Monday, July 27, 2020

Held Captive by a Criminal's Heart Kindle Edition by B. Love

Book Excerpt:

"Silky, a High School Guidance Counselor, has never known love like what he's experienced with his wife. Tender, intentional, and devoted... one look in her eyes and the world stops turning — until he's hauled away in the middle of the night, arrested on murder charges. When those telling eyes begin to drip with doubt, love doesn't look the same.

Siara, a CPA, has her world rocked from the bottom when the love of her life is accused of murdering his ex-wife. Holding true to her vows, Siara stands by his side until the day he is released from prison; however, home doesn't feel the same. Trust is no longer satisfied but becomes a lingering question.

Did Silky kill his ex-wife? And if he did, is Siara in danger of meeting the same demise? Or will another truth arise and allow them to reclaim their love?"

 Title: Held Captive by a Criminal's Heart
Author: B. Love
Publisher: B.L.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Held Captive by a Criminal's Heart" by B. Love

My Speculation:

Wow-what a read that will leave you utterly shocked at the way this story played out. The author did give the reader one excellently good read as the story goes into its 'mystery, love, murder, hate, and revenge.' It was so good seeing how well Siara knew something was wrong and took action to find out what was going on with her husband. To find out what was going on, you will just have to pick up "Held Captive by a Criminal's Heart" to see what was going on with Silky.

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