Sunday, December 17, 2017

Burnt Orange by Meiah Shaun

Book Description....

"A coming-of-age story of Erin and Erika, Texas twins in an abusive home in a town segregated by white and black color lines, who are wounded by the revealing of a shocking family secret and long to escape their circumstances and erase what they have been labeled. Follow their journey in this compelling novel filled with inspiration and triumph."

Title:  Burnt Orange
Author:  Meiah Shaun
Publisher:  Redemption Press   
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Burnt Orange" by Meiah Shaun

My Thoughts.....

I found "Burnt Orange" quite a interesting incredible read that focus on twin girls [fraternal]...Erika and Erin living in Orange, Texas in the 1990's.  This coming of age read takes the reader into a emotional read as these twins suffered a type of abuse like no other coming mainly coming from their father.  The author takes the story from early childhood, teenagers and on through young womanhood.

It was interesting see their girls grow and mature to womanhood as you continue to read.  I love the fact that they had a grandmother around them when they really need her due to that father.  I wondered a lot about the father and why he was the way he was in this story and at the end I was able to maybe understand why he had been the way he was toward his children due to what the twins had done. However, it still was no reason for the way he had treated them...especially Erin.  Now, I don't want to spoil it for you the reader so you will have to pick up this story that is  'well written novel, detailed, and engaging and see for yourself.  It was quite interesting seeing Erin and Erika growing up and even overcoming some of their many difficult s they had endured during their childhood. One thing that was for sure their mother had instilled some wonderful 'Christian' values that had grounded them in their adulthood. Truly forgiveness is a powerful thing!   This was a really emotional, powerful  journey that Erika and Erin had endured and in the end...well again you will have to pick up this read to see how this author bring  it all comes out so well to the reader.  Would I recommend?  YES!

Thank you to the author for letting me read your novel and  giving my honest opinion of this interesting story.  

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