Saturday, August 15, 2020

An Addicts Struggle to Let Go Kindle Edition by Ellen Butterflyy Allen

Book Excerpt:

"When recovery is the hardest thing a person will ever experience. You win some, you lose some. The journey of repetitive behaviors is never about the other person its always about you, the addict in constant denial. Emotionally tied to fixing what you did not break will be more than anyone can handle."

Title:  An Addicts Struggle to Let Go
Author:  Ellen Butterflyy Allen
Publisher:  E.B.A. 
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"An Addicts Struggle to Let Go" by Ellen Butterflyy Allen

My Speculation:

All that is left to say is pick up this read and see for yourself how one addict has gone through this affliction.  Does he make it out with any sense of it all?  I do know one thing is that Liz did love Able, but I was so glad when she decided to move on.  For the life of me, it was hard seeing her giving Able so many chances to get clean, but some things are not to be.  I loved her letter saying 'goodbye' finally knowing that it was over for her.  This author did a good job with this subject matter making me wonder did she know someone who was an addict?  I noticed that this is a work of fiction.  Again, I say you will have to pick this one up to see the thinking of an addict where 'You win some, you lose some.'  


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