Thursday, June 27, 2019

GIRL WATCHING YOU Kindle Edition by J.A. Schneider



"A young woman, obsessed by a man she considers a predator, climbs a fire escape and thinks she sees a murder.

Out of work actress Ava Beck, reduced to working in a West Village flower shop, starts to watch handsome, womanizing hedge funder Peter Greer, who lives near. He likes to romance his girlfriends with flowers.

Ava notices bruises on his troubled-looking date named Chloe. Concerned, she follows them after work to Chloe's studio, second floor in the rear of a brownstone. She hears them arguing, and climbs up the fire escape just as Greer angrily sees her. Panicked, she runs back down, figuring it's just a break-up fight. 

Next day, she hears with horror that Chloe has been murdered. Her guilt - I could have saved her. I should have banged on the window - deepens upon hearing there's been no arrest; Greer has an alibi. Ava feels revenge-obsessed; her sister was killed by a powerful man who got away with it. 

She goes after Greer: ignores police warnings not to, and plunges into a world of stunning twists, murder, and madness worse than any she could have imagined..."

Title:  Girl Watching You
Author:  J.A. Schneider
Publisher:  J.A.S. 
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  Five

"Girl Watching You" by J.A. Schneider

My Rationalization:

This was indeed a good psychological thriller with lots of mystery and suspense that will keep you turning the pages to see what was happening next.  This author really knows how to keep the readers' attention.
I found this 'out of work actress Ava Beck' kept herself busy in other people's business as she was for Peter Greer. With Peter coming to the West Village Flower Shop along with his date Chloe,  Ava 'notices bruises' and one thing lead to another [as she starts watching this hedge funder] and before you know it she becomes involved in this situation. But was Ava watching the right person?   Let's not leave out all the other interesting and intriguing characters that will leave the reader with some 'stunning twist, that turns to murder and will leave you shaking your head wondering who in the world is doing this?  When I thought I knew who it was well by the end of the story I found out I was entirely wrong. It was well I will leave that to you picking up the good read to see just who it was.  

l will say I didn't care for the way Ava got herself so involved into all of this mess and even when she had been told by several people to be careful, however, she preceded on. So, I will say what happened to her wasn't a surprise at all.  So, to find out who did what, why and so much more you will have to pick up the well-written story to see how it will all play out.  I will say I was indeed surprised and the ending I found it somewhat shocking to me also but when it comes to love I guess certain things unexpectedly will work out.  

If you are looking for good psychological thriller suspenseful mystery you have come to the right place for "Girl Watching You" will give it all to you.  

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