Thursday, March 25, 2021

GIVING VOICE TO TRUTH God’s Heart for Racial Unity Pastor Erven A. Kimble

 Book Excerpt:

"The real purpose and reason I decided to engage in this project are to promote the transformational life of Christ that affords every believer a spiritual new identity as a child of the King. I hope that this work will highlight Jesus Christ as the only answer to this historically unmatched blight on human civilization caused by slavery in America and the remnants of systemic racism that continue to plague our culture today. To get a sense of the division and strife around this topic, one needs only surf the cable news channels or the internet. One thing that rings clear is the heightened level of racial divisiveness in our country's culture; the separation lines are clearly drawn. Have you ever wondered: What is it that is really at play here? There seems to be an ever-widening increase in the differences between racial lines in America and even the rest of the world. It is evident that amid these challenges expressed in each news cycle, there is no clear Christian expression — there are hardly any declarations that reflect “The Voice of God.” There is no doubt that some religious leaders speak out; however, many voices speaking on this issue express their own social or political points of view. When it comes to how our culture should address the issue of race in America, the voice of God is deafeningly silent. The public dialogue continues without much or specific input from the contemporary Christian community. The body of Christ in America, as a whole, is quite divided along racial lines; this is reflected in the split within the contemporary Church along political party lines and social policies. There is preaching about how we ought to, how we should, or how we want to treat one another as children of God. Each voice declares that they are on the right side of history or the right side of the political spectrum — but what about being on the right side of God?"

Title: Giving Voice To Truth God's Heart for Racial Unity
Author: Pastor Erven A. Kimble
Publisher: E.A.K.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Giving Voice To Truth God's Hear for Racial Unity" by Pastor Erven A. Kimble

My Opinion:

The author did a wonderful job "to promote the transformational life of Christ that affords every believer a spiritual new identity as a child of the King." I could agree to get a sense of the division and strife that exist from this topic; all that is needed is to go on the internet and the news cable channels that we watch daily. And yes, one will be able to see the 'racial divisiveness' that is in our culture where the lines of separation are very much shown. So, what is this 'ever-widening of differences that are there along the racial lines all over the world? Are there "any declarations that will reflect the Voice of God?" I agree that "when it comes to how our culture addresses the issue of the race in American, the voice of God is very silent on that issue." Why are we as 'the body of Christ, divided along racial lines?' I agree that this has to do with the 'reflected in the split with the contemporary Church along the political party lines and social policies.' Yes, "we are preached about how we ought to, how we should, or even how we want to teach one another as a child of God but are they on the right side of history or the right side of the political spectrum...but in the end, I must agree isn't it about being on the right side of God?" I received much of the above information from this author's description, and the reader will give one much to ponder over long after the read.

I enjoyed reading through "Giving Voice to Truth" in how the author gives it to the reader in six parts:

In each of these parts, there is something for us to think long and hard about...

Part 1: The Challenge: The Motivation, The Importance of Having Difficult Conversations

Part 2: Revelation: Willing to See What We Really Don't See, Closet Racist: My Encounter, Prideful Mentality, Victim's Mentality, Greed Mentality & Fear Motivation

Part 3: Illumination: The Complicity: Slavery and Racism, Recent Apologies for Slavery and Racism, The Catholic Church, The Southern Baptist Convention, United Methodist Church, The Episcopal Church, The Nest Step for the Church & What Is the Cost for the Local Church to Speak Out

Part 4: Unification Vs. Integration: The Call to the Church, The Failure of Desegregation, The Value Proposition, The White Culture and Assimilation, The Challenges to Unification, Living Between Two Worlds, Confession/Release/Forgiveness & Forgiving a System Vs. Forgiving a Person

Part 5: No Longer the Son of a Slave: The Sons of Slaves and the Sons of Slave Masters, Liberating the Sons and the Daughters, Deliverance From a Slave's Mentality, From Sons of Slaves to the Children of the King, & No Longer the Son of a Slave

Part 6: Conclusion: Overview, What Must Happen? What's Next?

From this author, yes, most people understand "the irrefutable reality is that there is systemic racism in America," which is so sad to say. "Giving Voice to Truth God's Heart for Racial Unity" was truly a "good book that was aimed at a Biblical premise and approach to establishing an unfeigned dialogue in addressing the issue of systemic racism in America."

If you are interested in how well this author gives his interpretation of this good read of "Giving Voice To Truth: God's Heart of Racial Unity," you should pick up this read and see for yourself how well this author brings it all out to the reader. To get it all, you will have to pick this up and see for yourself how well everything is brought out to you.

I liked this quote: "Do read this book! You will understand so many things so much more fully if you do."

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