Friday, March 29, 2013

Withur We

Author: Matthew Bruce Alexander
Published By: Createspace
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 4


"Withur We" by Matthew Bruce Alexander was a long, long read but it was full of many struggles for Alistair Ashley III in this good 'science fiction' read. I found this read to be divided in several different sections...part one dealing with this Marine who has returned home to Aldura, but finding his world had changed for the worst...finding the 'government was micromanaging not only the services that they delivered but the personal lives of its citizen these services were meant to be served.' Being upset by this due to what had happened to his father, this 'Ex-Maine,' along with some other citizens to fought the government. Now the bureaucrats (government) are after them. Part 2, we find Alistair is now in prison beyond civilization where he leads another revolution to to expose this technology race that is so superior that has been monitoring the population of the barren prison planet. We find in this prison there were not laws. It was every man for himself and hardly no women were there. In Part 3, we find Alistair has escaped from prison and after returning home he now finds that really their had been no changes in this government process. Leaving you to wonder too, was it worth it all? Now, having said that I would definitely say to you to pick up "Withur We" and see for yourself how this author gives the reader the where, when, what and how of it all for in this good read. You will have questions that will really make you think with all of the corruption that is even around us today. You will see several forms that can lead to 'socialism, capitalism, anarchy and libertarianism,' Where is the freedom...liberty and justice for all? This story presents a well written novel with a plot with well developed characters. Yes, it was a long read but a page turner definitely keeping you wanting to know what was coming next. "Withur We" will give you something to think about long after you put it down. 

To see more reviews by this readers...check http://Arlena's Book

The Trouble With Sin

Author: Victoria Vane
Published By: V.V.
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5


"The Trouble With Sin" by Victoria Vane was another one of this author's Devilish Vignette #2 romance series that was beautifully done in her own way of writing and storytelling. In this short read we find the three friends back together again which as we all know will only lead to mischief during their younger years. I found this read making me laugh so hard at some of the things that were going on from these guys, especially Simon, with his love of life and the women. SIMON LOVED HIM SOME WOMEN! Now, we see that Simons' allowance has been partly cut off by his father, so he must earn a living to make up this difference and so he could keep up with his style of living. "He loves poetry, calling himself a poet...and writes lewd verses for a 'bawdy house'...For Simon found a way to earn needed coins by writing salacious poetry...really highlighting each of the ladies special charms." OMG! What happens when Simon's mom and dad well... now, I will stop here and tell you to pick up "The Trouble With Sin" to see how this author writes such a colorful adventure way that only Ms. Vane can do leading us up to
want more! The characters that were added in the short read will be very captivating keeping you turning the pages where you will be anxiously waiting to see just where this author will take us... and only waiting for the next series...'The Jewel of the East.' I can't hardly wait to see what Ms. Vane has instore for us next.

Thank you for a good enjoyable read of "The Trouble With Sin" Ms. Vane.

To find other reviews of this author please check out Arlena's Book Reviews
http://Arlena's Book


Thursday, March 28, 2013

To Find a Love Like Ours

Author:  Nikki Walker
Published By:  N.W.
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5


"To Find a Love Like Ours" by Nikki Walker was a wonderful sweet romance novel that was enjoyed that did have some christian overtones.  I found the hero and the heroine quite a pair.  I also enjoy seeing how the two were matched up from the very beginning  at their work place.  Yes, the heroine had high morals and it only  takes one fall but in the end she was able to see that she was truly love by the hero, her family and God.  Was this a christian
book?...Yes, it had its points that would lead you there with the moral that the heroine professed to have had.  What I enjoyed was how the author was able to pick her up...I love the speech that the mother (Eva Howard) gave to her daughter and son-in-law. I really thought that was so beautiful.  Philip had complained to Mrs. Howard over  trying to make his wife happy.

 Here are some of the quotes from that conversation:

 "Well, Philip that's because it's not your responsibility to make my
 daughter happy.  You can enhance her happiness, add to it,
 complement but you cannot be the source of Desire's happiness.
 ...And conversely Desire can't be the source of your happiness.
 ...It's up to each of us to individually tap into what our purpose in
 life is.  ...Desire has lived with her spirituality being the center of her
 life for a long and now she's feeling a bit lost.  But once she regains
 her balance, you will see some of the old Desire."
Yes, the heroine was a only child and her parents had high standards for her...nothing wrong with that...but when things went wrong she knew that she needed forgiveness from God. What Desire really needed was to love and forgive herself.  Would she be able to do this?  In the end  will everything be worked out between Desire and her new husband and they become  addicted to each other?  Now, this is the time that I will say you must pick up "To Find a Love Like Ours" to see how this author will present it all to us. 

I thought the characters very likable and well presented in this novel.  I read "To Find a Love Like Ours" in one setting because after I started it I wasn't able to put it down until the end.
I love romances and I enjoyed "this read. Would I recommend it? YES!

