definitely kept you on the edge of your seat and turning page after page till the end.  I couldn't stop reading this one!

This novel  starts  out with Cathy having a new job in an London advertising agency and  having problems getting it together but with the aid of her friend Rosa... she is surviving.   Then this story will take off with so many twist and turns it will almost leave you breathless  just taking it all in. I don't want to leave out the laughing out loud that I did all the way through this entire read.  How  Cathy could get into so many situations that only this author could best give the reader a off the chart amazing  well written read. We go from bad things happening at Cathy's job to her wanting to help a friend's  hubby by catching the 'Crouch End Creeper.'  Now before this will happen many other things will happens... Cathy friend Rosa has pregnancy problems...Cathy loses her job, her husband quits his job, next door neighbor (Mrs. Baker) has problems, then her WOW(Wednesday Once Weekly) group  ...where  a friend's husband who is a transvestite needs her  help and this will lead  the reader to just what this  'Neighborhood Watch'  will do in order to catch this creep. However what all will happen as this group becomes involved... Will there be a manslaughter, murder, assault and/or burglary in this mystery read?  Now, I will say I was a little taken back how secrets were so well kept especially for Cathy which you  will be able to see as you read "To Catch A Creeper."

I found these characters were all simply well developed, well portrayed, colorful and even some were down right funny from the main and secondary ones...starting with Cathy, Declan, Hugh, Josh, Sophie, Rosa, Alec,  Henrietta, Neil, Rosa, Mrs. Baker, Isobel, Larry, Janet,  Shilpa, Peter, Vet, Hank (Henry), Turk, Vivien, Honour, Alice to a few others only giving  this novel one amazing and  humorous read.

By the end  of this novel will Cathy finally get what she wants  to do with her life...will it be working again for Turk at the agency?   What was up with the special ____ that Cathy received and why was that?  Will Mrs. Baker be Cathy's first case in this HPWWOVCS?  Well,  this is where I say to truly understand it all you must pick up "To Catch A Creeper" to find out the answers to these questions and even much more that in the end you will see how this author brings out that these 'Couchenders' were truly a close knit family.  Would I recommend this read?  YES, you will find this novel one delightful good humorous mystery read. 

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