Monday, May 9, 2022

Beau: The Secret Billionaire Society Book 4 Kindle Edition by Nancy Pennick

 Book Excerpt:

"Beau must rise to the challenge to get his fortune back in this captivating romantic suspense series, The Secret Billionaire Society.

Six billionaires. One unforgettable birthday bash. Now their livelihoods are in the hands of a stranger. Each is tasked with a mission. If one fails, they all fail. Billionaires, no more. Steady and calm under fire Beau Miller is fourth in line to get his assignment from the ominous, covert Smith. Tech and security are his game, so Beau doesn’t flinch when assigned to help a small business eradicate a virus attacking their computers. He plans a quick in and out to complete his mission in record time. But, everything changes when Tess Roberts greets him at the office. Beau’s immediately taken by her. What he believed was a simple job turns perilous when Tess disappears."
*This is a standalone read.*

Title: Beau: The Secret Billionaire Society Book 4
Author: Nancy Pennick
Publisher: N.P.
Series: The Secret Billionaire Society Book 4
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"Beau" by Nancy Pennick

My Assessment:

This Secret Billionaire Society Book Four deals with Beau and Tess. We find that Beau had been hired by the 'Robert Sisters'...Tess and Sherri take care of a computer virus while he also is undertaking to uncover a stalker and let's not leave out falling in love with the woman of his dreams. Be ready for plenty of twists, turns, secrets, lies, and suspense, as Mr. Smith becomes an essential person in this series. Who is this mystery man...Mr. Smith? Also, be ready for some exciting characters [Tess, Corey, Sherri, Andre, and Beau] that will keep you turning the pages and guessing to see what will be coming next.

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