Monday, February 25, 2019

No more Secrets Kindle Edition by Breanna J


"Who said there's no problems amongst people in the church. Harmony is proof of that. With being a pastor's daughter, she has always lived in a glass house along with the rest of her family. But she quickly finds out that even in a glass house secrets are kept. From murder to adultery, to homosexuality. Harmony world goes upside down, and no matter how much each person prays to keep their secret cover, they all keep unfolding. Lines will be crossed; lies will be told to cover the truth and hearts will be broken. The only thing to determine is if faith can keep a family that supposes to be following Christ together when all is said and done."

Title: No More Secrets
Author: Breanna J.
Publisher: B. J.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"No More Secrets" by Breanna J.

My Rationalization:

"No More Secrets" was quite some read that will leave you really having feelings for Harmony. It seems like this pastor daughter, girlfriend and sister had so much on her plate that when all of these secrets came tumbling out it will only put Harmony in such a state at the end that she was tired of it all. With her feeling, she had no one to turn to how will this story end for Harmony? Well, be ready for a cliffhanger because you will have to get the rest of the story from the next read by this author. All that is left to say is wow what a well-written read about this church family that will leave you shaking your head and thinking "The only thing to determine is if faith can keep a family that supposes to be following Christ together when all is said and done."

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