Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Colton & Chloe: The Revisiting Love Series Kindle Edition by Celeste Granger

 Book Excerpt:

"Voices of concern echo around Chloe Russel-Knowles because of her intimate connection to Colton St. Clair. Demons from her past attempt to placate her, persuade her, daring to impede her current focus. Yet, Chloe is determined to love whom she loves despite the condemnation of others. She loves Colton with an abiding love extending from this life into the next. Colton loves Chloe with savage intensity. His desire to honor, love, and protect her against anything or anyone is without question. But, that love will be put to the ultimate test as forces greater than they could imagine dare to silence their love story forever."

Title: Colton & Chloe
Author: Celeste Granger
Publisher: C.G.
Series: The Revisiting Love Series
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Colton & Chloe" by Celeste Granger

My Assessment:

'Colton and Chloe' was an excellent short read of what it means when you are in love. Not letting anyone, including one's parents and best friend, interfere when it came to their relationship. The trip to Africa was quite a read in all that happened on that trip; however, Colton was determined to get what he wanted, and that was Chloe. There were a lot of twists and turns that happened in the story, but in the end, these two got the happiness they so deserved.

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