To see this and more of Arlena's Book Reviews please visit her blog page:
at http://Arlena's Book

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Author:  Debbie Brown
Published by:  Mythos Press
Age Recommended:   YA - Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"Emma" by Debbie Brown was so cute romantic fantasy read that was enjoyable.  I liked the details used that this author presented to us in  this wonderful novel.  "Emma" moved smoothly going from the real into the fantasy and back and forth.  We find Emma, a nurse and teacher had not been home for five years.  Why? Her parents had been dead for five years due to a horrible flying accident.  Now, Emma is back where she had been raised on a ranch.  Emma had thought of selling but after arriving back at the farm, she thought again about not selling it.  Was she leaving really leaving the city? Two Feathers who was a shaman, had been keeping the farm up for her over these pasted five years.  Would she sell this farm?  Two Feathers had said to her "In the end, it doesn't matter  where you live, As long as you are truly alive" and Emma now really was feeling quite different ....she was alive with her horses, cow, chickens and dog, Bo.  Emma had told her roommates (Renata and Maggie) that she would sell her place while  taking a rest from her nursing and teaching. However,  Emma was feeling so  alive she  worked a few days for the Doctor William Westerman(as a nurse) while she took care of her farm place, with some help from 'Two Feather.'   But things will not stay the same for Emma...while on a ride on 'Ruby' one evening he finds a  John Doe...was he a alien, 'military test pilot, a star brother (due to his coming from the sky like he had done)?  He had amethyst colored eyes...only to find out out later his name was Dthau Mahsz which Emma had pronounced Thomas until he told her better. We find out Dthau Mahaz's people were from the first planet the forefathers had seeded in the galaxy.  "Then I guess he had left the city too."  Now we find Emma being a nurse was taking good care of this alien with amethyst eyes..was she beginning to have some feelings for him?  Now, this is where I will stop and let you pick up this well written story and see where  all the author will take the reader.  Be prepared for many thing to come upon Emma.  Will she loose her friendship for not telling all to her friends the truth about this man?  Will this Mdthau Mahaz have feeling for Emma?  Will there be a time where Emma will have to choose to where she wants to live?  This and so many other questions will be answered as you continue reading this novel that will only leave you wanting more.  I found the character were all so well captivating and I love their names:  Emma, Two Feathers, Dthau Mahsz,
Maggie, Renta, Grey Wolf, Mathezar, Belek, Trenika, Ilya, to Tommy only making this a excellent read.

"Emma" was  a beautiful enjoyable novel that was definitely a page turner.  If you are interested  in a good sweet  fantasy you will want to read "Emma" and YES, I would recommend this read to you.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Truth and Humility

Author:  J.A. Dennam
Published by:  J.A.D.
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5


"Truth and Humility" By J.A. Dennam was a wonderful romance, powerful mystery and suspenseful novel that simply one I could not put down. It truly has it all: drama, suspense, mystery, romance, action, murder, secrets  and a lots of emotion and passion that will have you taking  you on so many twist and turns,  not knowing where this author was taking you next.  However, you would definitely arrive at the right time!  It was one of those novels hard to find out just who was the bad person  is until the end.  This was very well done with its smoothness of it all.  We have two families (Bennett's and the Cahill's) that had been feuding for generation since the 1800's over MONEY and PROPERTY. This can only leave you saying OMG! Will this ever end?  Also, later it seems like after a 'secretly formed close friendship during teens (between Derek and Austin)  even had fallen apart due to a murder that took place.  Now as the story moves on we find Danielle (Danny) Bennett who was  the youngest of nine and only girl, now twenty one needs money to go to college but her father refuses so Danny set out to make  her own money. So, she take the best paying job at the 'Cahill Salvage.' They won't know her...Wrong!    Isn't this the enemy territory?  Well, this is where I say you must pick up "Truth and Humility"  to find out what the author has instore for the reader.You may think that this feud is all about revenge but as you get into the read you will see how its unfolds becoming more tragic as the truths come out in the open and you will find the epilogue will bring the stories twist and turns all the way around giving the reader a well written novel.  The characters from Danny, Derek, Austin, Mel, to Mac were  all well developed and  intriguing.  I  loved how the author was able to pull you into the novel making you even to feel what each character felt.  Be ready for a 'family duel, a thirst for  vengeance, and a forbidden love' making this one romantic suspenseful story and I really enjoyed the author presenting this to us in third person.

If you are in for a suspenseful, mystery, romance contemporary read the "Truth and Humility" would be recommend to you.


Author:  M.J. Kane
Published By:  Prince Publishing
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5


"Jaded" by M.J. Kane a very good well written  read that simply kept you turning the pages. Who knew from a computer crash that Yasmine Phillips and Zachariah Givens would once again come together  and in the end their lives will not be the same. This was a wonderful story of two people who had been hurt by others and because of it were afraid, so they choose to be 'best friends.'  I thought at this point the story was somewhat predictable.  However, as we more on into the story we find there will be some twist and turns...secrets that almost changed it all.  The sex scenes were simply off the chart...SEXY! Be ready for a great story plot with characters that were so captivating.  I simply wasn't able to put the book down after I started reading it.  You will be touched by quite a few subtopics such as 'love, distrust, death, and trust that will be put well put together by the wonderful author's dialog.  Be prepared to laugh and even cry at some of the things that will happen ....definitely there will be some emotions felt  that will leave you saying ... WOW!

Now, to really get what is going on you must pick up "Jaded"  a well written novel  by Ms. Kane which happens to be her second book of The Butterfly Memoirs. Truly, you will have some thoughts long after you put "Jaded" down.  Well done Ms. Kane!  This was totally a wonderful well written read and we will look forward to your next novel.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

When Rain Falls

Author:  Tyora  Moody
Published by:  Urban Books
Age Recommended:  YA - Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5


"When Rain Falls" by Tyora Moody was a very uplifting read that I simply could not put down until the end.  This will make my third book I have read by this
author and YES, it was one that kept you on the edge of your seat waiting
to see what would happen next.  How this author can present such a wonderful
read with murder of the  husband and best friend...finding out that there maybe
a link to it all?  The characters were are so well developed and
so captivating that you could even relate to them. I was extremely taken with how  this author was able to present 'Christian Principal's.'  Be ready for a wonderful well written read that you will not forget long after the read that takes you  into the police station, crime scenes, beauty salon, the mega church and teenagers just being teens with raging hormones. Be ready for a mystery, suspense and thriller read that will have you guessing till  the end.  Oh, what a end it is!

