Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Hollyhock: Yuletide (Welcome to… Book 1) Kindle Edition by J. Haney & S. I. Hayes

 Book Excerpt:

"Just an hour North East of Bar and Winter Harbours, is the sleepy little town of Hollyhock, Maine. With its border on the Arcadian National Park, it is the perfect place to get away for a long weekend or, in the case of Seraphine Haven, maybe the rest of your life.

Jaded from a lost relationship, she has come to town to remake herself and serve up a few sweet concoctions. Little did she know the meddling that was about to fill her days and cold winter nights this Christmas.

Issac Skuyler has failed to land, as his father puts it. The son of a florist and the longshore fisherman was the creative blooms that attracted him and kept him home. At thirty-five, he’s single and running his own shop, but there’s just one small hitch- he’s still in his father’s house- specifically his basement.
When the cold November air blows in a pretty stranger, will it be enough to turn Issac’s head, or will his family push too hard, leaving Issac to the flowers and wreaths for the rest of the Yuletide season?"

Title: Hollyhock: Yuletide
Author: J. Haney & S. I Hayes
Publisher: J. H. & S. I. H.
Series: Welcome to ... Book 1
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Hollyhock: Yuletide" by J. Haney & S. I. Hayes

My Speculation:

"Hollyhock: Yuletide" was a quick good Christmas love short story featuring Sera and Issac. It looks like Sera is finally getting someone to love her and her two children. I loved how Issac knew when he loved Sera and wanted to give her and her children a life together in Hollyhock, Maine.

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