Friday, August 29, 2014

Ryder: Every Man Needs A Ryder By: Angel Williams

Title:  Every Man Needs A Ryder
Author:  Angel Williams
Publisher:  Star City Publications
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book 1
Rating: 4

"Every Man Needs A Ryder"  by Angel Williams

Book Description.....

"Take a ride with Asia as she takes you on a wild ride throughout her drama filled life.

Asia wasn't looking for love but found her Romeo, Stanley, due to a tragic situation she’d gotten herself caught up in.

Stanley was every woman’s dream. He had it all from the hot-boy looks, the demanding demeanor, right down to the life-long line of money.

After seeing Stanley’s true colors and all the drama he came with, Asia got fed up being Stanley's "Ryder" and her eyes landed on the wrong prize!

Will Asia continue being Stanley's Ryder or will she take her love elsewhere?"

Why I read this novel...

I met this author through Facebook and I just wanted to see what she was writing.

What I liked from this novel.....

This was a interesting urban read that will keep your attention from the start till the finish. The author's opening was really a eye opener leaving me to say wow!   This author really knows how to keep you right on the edge of your seat with her presentation of this read.  There will be so much going on that I found myself taking notes because I didn't want to miss any of just who was doing hat in  this read.    What a life for Asia, Stephanie, Stanley, Tayvon (Ty) Mr. Big, Killer Sean, Rome Tangie to name a few characters. The characters were all over the chart but for the most part were well portrayed, developed and oh so believable as this author gives us a interesting read.  Be prepared for lots of drama, sex  as well as lots of killings.  This is definitely not for the younger readers. 

Will Asia get the  genuine love she needs and wants  so badly.  Her life had been so awful...mother dying, her father leaving without a trace of being found, living on the streets... but one thing for sure her friend Stephanie her best friend.  Her friend was there  for her no matter what came about.  But was this true?  With them being so tight would there be anything to separate them? Then there was Stanley who seemed to be a God send at first but as time went on was he? Did he not know that he had a 'ryder' in Asia?   What was up with Ty to had held something so close that he was just waiting for the right time to....  well,  this is where I say you must pick up "Every Man Need A Ryder" to see how this author will bring it out to the reader. Oh... I'm sorry this will be one of those reads that will leave you hanging so I guess we will have to wait for Book 2 to see where, who, what, how and the why for the ending of this read. 

What I didn't like about this novel...

There were sections in the read that I was left saying who is saying what....who is the person that is talking now?  I found myself having to go back and reread to find out the answer.  This was probably due to the fact that there is so much going on you could miss something important and I didn't want to miss any of it.   Then there was that best friend of Asia...Stephanie...I don't know but I do have some questions about her.  Hopefully I am wrong... Well, I will say for Asia sake  I hope I am!

My overall impression...

By the end of this read... "Ryder:  Every Man Needs a Ryder" will have  taken the reader on a roller coast ride with Asia and a few more characters  as  you will  be lead on some interesting spins on and off.   Be ready for a  wild ride that will be filled with so much drama and  I am sure  the reader can expect even more to  come in this author's next  Book 2 read.

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