Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Girl Show Up For Your Life! Kindle Edition by Amber G.

Book Excerpt:

"After my mother’s death, I started my movement by posting the statement Girl, Show Up for Your Life as a way to heal. After that, slowly but surely, people began reaching out to me, telling me that statement impacted them somehow. I didn’t understand what it was about me, but I was attracting women who wanted to tell me their stories.

In one week, I received stories from three different women who experienced abuse or were still experiencing abuse in some form. I knew I had to do something, but what? Because one thing I have learned is that you can talk to someone all day till you are black and blue in the face, but your offer to help people means nothing until they are ready to take those steps.

Many reasons why this would happen came to mind, fear, unhappiness, or being stuck. One thing I hadn’t done was to tell my story. It was time for me to speak my truth and share how I was able to pull myself out of the deep dark place that I was headed."

Title:  Girl Show up for Your Life
Author:  Amber G.
Publisher:  A.G.   
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  Five

"Girl Show Up For Your Life!" by Amber G.

My Speculation:

All that is left to say after reading 'Girl Show Up For Your Life' is Wow this was a good read of what this person when through to get to where she is today.  As I was reading this novel I was thinking of all that this person had gone through with her mother's situation, her daughters, even herself, and let's not leave out all of the drama that she was able to get the meaning out of all that had gone on in her life. I am meaning what God had for her life because she went through a lot until she started her movement 'Girl, Show Up For Your Life' as she was able to heal after her mom's death.    

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