Saturday, September 1, 2018 the moon and back (Anne Book 1) Kindle Edition by PATRICIA ASEDEGBEGA NIETO


"Is there always a light at the end of every tunnel? 26 year old Anne is seriously beginning to question if she is ever going to find it. After a series of devastating blows, the young nurse finally catches a break; Ben, the love of her life asks her to marry him and it suddenly feels like she can start to smile again. But Anne has a secret that is threatening to destroy it all and this time, there is no easy way out. Will she be able to beat the odds and have the happy ending she has always longed for?"

Title: the moon and back
Author:  Patricia Asedegbega Nieto
Publisher:  PATRICIA ASEDEGBEGA NIETO                
Series:  Anne Book 1
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

" the moon and back"  By:  Patricia Asedegbega Nieto

My Thoughts....

What a read that will keep you on the edge of your seat as you are turning the pages to see what was coming next.  This was a story about Anne and Adrian from Nigeria who had come together rather strangely [her illness] as he had saved her life and offered her marriage.  Why did Anne consent to this? Wasn't Anne engaged to Ben?  This was definitely not a marriage of love because these two didn't know each other.  Still there was something that at caught Adrian's eye and he seemed to know she was the one for him. However, will this marriage last as there will be a whole lots of problems coming from Adrian's two friends.   As a matter of fact there will be all kinds of drama and emotions as this story presents that will keep your eyes on certain characters that will leave one shaking your head and wondering what were they really thinking.  The ending of this novel was rather abruptly done that really left me with several questions that I would love answered, so maybe that will be addressed in another series? After all said and done " the moon and back"  was still a well written delightful read  that I would recommend as a good read.   

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