Monday, March 25, 2013

Truth and Humility

Author:  J.A. Dennam
Published by:  J.A.D.
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5


"Truth and Humility" By J.A. Dennam was a wonderful romance, powerful mystery and suspenseful novel that simply one I could not put down. It truly has it all: drama, suspense, mystery, romance, action, murder, secrets  and a lots of emotion and passion that will have you taking  you on so many twist and turns,  not knowing where this author was taking you next.  However, you would definitely arrive at the right time!  It was one of those novels hard to find out just who was the bad person  is until the end.  This was very well done with its smoothness of it all.  We have two families (Bennett's and the Cahill's) that had been feuding for generation since the 1800's over MONEY and PROPERTY. This can only leave you saying OMG! Will this ever end?  Also, later it seems like after a 'secretly formed close friendship during teens (between Derek and Austin)  even had fallen apart due to a murder that took place.  Now as the story moves on we find Danielle (Danny) Bennett who was  the youngest of nine and only girl, now twenty one needs money to go to college but her father refuses so Danny set out to make  her own money. So, she take the best paying job at the 'Cahill Salvage.' They won't know her...Wrong!    Isn't this the enemy territory?  Well, this is where I say you must pick up "Truth and Humility"  to find out what the author has instore for the reader.You may think that this feud is all about revenge but as you get into the read you will see how its unfolds becoming more tragic as the truths come out in the open and you will find the epilogue will bring the stories twist and turns all the way around giving the reader a well written novel.  The characters from Danny, Derek, Austin, Mel, to Mac were  all well developed and  intriguing.  I  loved how the author was able to pull you into the novel making you even to feel what each character felt.  Be ready for a 'family duel, a thirst for  vengeance, and a forbidden love' making this one romantic suspenseful story and I really enjoyed the author presenting this to us in third person.

If you are in for a suspenseful, mystery, romance contemporary read the "Truth and Humility" would be recommend to you.

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