Monday, June 22, 2020

No Shade Sis Kindle Edition by Niki Jilvontae

Book Excerpt:

"Shade can be that cozy spot under your favorite tree or that comfy chair on grandma's porch. It can be a place of comfort, offer relief, or refuge on a hot, sunny day. Shade can also be regarded as a subtle diss from someone too scared to be direct. The latter proves to be the definition in this brilliantly woven tale. Come on this day in the life adventure told by the Word Chemist, Esha Sharday, and find out what the phrase, "No Shade Sis" really means. Experience love, loss, triumph, and tragedy as you read about the most pivotal 24hours of this teenage girl's life. Will Esha Sharday rise above the Shade? Come on this heart wrenching, emotional thrill ride and find out!"

Title: No Shade Sis
Author: Niki Jilvontae
Publisher: N. J.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"No Shade Sis" by Niki Jilvontae

My Speculation:

I found "No Shade Sis" was an excellent read that was simply leaving you saying, wow, what a read!
When I first started reading this incredible story, I wasn't sure where it was taking me, but I will say what this author produced was indeed a work of art in its presentation. The 'No Shade Sis' began with Esha having to get it all out, and with the help of her cousin and friend, it was ready to be put out there. The story will take a turn when Esha gives thought to all of the Shade that has gone on in her life, and things will take a turn. Now I will stop here and say you will have to pick up this read to see how these twists will turn in the story will come out. Seeing Esha rise over the Shade was quite a beautiful thing for all of those who had persecuted her from her mom, sister, neighbor, and some so-called friends. All that is left to say is that I genuinely enjoyed the story, and the ending was wonderful. 

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