Thursday, March 7, 2013

Beautiful Disaster

Author:  Jamie McGuire
Published By:  J.M.
Age Recommended: YA(some Language)Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4


"Beautiful Disaster" by Jamie McGuire was something to read especially if you are into a dysfunctional drama(between Travis and  Abby) from the beginning till the end. This read was really something to keep up with, which this author did do for the reader.  It took me a minute to get into it...maybe a few chapters,
but after I didn't put it down until the end, I just had to see what was going to happen next ...Wow, what a read this turned out to be.  One with a good plot that had the reader on a roller-coaster ride...with drama  and fighting (omg)and the characters were simple good in that they were so believable.  Overall, I was able to even saw some humor in a  lots of  the going on in "Beautiful Disaster."  Definitely, this title tells it all!  Now, if you are in for a interesting read that is full of 'love, hate, jealous, uncertainty, denial and what ever else that comes from a new relationship' you have come to the right place for "Beautiful Disaster" will give it all to you and even more.

Would I recommend? Yes, only be ready for some 'disaster'  that will take place.

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