Would I recommend "When Rain Falls"...I am sure you have guess my answer.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Snake Skin By: CJ Lyons

Author:  C.J. Lyons
Published by:  Ledacy  Books
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"Snake Skin"  by C. J. Lyons was some thriller with mystery, suspense and
a lots of action.  Now let it be said early this is for the Adult reader and if you
love snakes you are right where you need to be. In this novel we find
Supervisory Special Agent Lucia Guardino who is part of the FBI's Sexual Assault Enforcement squad that handle crimes against children now...trying to save the life of a missing  teen.  She has newly transferred from Virgina to Pittsburgh, PA. along with her husband, Nick and daughter Megan (who wasn't a happy camper due to the move from her friends and all) is now the leader of this new unit. We will find that Lucy wants to save all the abused children, however, she does have a daughter  and husband that need her too. How does she juggle all of this without being torn?  "This combination of concerns sets the stage for a gripping story when Lucy and her team are involved in efforts to save a missing teen at the same time Lucy’s young daughter is hospitalized with mysterious symptoms."  What will come of all this?  To find out you will have to pick up "Snake Skin" and see what this author has instore for us in just finding out who this bad person is.  "Snake Skin" is a fast paced read and once you get into
the story it's heard to put down with 'snake skin' being part crime and thriller along with some mystery, be ready .... we are in for quite a ride. The characters were all well drawn and developed giving the reader  a certain interest with each and person.  

Definitely this author knows how to keep us on the edge of our seat waiting for the twist or turn to show up!  Would I recommend "Snake Skin?"  YES!

The Island Horse

Author:  Susan Hughes
Published by:  Kids Can Press
Age Recommended:    7-10 years
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"The Island Horse" by Susan Hughes was a wonderful Children's book about
horses and historical fiction.  This novel will be dealing with tough decisions,
moving pass loss and grief...along with tought hardships and friendships. We
find that Ellie has lost her mother and her father is now having to leave Scota to find a more stable job on the Sable Island.  Now,  Ellie will have to leave her mom's resting place along with her friends. After arriving in Stable Ellie awakens to find she is looking at a wild stallion and she befriends it only to find out later it could be taken from it's home, its herd and Ellie. What will come of this?  Will Ellie loose the island horse she has named Orchid too?

"The Island Horse" is about the "about loss, love, friendship and findling strength through it all."  Also, there will be some history of Sable Island and its struggles of living on a very dangerous place. Will Ellie be able to make friends?  Now, this is when I say you must pick up "The Island Horse" to find out what the author has for the  reader. In your read the scenery, characters come together of so well making you seem like you are there.  The book cover is beautiful display only adding to what is between the covers.

If you love horses or historical fiction...then I would recommend  "The Island Horse" for you.

Pirate Barbarian

Author:    Tasha Temple
Published by: Makai Publishing
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"Pirate Barbarian" by Tasha Temple was quite some book.  Yes, it was of piracy, blend of paranormal, historical romance and adventure.  The characters
were all well developed with Raul who was rather mean even to say horrible person.  There was Kai who was the hero of the two and then there was Jolene who became  his lover.  This was definitely a adventurous sex well written and a romance ride that I couldn't put down until the end and the ending was great.
Would I recommend "Pirate  Barbarian?" Yes,  if you love a love story between a woman and a 'Barbarian Pirate.'

A Christmas Hope

Author:  Joseph Pittman
Published by:  Kensington
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"A Christmas Hope"  by Joseph Pittman was a true 'Christmas Story' of hope, magic, holiday fun and being together.  I thought of this novel as a 'Norman Rockwell' setting due to the small town(Linden Corners) and the characters from  Nora, Brian to Thomas that came alive in this Christmas holiday setting that produces a mesmerizing story.We find Nora Connors Rainer who was a lawyer is coming back home after a broken marriage with her son(Travis), and to tend to her ailing mother...Nora opens up a antique shop called 'A Doll's Attic.'  Next,  we find that Brain Duncan has stopped to see a windmill he had seen many times as a child...Now,  he is raising his fiancee (who has died) daughter and  then we move on to Thomas Van Diver who is in his 80's,  now  looking for the specific edition of  Clements Moore's Twas the Night Before Christmas that his father had once read to him when he  was 5 years old.  I am sure you are wondering what all is going on ....and this is
where I say  you must pick up the wonderful read "A Christmas Hope" to see
what hope this author has for these characters.

It will be a beautiful and wonderful read  that  I would definitely rrecommend.   If you are looking for a amazing read that is so full of heart, family and togetherness that can get you into the spirit for the holiday have come to the right novel. 

