Monday, June 24, 2019

We Are One by Muriel Gladney


"God declared in the beginning that the woman is an essential part of His plan to rule and reign over the earth. The 20th-century spiritual redemption of author Muriel Gladney proves beyond doubt that mankind’s fall from grace did not nullify God's plan or the woman’s vital role in the government of Jesus Christ.
Faith is the final frontier for the body of Christ. The mission of We Are One is to serve as a spiritual mode of transportation that will encourage women to explore a whole new world of complete trust in Jesus. 
Those who embark upon this journey will boldly go where only a few have ever gone before. Upon arrival at God’s envisioned destination, women will see for themselves what thus saith the Lord about their Declared, Appointed, and Unchanged Purpose, in His plan.
Each generation of women has been searching for one answer for years. For the first time, in We Are One, women will understand why they have been pursued like prey. Lives will be changed forever by this biblical truth. In addition, the personal stories in We Are One clearly demonstrate an important fact. Neither race, religion, nor age, has altered the goal of the enemy of God.
Nevertheless, victory is guaranteed."

Title:  We Are One
Author:  Muriel Gladney
Publisher:, Inc. 
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  Five

"We Are One" by Muriel Gladney

My Rationalization:

I really enjoyed "We Are One" by this author.  This definitely gave the reader to truly understand 'in We Are One, women will understand why they have been pursued like prey."   I loved the personal stories that this author delivered to us from "Pilar Garcia, Gwendolyn Madison, Mary Anne Cortus, Makeda, Liza G, and Sonja Ridewout."  

The "author's prayer and hope are that the Word of God along with these true stories will inspire and encourage women to stand up and step into their ordained assignment and tell the devil, No More."    

I loved this part of this beautifully written script that talks about 'What's Love Got to Do With it?  Everything!    "The following are eight things that Love does, and eight things that Love does not do:  Love is:

"long-suffering, kind, bears all things, trustful, hopeful, patient, rejoices om triumph of truth and never fails.

And on the other hand, Love is never:

envious, boastful, conceited, behave unbecomingly, self-seeking, provoked, or counts up wrongs and rejoices at evil hurtful things.  

Now to get all the meaning to "W Are One" you will have to pick up the wonderful well-written read to get all that this author has presented so well to the reader.  After each chapter, the author presents to the reader a study guide that gives you quite a few questions to discuss and think overlong after the read.  

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