Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Sexually Assaulted: Only Jesus Could Heal Me (Empowered Christian Women Book 1) By: Connie Bryson

Book Description....


Underneath every voice that cries out for justice beats a resilient heart. It's a heart that longs to be truly loved and respected, despite the horrors of enduring sexual harassment and assault. In this brave autobiography, Connie Bryson comes forward for the first time to take her place among today's empowered women. It started in her early teens and persisted throughout her career as a model and an actress. There seemed no way out.

Sexually Assaulted - Only Jesus Could Heal Me, reveals the stories of Connie Bryson's ongoing attacks of abuse. She expresses her fears and doubts of any hope for normality in her life, and how one day revelation came to her from God. Although it took many years to overcome the stains on her heart--as Jesus led her--she learned how to halt them from saturating her mind. And freedom came."

If you've been a victim of sexual harassment or assault, you may have questions:

* How can I overcome the shame I've suffered?
* Will I ever be able to forgive the people who've assaulted me?
* How can I trust someone to love me for me?
* Can these deep-seeded scars really be healed?
* Can I trust Jesus with my heart? 
Be released from your past, and start a new!

Whether you read this book on your own or with a support group for assaulted women, be encouraged by the revelation Connie received. Learn about the regard Jesus still has for women. Discover how He wants to heal you today.
Title:  Sexually Assaulted:  Only Jesus Could Heal Me
Author: Connie Bryson
Publisher:  C. B.        
Series: Empowered Christian Women Book 1
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  Five

"Sexually Assaulted:  Only Jesus Could Heal Me" by Connie Bryson
My Thoughts....

This was a beautifully written story that is so helpful for all who have suffered with being 'Sexually Assaulted.'  Definitely being healed by God from having gone through a sexual assault and abuse was really something that this author went through and shared in detail with the readers about what had happened in her life.  This author leaves nothing out taking the reader through all she had suffered but in the end coming out triumphantly from being a victim to a victor.  As I read through this story I found all of it was definitely not always beautiful read but in the end this author [Bryson] learns many things and one I know to be very important and that was being able  to  'forgive her attackers, abusers' and knowing our God is there to see you through it all.  I was left thinking that this is definitely a good read for all who have suffered this type of abuse and seeing just how one made it through.  Yes, you can come out of this as a victor! I also enjoyed the 'Healing Scriptures' at the end of the read that went along so well with the read.  Thank you to the author for a very enlightening read that I know will be of help to many.

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