Last Chance Chrismas

Author:  Hope Ramsay
Published by:  Forever
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4


"The Last Chance" by Hope Ramsay was my first read from this author and
I found it a nice romantic 'Christmas Holiday' novel with a bit of paranormal.
 I did find this novel some what very interesting as it deals with 'racial issues' many years ago dealing with ...'black and white couples in the sixty's, teenage drinking, prejudiced of different faiths and the horrors of wars.'  Now, if there is any doubt,  this will be a good read.  We find that is widower..Stone Rhodes is the sheriff of 'Last Chance, South Carolina' and has two that sees angels.  Next, we find Lark Chaikin has arrived in Last Chance to bring her fathers'(Abe) ashes to a 'Golfing for God' which was a mini golf course which were his last wishes.  However, would this Chief of Police Stone allow this to happen? Then this is where this story really picks up where Stone tells Lark that she would have to get permission from the new ownership of this mini golf course.  Little did Lark know that her father was not very popular in that town.  Why was this?    Now, this is where I say you must pick up "Last Chance Christmas" to see where, why, who and the how of it all in the well written novel.   Be ready for a love story, with mystery and drama that will keep
you moving quickly through the read to definitely put a touch in the holiday spirit.
Would I recommend  "Last Chance Christmas?"  YES!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Bones of His Being

Author:  Sue Chenette
Published by:  Guernica Editions
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"The Bones of His Being" by Sue Chenette was a series of poems...along with
memories of her fathers depression and death.  Now, I will go through each
section...on till the end.  However, to better follow me you really need to get
a copy of the read. 

Sue starts with a 'Candelabra'... 'Snapshot, 1948'.."Leaning against the pickup's fender..."Pendleton Shirt'..Handsome red-green plaid, you like it as a jacket, with a bolo toe," "Bird Diary Thursday, August 6, 1987: Gold finch 2, Upland Sandpiper 1, Flickers 15, Crow 1, Kingbird"  "Long Distance Not feeling so good, he says, the, I just got back from a little walk"  "Talisman Old square nails carried in a pocket, figuered among smooth coins-"  "Maxims...I  come upon then scattered through his old files, in lots on books, new interviews,  sermons he summarized from memory"  "Trees in Price County After the hike..." "Weight"...Your wallet, curved to fit a hip pocket."  "Reading Huckleberry Finn" "Music" "One Small Thing..The probe was, they treated him like any patient, all routines and protocols," "Griff Nordling With his neat slacks and brief case and salmon coloured shirt, leaned across the table where Mary had brought Dad in his wheel chair."  "Food"  "Depression Can Be Treated" "Simple Gifts...I told Dad I'd Play Appalachian Spring on his Walkman, that it ended with variations on Simple Gifts. That was his favorite song. We sang it together.  "A Transport of Grief"  "Heron" "Blessing My sister stands by my father's bed weeping, holding his hand." "Bones...His skin gleams in the watery light, taut along his chin, the knobbed hinge of jaw. ...sunk to nothing."  "Willow"  "Linger" "Grudge" "Tansy"  "With Me"  "So simply...The Kidneys fail, after months of food and drink refused. My mother holds his hand...I think he's gone." This is how death come - just a stopped breath. His face looked peaceful, stilled lips, grey-blue eyes we couldn't close.  "Vision...Later, he will be with the wind, the gulls, over the choppy lake.  Pure spirit."  "Night...After the necessary phone calls..." "Your Watch"  "Eldest Daughter"  "Anger...Mostly I kept it caged, coiled in its constricting know,
hissing softly."  "At Dawn"  "Crisp September Day...We have memories of him looking thru his transit during a crisp Setemberday and writing down notes of terrain elevations with a flock of geese flying over."  "View" "My Father Made This Table"  "A Good Thunderstorm"  "Loosening" "Among Kiwanians...My Father was Kiwanian..."  "In My Father's Hand...Mostly it's who, what, where, when - "  "Spaces .. In the spaces between the words hesitations shaped by the edges of consonants or a soft-trailing vowel as the words left the shelter of his thought to breathe and get their bearings I knew my father best."  I found this poetry were truly a keepsake.

Now, to really understand all of this you will be left to pick up "The Bones of His Being" to see how this author was able to put together such a warm memory  box that has been made into a poetry like no other that I have ever read.  To be able to deal with 'grief' as Sue was able to do was simply something that even in illness and death their is a journey that we may all will at one time or another  have to take....but to turn this into such wonderful words of encouragement  for us all to read ...only leaving me to say Wow...what a beautiful read.    Thank you for sharing Ms.Chenette!


Author:  Mary Casanova
Published by:  Univ. of Minnesota Press
Age Recommended:  YA
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4


"Frozen" by Marry Casanova was a very good historical fiction novel.  I found
in this read the heroine Sadie Rose was a protagonist...who was finding her
voice and on to who she really is. "The story begins with Sadie Rose, a 15 year
old girl, who does not speak and only has slight memories of her past before
she was found in a snow storm. Everything changes for Sadie Rose when she
discovers hidden photos of her Mother. Soon enough, the "thaw," on Sadie
Rose begins."    We  will see Sadie Rose growing into her own discovering how to be independent at this time in the 1920's.  In the read we are able to see the have and the have knot's of the people...even the political issues of the day.  This story "isn't just a story about a girl finding herself, it's  also an opportunity to see the beginning of a great era."  Now, this will be the time that I say you must pick up "Frozen" to see what all this author has instore for the readers in the 'underlying mystery.'  

I thought "Frozen" was a quick read for any YA wanting to expore a historical
fiction read.  Would I recommend this novel?  YES!

After the Fog

Author:  Kathleen Shoop
Published by:  Create Space
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4


"After the Fog" by Kathleen Shoop was a novel based on a real event in 1948, in in Donora, Pennsylvania that sickened over 7000 people. We find a nurse named Rose Pavkesic was the main character and was presented a unlikeable person, but why was this? We do find out later in the read as she shares her 20 year old secrets of why she harbors these hateful and resentful feelings that give her the drive to become independent and very determined to succeed.  But what would she have to do in order for this to happen?  Now, this is where I say you must pick up "After the Fog" to see how this author will lead the reader into this historical (Killing Smog) that did happen right her in the United States. If this read sound's here!  If you like some's here! If you like's here! And if you even like romance, its here too.  In the end will everyone begin to see some light through the fog? Be prepared to be immersed in this story's 'struggles, hopes and dreams'...and I think the most important of this novel is there nothing important than the love of one's family.

