Saturday, May 19, 2012


Author:  Rosamund Lupton
Published By:  Crown Publishing Group 
Age Recommend:  Adult (Language)
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Raven Rating: 4
Blog Review For: GMTA

"Afterwards: The Novel " by Rosamund Lupton was a wonderful thriller, suspense mystery read.  This novel was definitely one that was a page turner till the end. There are  so many twist and turns with surprises.... you will really have to keep up  with this fast pace novel which is good since this is a VERY  long read.

This novel  was written in a  second person point of view...after understanding that.... I was  able to understand  the story line much better.  Believe me be ready for lies, secrets and lots of half truths that is all around this plot of the investigation. In "Afterwards"  you will find this was a novel of a mothers' love for her children and husband.

 In this England community... Gracie Covey while at a Sport Day celebration for the
 children...she discovers the school is on fire...seeing that her son Adam is safe
she then see that her daughter Jenny is not .... so he enters the school and is trapped
on the third floor.... and   then next Gracie awakes in a hospital...unable to move or talk..
trapped in her own body...but she knows she is alive .... along with her Jenny....which now
 the novel appears to be somewhat that she and her daughter can only
communicate....but  both Jenny and  Gracies' mind is alive and able to move about the hospital and other places(outside their body)..... but they are unable to communicate with anyone else.  It is very interesting at this point on seeing  how this author was able to relay...what has happen to them, on to eavesdropping on the family...friends and even the hospital staff.....then to  the story moving on to discover that this fire  at the school was from arson.... and fear comes that this arsonist is the same person  who had been harassing her Jenny earlier.  The two...Jenny and Grace start to seen  what was going on... however, this was not possible for the other members of the family.....Jenny could not be protected by I will not say more about that.... you will have to pick up this  wonderful novel and find out how this all comes out.   Be ready for a well written read.

I felt that all the characters were off the chart... Very Good and very captivating...
....Detective Sergeant Sarah MacBride....the sister in law to Gracie  was  definitely my
 heroine as well as one of my favorite characters. This author was really able to make a very believable story on a mothers determination to keep her children safe....even though her
body is incapacitated......"There is no happy ending but there is 'Afterwards."

"Afterwards:The Novel" is a very absorbing book that I simply enjoyed and I was
very surprised in the guilty person(s) that will leave you speechless.  WoW!
I found this book to be very intriguing  and a good  novel and if you are in for a good thrilling, suspenseful mystery... then "Afterwards: The Novel" is a good read for you.

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