Monday, June 27, 2016

Sweet Dreams By: Cecelia Dowdy

Book Description...

"Misty Stewart found Christ shortly after the birth of her baby, causing her to make drastic changes in her life. Short-tempered and street-smart, she realizes being around her un-saved, dysfunctional family is draining her, so she feels the Lord wants her to distance herself from her relatives. She hopes this distance from her family will allow her to deepen her faith, making it possible for her to raise her two-year-old daughter, Jennifer, in a better environment. Struggling to raise her daughter alone, she bonds with her new neighbor, Sterling Richards. She’s drawn to kind-hearted Sterling, but wonders about the deep sadness that he harbors. Sterling has familial problems that run deep, and romance is the last thing on his mind.

Sterling Richards, a professional baker, is grieving over the recent death of his father/business partner. Since his father left him as the sole beneficiary of his life insurance policy, his relationship with his identical twin brothers is strained. Why would his father fail to include his twin sons as part of the inheritance? He now struggles to mend the relationship with his brothers, struggling to run his father’s bakery alone.

Can Sterling and Misty find the courage to love one another?"

Title: Sweet Dreams
Author: Cecelia Dowdy
Publisher: C. D.
Series: (The Bakery Romance Series Book 3)
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Sweet Dreams" by Cecelia Dowdy

My Thoughts...

A good story of Misty and Sterling finding the right love. This continues with 'The Bakery Romance Series' showing how the relationships of two different families come together. I loved how this author showed how each family person was able to deal with the hand that was dealt with them. For Misty I sympathized with what she had gone through in her life and now wanting a new change in her life but would moving give her what she needed? For Sterling being the older with twin younger brothers with one having such hatred feelings for his own brother was really something for one to have had to go through. Yes, there will be 'jealousy, stubbornness, secrets and judgement' for these two main characters to have to go through before ...well this is the part where I say you will have to pick up "Sweet Dreams" and see for yourself how well this author delivers it to her readers.

In the end will Misty learn that 'she was worthy of receiving help as well as giving help?' I was able to learn a little bit more about what goes on in a 'Soup Kitchen's' in how they are organized with volunteers serving, cooking and even cleaning up from this novel. The characters [from Sterling, Leon, Louis, Aunt June, Adrian, Misty Eddie, Carmen,Jennifer, Lucy, Latisha, Rachel, Nate], to name a few for the most part were simply off the chart being well developed, defined and believable giving the readers one well written told story.

One last thing I want to mention and that is the good food that was mentioned in the read. This will only leave you wishing for some of those red velvet cake, peanut butter cookies, chili, mango muffins.lasagna, cinnamon rolls and homemade bread to name a few [note to the author]!

Will Misty and Sterling get there HEA after all they have been put through? Well, you will just have to pick up this good read to see! If you are looking for a good 'Christian Romance Fiction' you have come to the right place for 'Sweet Dreams' will give it all to you and yes I would recommend this series to you as a good read.           

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