If you are looking for a good historical fiction..."After the Fog" would be recommended  to you as a good enjoyable read. 


Author:  Wodke Hawkinson
Published by:  W.H.
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4


"Zeke" by Wodke Hawkinson was some very dark suspenseful thrilled ride.  Was this a love story gone bad?  YES!  It was of a student named Sue who falls deeply, madly in love with Zeke, who was a handsome, charismatic and
smart  clerk.  Zeke wants to go out with her, however this  soon turns to be
as misfortune for Sues as Zeke starts to manipulate her in mind games. When
her parents realizes that she is missing they hire a detective to fine her and
this is where I say you will have to pickup this good read to find out what will
happen next.  Truly one thing is for sure ...Zeke is very twisted and evil with
a very deranged personality.

"Zeke" was definitely a good read especially if you are into a 'dark story of
evil and sexual obsession.  Now, with that being said this novel is not for the
faint of heart! So, beware that the violence gets explicit.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Those We Love Most

Author:  Lee Woodruff
Published by:  Hyperion
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4


"Those We Love Most" by Lee Woodruff was really a powerful read.  This was a read of tragedy not just for one family but a extended family.  This was a very realistic read that could happen to any of us...a death of a child.  Yes, this novel will be of 'loss, grief, love and two families who are really suffering from it all.  We find the mother had been having a affair, while the father was a alcoholic....and the grandfather who was having a affair with the grandma seemed to just take it in as a martyr...What a group of people...Will there be any change?  This author did a wonderful job with his detailed dialogue showing much compassion. Who knew that this child's death(James) would charge everything for this family.. breaking them apart but putting them back together again?  I found the characters  all interesting in that even at the end I am not sure there would be a change for  Maura, Roger, Roger,Margaret ...or Julia.   Kinda leaves you wondering long after the read. 

Did I find "Those We Love Most" a page turner? was a dramatic experience to read.  Would I recommend....YES!

The Pleasures of Men

Author:  Kate Williams
Published by:  Penguin Books Ltd
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4


"The Pleasures of Men" by Kate Williams was a novel  of thriller, mystery, suspense, murder and even some 'Victorian' historical fiction all rolled up into one.  To say that this novel was interesting...I would say, yes but a also strange and dark read.  Why was this?  We find that at this time in London a madman was murdering young women and stuffing their hair into their mouths...known as 'The man of Crows.'  We find that Catherine Sorgeiul who was now nineteen,  had been a orphan, has now been taken up by her uncle and she is becoming crazed about  the 'Man of Crows' who was a serial killer who had been targeting young women. "London's East End is running scared and anyone could be the next victim. Women are told to stay off the streets and not to go anywhere at night, especially not alone" however, we see that Catherine does not abide by this advice.  We find that she  wonders the streets trying to find a clue to these identity of the murderer.  Catherine felt that from her pass...a disturbed person that had lived as a orphaned and even spent time in an asylum thought she understood the "Man of Crows."  Why was this
and what does she feel she knows?  This will be a captivating read in that you will find this story weaves in and out between Catherines' point of view and with other characters...presenting a tricky read in knowing just what is real  and
what is not.  This presents the point to whether Catherine is sane, dangerous
or even real.   From Catherine's writings, odd things start to happen where she finds that trust doesn't come easy for her.  Now, this is where I say to really get all the what, how, where and who of it all you must pick up "The Pleasures of Men" to find out what this author has instore for the reader as we actually find out what had happened to  Catherine and her family plus so much more. 

What did I think of this read..."The Pleasures of Men" a bit strange read  but still enough to hold your interest and attention especially if you are in for a good suspenseful murder mystery...  Would I recommend?  YES.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Fourth Conspirator

Author:  Barry S. Willdorf
Published by:  Whiskey Creek Press
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"The Fourth Conspirator" by Barry S. Willdorf was a very interesting trilogy read that only this author can give its reader.  You will be taken in many different directions that this author gives us a action packed read.  "The Fourth Conspirator" will explores not only the relationship but also their personal
history of both of this family that will be of the 'Spanish we
find Christina telling us a story and what a story it is. Nate Lewis(Christina's husband) is a attorney who is representing a man who has shot and killed a person who was stealing his marijuana garden. Now, what will be instore for Nate in building this defense case?   Be ready for many twist and turns that will come in the discovery of a California wine making relatives in California...and we find wanting to get pregnant, for her mothers sake?  What was the big secret about them being Catholic? In the read we find that Christina has taken over public relations for their cousins 'Medocino winery' and is now pregnant.  Does Christina have her hands full due to the fact that we find out that her father has  ....well I will stop here and if you are still wondering about what this read is all about....this is the part that I say you must pick up "The Fourth Conspirator" to see the what, how, when and where to it all as this author brings us such  a intriguing read.  This will be one of those reads that you will not put down until the end due to the fact that you are kept wanting to see  what will go on next because there will be some surprises.

"The Fourth Conspirator" was a novel not just  about murder, a winery but a couple having some issues such as  trust, honesty and  truth that only they  could come to terms with. Would I recommend "The Fourth Conspirator?"...YES!

