Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Frailty by J. Haney & S. I. Hayes

Book Excerpt:

"Fight for freedom, for the country, and for love. That was my MO, but after the ultimate betrayal, I put my life on hold. 

My Name is Joshua McLaren, and between being a Navy SEAL Hospital Corpsman, EMT, and father, I have no room in my life for relationships. Women weren't even on my radar. Work, eat, and sleep. That's it.
It was just supposed to be another answered call. Routine in its entirety. Then, I held that little girl in my arms. Saw the damage done at another's hands. I can't let them go. I can't leave Magnolia Gossett alone. The protector in me needs this. Needs to do something, make it right. 

In helping her, I'm finding that love matters, and some promises may have to be broken."

Author: S.I. Hayes & J. Haney
Publisher: 2020 Haney/Hayes
Series: The Salvation Society
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Frailty" by J. Haney and S. I Hayes

My Speculation:

"Frailty" was an excellent read of just what Joshua McLaren, who was 'Navy Seal Hospital Corpsman, EMT, and father,' would do to help Magnolia Gossett in her time of need. Joshua was a protector in this time of need. Would Joshua be able to help Magnolia find the love and promises that had been broken due to one horrible person? The story will be one that will keep one on the edge of their seat, and you go from chapter to chapter seeing what all has gone on in Magnolia's life that given her grief and a lot of sadness. However, there was Joshua, who had sworn off women due to what had happened to him, leaving him with two children to raise alone was there to help Magnolia and her two children. But were there feeling beginning for Joshua and Magnolia? As the story continues and Magnolia's children's father [Henry], an ex-marine, seems to be quite a problem to all around him, and that ending of the story left me in awe of what happened. Since this story continues, I guess we will have to wait and see what has happened to them. 

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