Wednesday, March 13, 2013

When Memories Fade

Author: Tyora Moody
Published By: Urban Christian
Age Recommended: YA-Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"When Memories Fade" by Tyora Moody was a second book in this author's
series. I found this mystery/suspence novel very well delievered as it deals with life as it has happened toso many African-Americans by way of a 'Stroke and Alzheimer's Disease.' We will find that two of the main characters relatives are going through this. This author did a very wonderful job with bringing these issues into this story. What will be their outcome?

In "When Memories Fade" we find Angel Roberts who is twenty -five, a videographer...owns her own business,lived with her (grams)grandmother) since childhood.... who now has suffered a stroke... and we find Angel was searching for her mother who had been a singer who had mysteriously disappeared some twenty years ago(a cold case) ...was she alive or dead? Angel wanted to find out the answers to her questions because she wanted to do a 'Document on her Mother's Elisas' Life' and bring this all to a close for her. Also what had happened to Angel's father in all of this? As the this story continues onto where there is a 'Investigator Reporter'... Wesley Cade who has a boss at work wanting him to take the lead and find out what has happened to a singer that has just disappeared in there area. WAIT: We have a singer who had disappeared over twenty years ago and has never been found and now their was now another singer who had recently disappeared!...Could there be a coincident? Through much prayer will Angel be able keep her faith high? Just a few of the things that Angel has had to go through...other than being a caretaker for her Grams, dealing with ex boyfriend and ex best friend who were getting married (trying to forgive it all) and trying to solve a case that seemed like there was no answers would she make it out of all of this to be able to believe and trust again? Thank God for a praying friend that Angel had. After Angel tries to touch base with Wesley (Wes) grandfather...but was unable to due to the fact Detective Cade was suffering from Alzheimer's... however, she seeks help from Wes and he gladly does ..and when they when they got together sending prayers to the will never be the same for these two. Now, this is where I say you must pick up "When Memories Fade" to find out how the author will lead you through this wonderful well written read. I must say that all of the characters and there were many were all so well developed in capiviting in making "When Memories Fade" one wholesome read that was simply enjoyable and could not put down until the last word...and that ending leaving you only to say WOW! I loved it!

This is one read that you will not soon forget and would I recommend "When Memories Fade".... my answer would be definitely YES! Well done to the Author: Tyora Moody!


  1. Tyora: It was some read. You have truly been blessed. Thank you for permitting me to read it earlier....and I read it on the adobe ..didn't listen to it from my Kindle (smile).

    May God bless you always!

    Arlena Dean

  2. Arlena, I'm so happy to see you enjoyed reading When Memories Fade. Much appreciation for taking the time to post a review. Blessings to you as well!

    Tyora Moody


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