Runaway Mind (My Race With Biopolarism)

Author:  Maggie Reese
Published by:  Transmedia Books
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5

"Runaway Mind" by Maggie Reese was wonderfully delivered to the reader
especially if you are suffering from Bipolar Disorder.  "Runaway Mind" takes
you on a journey in the mind of Maggie while she is experiencing this
'insidious illness' which was courageous and yet terrifying that she along with
her family were forced to face with the reality of this bipolar disorder.  I found
this read very well written in what Maggie had to go through truly being a
inspiration to all who suffers from bipolar and  do  see there is hope.  You will
definitely see from the read  that this is where "someone who has taken what
they have been given in life and learns to make the best of it." I thought it also
interesting how you can see different point of views from Maggie's mom,
mother in law, sister and her best friends...only leaving me to say Wow. 
If you are Bipolar or have a family member or even a friend ..."Runaway Mind"
is for you!

For this truly was a "well documented novel with the agonies and triumphs of living with this mental illness...bipolar disorder."  Would I definitely recommend "Runaway Mind"?   YES!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Pretty Girls Don't Cry

Author:  Tony J. Winn
Published By:  T.W.
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4


"Pretty Girls Don't Cry" by Tony J. Winn was a sweet women's-chit lit fiction
type of novel that it was mainly of Nora's life...good or bad,choices friends...and family(who she stilled lived with).  Was this a good read? 
I found it interesting in that the heroine has a prosthetic foot and for some reason that intrigued me to wonder how this author would put this novel that seeing how 'Nora dealt with her disability and in trying to fine true love.  'Nora's leg had to be amputated  due to a accident with her boyfriend Aaron' then on to Bobby, Rex and a few other interesting guys... working for her uncle Don the radio station in Eugene and then finally her move on to Portland.   Where will this novel take us?...well, this is where I say you
must pick up "Pretty Girls Don't Cry" to see how this author brings us this good read of Nora's life. There is more... we  learn about Nora's nose job, and is she really getting back involved with Aaron?  As I said,  pick up this read.    All of the characters were well developed helping present a good read.  

You will find "Pretty Girls Don't Cry" was a very good read in how this young woman learns to love herself and most of all being happy with just she was. 

Would I recommend this read?.....YES!

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Author:  Julianne Donaldson
Published by:  Shadow Mountain
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5

"Endenbrooke" by Julianne Donaldson was a cute and  sweet historical
fiction romance with the main  setting  was in the beautiful  Edenbrooke British estates.  I found this novel  somewhat  humorously  written that was  caught up in the angst and even sorrow at times.  I found this read  a very clean cut read which is very refreshing in that will definitely of interest to the  YA readers.  The characters were  all very truly intriguing indeed especially the Marianne's grandma who had  sent her off due to an invitation to Endenbrooke and that Mr. Whittles and his poems...and let's not leave out Cecily....Marianne's twin.     What's up with the twirling?  These twirling scenes from the author were simply the best ones...  To find out about this and a lots more...pick up "Edenbrooke" to see the why, where, how and what of it all of  Marianne and Philip. It will be a interesting read.  Be ready for a spirited young Marianne who has the tendency to embarrass herself  along  in this wonderful storyline and plot. 

If you are in for a well written, intriguing, funny, clean read you have come to the right place for "Edenbrooke" would be recommended to you as a good read.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

When Memories Fade

Author: Tyora Moody
Published By: Urban Christian
Age Recommended: YA-Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"When Memories Fade" by Tyora Moody was a second book in this author's
series. I found this mystery/suspence novel very well delievered as it deals with life as it has happened toso many African-Americans by way of a 'Stroke and Alzheimer's Disease.' We will find that two of the main characters relatives are going through this. This author did a very wonderful job with bringing these issues into this story. What will be their outcome?

In "When Memories Fade" we find Angel Roberts who is twenty -five, a videographer...owns her own business,lived with her (grams)grandmother) since childhood.... who now has suffered a stroke... and we find Angel was searching for her mother who had been a singer who had mysteriously disappeared some twenty years ago(a cold case) ...was she alive or dead? Angel wanted to find out the answers to her questions because she wanted to do a 'Document on her Mother's Elisas' Life' and bring this all to a close for her. Also what had happened to Angel's father in all of this? As the this story continues onto where there is a 'Investigator Reporter'... Wesley Cade who has a boss at work wanting him to take the lead and find out what has happened to a singer that has just disappeared in there area. WAIT: We have a singer who had disappeared over twenty years ago and has never been found and now their was now another singer who had recently disappeared!...Could there be a coincident? Through much prayer will Angel be able keep her faith high? Just a few of the things that Angel has had to go through...other than being a caretaker for her Grams, dealing with ex boyfriend and ex best friend who were getting married (trying to forgive it all) and trying to solve a case that seemed like there was no answers would she make it out of all of this to be able to believe and trust again? Thank God for a praying friend that Angel had. After Angel tries to touch base with Wesley (Wes) grandfather...but was unable to due to the fact Detective Cade was suffering from Alzheimer's... however, she seeks help from Wes and he gladly does ..and when they when they got together sending prayers to the will never be the same for these two. Now, this is where I say you must pick up "When Memories Fade" to find out how the author will lead you through this wonderful well written read. I must say that all of the characters and there were many were all so well developed in capiviting in making "When Memories Fade" one wholesome read that was simply enjoyable and could not put down until the last word...and that ending leaving you only to say WOW! I loved it!

