Monday, May 9, 2022

Meet NORMAN (The Lewis Series Book 3) Kindle Edition by Niki Jilvontae

 Book Excerpt:

"We began a turbulent, gory, heart-wrenching journey with The Lewis Family as they discovered old habits die hard. That discovery led to the Sins of a Misfit bringing up old demons. Now it’s time to Meet NORMAN in this psychological thriller that will follow two generations of Misfits as they hunt the demon from their past, Abaddon. With new Misfits in play like Norman’s son Dahmer, the Gen Z killers have a lot to prove, and their insatiable appetites for blood, fear, revenge & even flesh must now be fulfilled. Tune in to see how bright their little lights will shine in this gruesome trilogy if you dare…"

Title: Meet Norman
Author: Niki Jilvontae
Publisher: N.J.
Series: The Lewis Series Book 3
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Meet Norman" by Niki Jilvontae

My Assessment:

All that is left to say about 'Meet Norman' was wow...what a psychological thriller read. Norman and his son Dahmer... were kin to the Lewis family, in their world, with talents off the chart, as they are 'hunt the demons from their past, Abaddon, prove their insatiable appetites for blood, fear, revenge, and even flesh.' Will these two fit into this generation of Misfits? Will they accomplish their journey of finding Star Lewis? Will their 'bright little lights shine in this gruesome trilogy? To get it all from this story, you will have to pick up this read and also the other two series to fully understand the brilliant way this author brings it all out to the reader. And then we are left with another series, book 4, where we find out their greatest power is their ability was 'To Be Silent!'

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