Monday, June 17, 2024

The Governor's Wife by Tanisha Stewart

 Book Excerpt:

"He was sent to do one job.

Get rid of the man the Governor's wife was sleeping with.
single shot was fired, and the mission should have been accomplished.
Instead, he shot the wrong person.
And now there's a
 bounty on his head.

The Governor's Wife is a fast-paced action thriller about a man who had one mission but failed. Unbeknownst to him, that failed mission would unfold a whirlwind of conspiracies, secrets, and lies."

Title:  The Governor's Wife
Author:  Tanisha Stewart
Publisher:  T.S.
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  Five
"The Governor's Wife" by Tanisha Stewart

My Thoughts:

'The Governor's Wife' was a good read with mystery, thriller, and suspense. It was exciting to see how a person who was running for political office is in such a mess that involves him having someone killed. But the funny thing about this was someone knew of this man's doings. I felt somewhat sorry for Samantha because she had to tell me after a while that her slick husband, Jeffrey, didn't love her. But, oh well...he was not only rich but 'evil, abusive, murder, drama, calculating,' and you could go on naming other things that fit him to a t. 

Be ready for the twists and turns when the story starts to unravel. You will keep turning the pages to see how this story ends. Who will be alive when it's all said and done?    This is where you must pick up this story to see how well this author brings it all together for the reader and see whether there will be another love interest for another particular two?

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