Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Devoted To A Street King, By Racquel Williams

Book Description....

"Friendship and loyalty are out the window in the lives of two best friends. Bianca is a young sexy entrepreneur who makes good money, but always manages to get in bed with dope boys and thugs. Soon she meets her husband, Mel, a controlling and abusive man who sleeps around with various women. Oblivious to the fact that her ace, Lexi, has a taste for the kind of men she dates, she poured out her soul to her best friend. She will quickly realize that the one closest to her is nothing but a snake, waiting on the right time to attack.

Lexi is poisonous and deadly. Her sole purpose is to take the man she thinks belong to her; her best friend's husband, Mel. Not caring who she hurts, she came up with a devious plan to take over her best friend's life, and get her own out of the way.

Take a journey with these two ladies as they show you that loyalty is overrated. Best friends become enemies and anything is possible, even murder!"

Title:  Devoted To A Street King
Author:  Racquel Williams 
Publisher:  Lee Sullivan Presents
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  Five

"Devoted To A Street King" by Racquel Williams

My Thoughts....

Wow! This author knows how to bring it up front and center to her readers! If you are looking for a well written urban read with lots of drama then you have come to the right place because the characters...Bianca, Melvin, Lexi, Jarvis with give it all to you and more. Each chapter will bring it all out so you will never be left wondering what is going on. I found that each one of these characters were shady in one way or another. Your heart will go out for Bianca because all she wanted was true love but was definitely being held back by her husband and friend. Will she ever get a break? Well, I guess we will have to wait for part 2 to get the rest of this interesting story.

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