This is one read that you will not soon forget and would I recommend "When Memories Fade".... my answer would be definitely YES! Well done to the Author: Tyora Moody!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Finding Sanity

Author:  T.R. Stoddard
Published By:  T.R.S.
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5


"Finding Sanity"  by T.R. Stoddard was a horror and thriller read.  This author really knows how to keep the reader interested only giving us a intensed read that offers you all kinds of craziness in that only Randall presents the reader. Now, he wasn't by himself in all this craziness .... in that Allison(Randall's girlfriend)omg, when Randall sees that she is  wasn't far behind him in his craziness who had ended up blackmailing him wanting Jeff dead.  Were they both 'homicidal maniacs?'  This author did a wonderful job in the deliverance in "Finding Sanity." Was this novel  real or a figment of Randall's imaginations?  Either way you will be  intrigued till the end just wondering what would come next. Even Randall's family ...Randall's mom and brother were a strange bunch too. 

"Finding Sanity" gave us a ride in Randall's mind that was filled with intensive,
mind-blowing ride that will only chill you to the bone and will leave you only
saying WOW!  Be ready for lots of fast action that will keep you reading every
single word dealing with these 'bloodthirsty psychopaths.'

From this author says it all...."Waking up in solitary confinement is never fun for anyone, and Randall is no exception. He is subjected to relive crucial moments from his past until he finds himself out on his own, free. Deciphering what is real vs. fantasy is half the fun. He finds new love, but as always an old flame complicates things.  His reality and fantasy worlds collide putting him in a very compromising position. Can he make it out with his relationships intact?"

Now this is the time that I will say you will have to pick up "Finding Sanity" to see for yourself just what this novel is all about.... What a horrible ending you will get!  I will only say if you are wanting a novel that will chill you to the bone in more ways than one, then this novel would be recommended to you. I will say "Finding Sanity" may not be for the faint-hearted.  It will be a intensed read.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Miss Scandalous

Author:  Nicole Dunlap
Published By:  N.D.
Age Recommended:  Adult
Review By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5


"Miss Scandalous" by Nicole Dunlap was a wonderful well written novel and
was the sequel to 'Miss Nobody.'  If you haven't had a chance to read it please do even thought Miss Scandalous does stand alone  to be a good read all by itself. Where do I start...well Ms. Dunlap has only done it again giving the reader a excellent read.  We see from this novel that Raven, her grandmother(Annette) and granddaughter (Royael) have left Bellword, NC and moved to Dallas, TX.  Get ready for more of  a emotional ride with lots of twist and turns for Raven and her mother, Charlene.  Charlene is desiring a relationship with her daughter. Will they be able to reconcile after all of these years of abandonment?  Raven finds out that Jon is living in Dallas(omg)...  We see that Raven is trying to find a 'spiritual balance' but does she have a reason for this?  What revenge did she have in her mind and for who?  There were a lots of lies, scandals and secrets that run wild in this read from Rave, Charlene, Annette, Elise to  Jon Dubois Jr that really kept "Miss Scandalous" read so very interesting. Yes, this was a real dysfunctional family(s)  that had real life issues..coming mainly from the  lack of love, trust  and much deceit.  All of the characters were well developed for this novel really giving the reader something to even think about long after the read.  So, we have a mother-daughter situation along with a daughter and boyfriend(s)...and you have a intriguing novel.  Will Raven finally find the peace that she really needed...oh yes, there is more  issues with Raven that her family will discover. Now, before I tell it all I will stop and say you must pick up the excellent sequel read "Miss Scandalous" to see the how, where, why and what of it all.

"Miss Scandalous" is a fast paced read that will keep you turning the pages till the end only to find the reader wanting the next sequel to this book:  'Miss Perfect.'  Would I recommend "Miss Scandalous?"  YES! and to the author:  Well done Ms. Dunlap.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Drowning House

Author:  Elizabeth Black
Published By:  Nan A. Talese
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4

"The Drowning House" by Elizabeth Black was indeed a novel that will take you into a  Gothic mystery, thriller, and  suspenseful read all rolled up into one. This novel definitely kept me turning the pages to see where the author was taking
me on this ride. The setting is from Galveston, Texas where we find Clare hascome home to do some work as a archival photographer where she has been recruited to put together a show about Galveston... showing old photos from the families and library.   However, Clare seems to be somewhat interested in 'Stella Tale.'  Now what is that all about? We find that she is very unhappy due to the fact of her marriage has fallen apart and more so...the terrible accident that took her daughter's life.  Now that Clare is back in Galveston she finds that there is not much change in her relationship with her mother and taking about a dysfunctional family!  Clare seems to find this  "a place filled with corrosive relationships and family secrets" dealing with the Carraday and Porterfield families. Now what is this all about?  Will Clare find any peace here?  I found some of the characters were not very likable and I will only say you will have to pick up "The Drowning House" to see who they may be, however I still enjoyed the read. 

Ms. Black does a wwonderful job in the excellent descriptions that are given on the Galveston area...making you feel as you are there,  especially if you have been there you will be able to identify it.  Also, the history of Galveston was simply well written.  From the read I could see that  really Clare is drowning from her memories of Galveston, along with a bad marriage,  the death of her child along with a few other things...  Now, with all that being said you will have to pick up the this good read and if you are like me ... you may get a suprise ending.  So, would I  recommend "The Drowning House" to you?  YES!


