Friday, January 31, 2020

Penned State By: S. I. Hayes

Book Excerpt:

"Calvin Pennington is a good boy.
He goes to school, gets good grades. He always does his homework and always listens to his mother and father. Except in one thing.
His friendship with Kaycee McLane. Much to his parent's dismay, he has befriended the girl from the wrong side of town, and he will not shake her.
What happens when Calvin decides he wants more?
Will his family give? Or will they dig in their heels and put a stop to this budding romance before it starts?
Can Calvin stand up to his family, and if he does, can he accept the consequences?"

*Trigger Warning
**Stong Sexual Content
***Drug Use

Title: Penned State
Author: S. I. Hayes
Publisher: S.I. H.
Series: Young Hearts Duet Book 1
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
"Penned State" by S. I. Hayes

My Speculation:

I will say this was one of those reads that will keep your attention turning the pages to see what is coming next for these two main characters Calvin and Kaycee. I am not sure whom I felt sorrier for between those two. Well, for a while, it seemed like all was going OK for the two, then the story will open up and be hard for them. With Cal being kicked out of his house, however, it was lucky for him in how Kaycee's grandfather and mother took him in. At school, other problems were presented, but somehow they made it out of that. It looks like Cal's parents still had grudges toward him, but all seemed to go well until a specific visit Cal's father paid to Kaycee. Yes, as Kaycee was planing to moved with Cal after graduation where they had a home and all but from Cal's father's visit, she all of a sudden wanted marriage.

As the story goes being engaged, oh did I say being pregnant wasn't enough for Kaycee all of a sudden she wanted marriage, which put a lot of pressure on Cal. With all that was on Cal from going to classes, working, taking care of Kaycee along with her pregnancy, one can see how one thing brought on something horrible where drugs become involved, and one can see how the story will take quite a turn for these two.

I will stop here and just say you will have to pick up this well-written story to see how things will turn out for Cal and Kaycee. I will say I didn't care for Kaycee's mom! I know she had been through a lot, but the way she tried to handle her daughter with Cal's problems wasn't done very well. I did like the ending in how Kaycee decided to take matters into her own hands and deal with her and Cal's problems. We are left hoping all will come out well for these two as they are now seeing one another along with the baby. Yes, they still loved each other, even all has happened. It seems like Calvin is now trying to get a handle on his life in his addiction recovery, so we are left hoping the best of luck to them as they seek out new beginnings. 

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