Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The Disaster Tourist A Novel by Yun Ko-eun

Book Excerpt

"An eco-thriller with a fierce feminist sensibility, The Disaster Tourist engages with the global dialog around climate activism, dark tourism, and the #MeToo movement.

For ten years, Yona has been stuck behind a desk as a coordinator for Jungle, a travel company specializing in vacation packages to destinations devastated by disaster and climate change. Her work life is uneventful until trouble arises in the form of a predatory colleague.

To forestall any disruption of business, as usual, Jungle makes Yona a proposition: a paid “vacation” to the desert island of Mui. But Yona must pose as a tourist and assess whether Jungle should continue their partnership with the unprofitable destination.

Yona travels to the remote island, whose major attraction is an underwhelming sinkhole, a huge disappointment to the customers who’ve paid a premium. Soon Yona discovers the resort’s plan to fabricate a catastrophe in the interest of regaining their good standing with Jungle—and the manager enlists Yona’s help. Yona must choose between the callous company to whom she’s dedicated her life or the possibility of a fresh start in a powerful new position. As she begins to understand the cost of the manufactured disaster, Yona realizes that the lives of Mui’s citizens are in danger—and so is she."

Title: The Disaster Tourist
Author: Yun Ko-eun
Publisher: Counterpoint Press
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four

"The Disaster Tourist" by Yn Ko-eun

My Speculation:

The title says it all "The Disaster Tourist," as this author delivers to the readers one unique story.
We find that a travel agency employee will get involved and stuck in quite a disaster travel zone [Mui]. I will say that the plot to the story was creative and will keep you turning the pages; however, the story kind of left me wondering what in the world is happening? After being sexually assaulted by her boss at work [The Jungle, a Korean tourism Company] and then as punishment sent to a disaster resort, will this heroine Yona be able to make it out of there alive? Why had Yona agreed to go to this remote island of Mui? Well, it was to be her 'job to experience this vacation as a tourist and then see whether it's worth this company's renewing their contract.' But, Yona didn't know that she would be drawn into quite a twisted plot to sustain this island, at all cost.

I will say there is so much going on that some of the parts of the story were a little hard for me to grasp; however, this was quite an original story that was unlike any other books I have ever read.

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