Author:  Maryanne O'Hara
Published by:  Viking Adult
Age Recommended:  Adult

Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"Cascade" by Maryanne O'Hare was well written historical fiction setting was  from the Boston suburb of Cascade around 1930-40's where  "Cascade" is about big change, ambition, mystery, hope, mortality, tradition, a wrong marriage, the possibility of passion, and the cost of pursuing what most matters."  I found this novel has a slow beginning but as you get further into this read it does pick up. You will also find that this is a long read, however there is a reason for it...for in your reading it all will be explained to what is going on in the mind of
Desdemona.  We find that Desdemona(Dez) Hart Spaulding has stopped her career in New York in Art  to take care of her dying father...gets married...and she wants to devote her life in  the theater in town.  This was the time of the 'Great Depression' had struck and her father had lost everything except the playhouse.  Her father dies(two months after Dez's wedding) leaving her a secret that was in 'Portia's casket' not to be open until the Playhouse reopened. What was up with that?  To find out you will have to pick up "Cascade" to see what was in Dez's fathers mind at that time.

Desdemona now realizes she is in a loveless marriage.  Her husband, Asa Spaulding was a hard working pharmacist, but not one for passion and he had no eye for art which his wife had a deep passion for. What will come of this?  The town of Cascade is  in the 'in the running to be destroyed so that it can become a reservoir for Boston.' Now, what would happen to the playhouse that had been willed to Asa or their first born?  What was up with Dez being so consumed with herself  and her wants?  Dez was a complex heroine that kept this novel moving really giving the reader a lots to think about...'Cascade postcards.'  I did realize that this was not a fast pace read but a slower pace one that was needed in order to absorb this detail oriented artistic realism of Dez. As time passed, Dez has fallen in love with a Jewish painter(Jacob). Was he  a artist ready, willing and able to free her?  From the read we find Dez doesn't want any children and their is a definitely envy  of her friend Abby who was free to go and do as she pleased.  Truly Art is her everything. She loved her art ... in her studio... paints putting in all on canvas.  Now, this novel is really taking off and this is where I say you must pick up "Cascade" to see how this author will take you on  a ride through this read. It really gets even more interesting with a few more people. The characters were all well developed keeping you turning the pages to see what would happen next because there will be twist and turns.  In the end you do get answers about the 'Portia Casket' and all I will say of that is Wow!

"Cascade" was a very intriguing read of a small towns 'life during the Great Depression, a artist struggle and in the end was it all worth it?    Would I recommend as a excellent read?  YES!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Beside the Mountain

Author:  Stefania Silvestri
Published By:  S.S.
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"Beside the Mountain" by Stefania Silvestri was really some good read.  I felt that is was definitely a 'masterpiece' that only Stefania could tell after only living through it with such emotions and courage.  "Beside the Mountain" is 'a memoir
about the effect  of Early-Onset of Alzheimer's Disease written from a daughters' point of view." As she recalls and conveys a message of finding the strength in it all  Stefania is from proud Italian roots...who tells  a story of the progression  of her father's disease...with all of her trying to cope with all of it from the denial from the family of this disease, even her rebellion with her mother to the daily living of the many struggles that were there and presented to her fathers life and those loved ones around him.  In the end yes we find a loss...but so much more can be said ... for their was love.

"Beside the Mountain" is a very real memoir that I can only say it was a  wonderful read straight from the heart and so  well written.  Would I
recommend this read?  YES!

Beautiful Disaster

Author:  Jamie McGuire
Published By:  J.M.
Age Recommended: YA(some Language)Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4


"Beautiful Disaster" by Jamie McGuire was something to read especially if you are into a dysfunctional drama(between Travis and  Abby) from the beginning till the end. This read was really something to keep up with, which this author did do for the reader.  It took me a minute to get into it...maybe a few chapters,
but after I didn't put it down until the end, I just had to see what was going to happen next ...Wow, what a read this turned out to be.  One with a good plot that had the reader on a roller-coaster ride...with drama  and fighting (omg)and the characters were simple good in that they were so believable.  Overall, I was able to even saw some humor in a  lots of  the going on in "Beautiful Disaster."  Definitely, this title tells it all!  Now, if you are in for a interesting read that is full of 'love, hate, jealous, uncertainty, denial and what ever else that comes from a new relationship' you have come to the right place for "Beautiful Disaster" will give it all to you and even more.

Would I recommend? Yes, only be ready for some 'disaster'  that will take place.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sacrifice of Passion

Sacrifice of Passion
Author:  Melissa Bourbon Ramirez
Published By:  Entangled Publishing
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"Sacrifice of Passion" by Melissa Bourbon Ramirez was of mystery, paranormal and romantic  read.  This novel had so many twist and turn that it keep me steadily reading till the end to find out just who this bad guy was.  I really like the hero and the heroine...both were simply off the chart good!  I don't want to leave out the rest of this novels characters who were all well developed giving us a wonderful interesting read from Delaney, Vic, Derek, Ray, Esperanza, Jasper, Red, Zach, Dr. Clinton, Chris, Landon, Alan, Maldano, Sheila (pig), Carmen to name a few of this well written script.   We find from this novel that Delaney has returned to San Julio to live after twelve years to get answers...Will she get them?  We also have Vic who had been very close to Delaney twelve years ago however, Delaney had left him...Will he find out the answers to why she really had left him? Now, Vic life has changed in that he now owned a ranch,part owner of bar and a eleven year old son.  Woud their be room  in his life for her? OK, I will not give any more because  there will be  a lots more in this read so get ready as you  pick up the read  "Sacrifice of Passion" to see what this author has in store for the reader.

"Sacrifice of Passion" was a intriguing mystery with chupacabra, sleepwalking and steamy sex and would I recommend this novel? Yes!

The Science of Racism Everything You Need to Know but Probably Don’t—Yet by Keon West

 Book Excerpt: " In this frank, funny, and meticulous book, a leading social scientist lays out the striking facts we know about racism...