Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Kiss Me or Die

Author:  Scott Nicholson
Published By: Haunted Computer Books
Age Recommended:   Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Kiss Me or Die" by Scott Nicholson was my first read by this author and all I can say is that it was some novel with the characters  and that 'inner voice' in his head... but very dark...made this read.  This author really has a style of writing that "Kiss Me or Die" was a novel with several different narrators often offering the to its reader many episodes ...all of these multiple personalities.    From this read you will get 'his past, present and even the future mind of this serial killer.

This author will take you into the life of Richard Coldiron...who grew up in a abusive situation with not having a loving home all with his imaginary friends in the 'Bone House' and this is where the story really takes off. Now, this is the place where I say  you must pick up the read "Kiss Me or Die" and read for yourself.  And I don't want to forget Mr. Milktoast who was a true friend of Richard's from childhood, ...then there was Lover Boy....then...  Little Hitler... and Bookworm OK, I  will stop and just let you pick up "Kiss Me or Die" to see what  this read is all about.  And oh, my what a ending!

Please note that there are hints of pedophilia and incest in this read. 

All I can say is the fact that this author can put this novel together as he did is
a good sign of a storyteller that can keep the reader guessing until the end. If you are in for a psychological thriller with much 'demoinci force,' crazy, twisted, funny, creepy and sad ... then you are at the right place for a read you will
not forget.  Yes, I would recommend this as a excellent read...only leaving you to say wow that was some read not to be forgotten. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cameron 2 By: Jade Jones

Author:  Jade Jones
Published By:  J.J.
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5


The author, Jade Jones really presented us once again with a well written read.  I found Cameron 2 a continuation of the first book and it was a good fast read.  Poor Cameron. I can see that she still had trouble knowing just who her true friends very were.  Cameron may have thought she had gotten rid of one friend named Pocahontas, but  truly had that really happen?  You will find that this story get stranger almost on every single page.  I was kept interested in whether Cameron will ever get a break in this story...well...this is where I say you must pick up Cameron 2 to find out all the answers to the what, where, how and why of it all.  Will Cameron ever finda true friend?  Cameron 2 will definitely have many twist and turns that will have you on the edge of your seat wondering what?, where?, how? and  even why?  There were many interesting characters that you will find in the intriguing read were simply off the chart..good, well developed, some a real 'nutcase', and a unknown brother even  appears.  Well, I will stop here and only say if you haven't read Cameron 2, please do because I believe you will find it a most entertaining sequel  read.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Valley of Ashes

Author: Cornelia Read
Published By: Grand Central Publishing
Age Recommended:   Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For:  GMTA
Rating: 5


"Valley Of Ashes" by Cornelia Read was a really excellent mystery read. This
novel had my attention from the first page and didn't lose any of it until the last word.  I really enjoy this fourth book in the Madeline Dare series in that it brought the reader some fun, dark but yet a well written and even a personal read.   For these two people...Dean and Madeline (Maddie/or Bunny) you would have thought that they had it all but that was not the case...for they had two only daughters (twins)..around one, a home that was 'perpetual mess,' money was tight, and  a good night of sleep often  was out of the question. Then, Madeline is offered a job at the local newspaper as a freelancer where she would critic restaurants.  It was then that Madeline gets interested in a series of fires around the area...that come very close in that this story will  reveal a series of arson attacks that blows up and the far-reaching effects will lead directly to the front door of Madeline and Dean. This is where  I say you must pick up "Valley Of Ashes" to see what mystery comes from this excellent read.  "Valley Of Ashes will have a very intriguing ending that will only leave you saying  Wow.... I didn't set that coming!  And the characters were all so well developed with a 'real psychological insight' only making this read more of a mystery. 

If you are looking for a good mystery that has marriage problems,young ones,
feeling isolated in a new city, fires being set and even murder... you have come
to the right place because "Valley Of Ashes" will take you there...and YES,
I would recommend this novel as a excellent read. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Twelve Months

Author: Steven Manchester
Published by: The Story Plant
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"Twelve Months" by Steven Manchester was a very important read for me that was very interesting.  This author did a wonderful job at presenting this man's mortality  and finding out the true meaning in his own life.'  I wasn't sure if I was really going to like this sad read but I am so glad that I was able to make it to end.

"Twelve Month" was told in first person narrative and will introduce the reader to how Don DiMarco at the age of fifty-seven ... a machinist...being diagnosed with colon cancer at a advanced stage but you will find his last days of life was found showing how much he cared for the people he truly loved.  Don had retired early so he could spend time with his wife, Bella to spend more time with their daughter, Riley and her husband, Michael, along with grandchildren Madison and Pudge. Now, this had come upon would he handle this?  Well, this is where I say you must pick up "Twelve Months" and see how  this author gives us such a well written story that was absolutely good. Yes, he does get closer to God, not just to beg for a cure, but to give thanks, instilling the most important things to his grandchildren and most of all sharing wisdom.."the most important thing I’ve passed on is that life can be a beautiful dream, or a living nightmare. It’s all about your attitude; your perspective."

Even though Don only had a limited time to live, one can see and even  say that he really enjoyed the joyous time that he had left.  This author did a wonderful job at presenting "Twelve  Months" in a trip where we as the reader can see Don's  life in many different stages.  There were many times that I laughed and even cried...Wow...what you will get  from this read.
"Twelve Month" will definitely give you thought on that saying...not sweating the small stuff and the song ...'Live Like you were Dying' comes to mind.   I find anyone who has had a loss... this novel  I would definitely recommend to you as a excellent read.  Thank you Mr. Manchester for such a excellent read.

Ice Princess

Author: Elizabeth Holt
Published By:  Forever Yours
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA

Rating: 5


"The Ice Princess" by Elizabeth Holt was greatly enjoyed short but sweet read. This was one of this author 'Princess Trilogys' and could be considered a novella...which tells the story of Ms. Coral Smythe, who had owned the
Aphrodite Grotto...which was a famous brothel in London.  A problem comes
up where Coral loses control of ownership and then she is auctioned off in a 'loop game' where the winner gets to spend seven nights with her. From there this story takes off and this is where I say you must pick up "The Ice Princess" to see how this will come out.   I really admired this heroine(Coral) because
even in a bad situation, she does make the best of it.  The hero (Issac) also proves to be a very interesting person and I will just stop at that.  Pick up the read and you will see how he becomes a sweetheart with his only intentions are that of saving this damsel in distress.

I thought "The Ice Princess" was a very sweet, adorable, short,  romantic, and steamy story and if you like that... I would definitely recommend this read as a excellence choice of a read for you. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sultry With A Twist

Author:  Macy Beckett
Published By:   Sourcebooks Casablanca
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"Sultry With A Twist" by Jonathan Carroll was a wonderful contemporary
romance with its setting being from a small town called Sultry Springs, Texas.
This author will present the reader with  a funny, clever and sweet  love read
about the second  chance of love.  I will only say that it was magic how this
author was able to bring Mae-June July Augustine and Luke together again with all of the sexual tension making this such 'great flirty  fun' read.  Luke had once been June's oldest and best friend and her first love.  Now, what had happened between them?  Well, this is where I say you must pick up "Sultry With A Twist" to find out just what is going on in the good read.  The characters were all so very interesting  making  you feel that you are right there with each of them.  This was such a heart felt story that will leave you only wanting more from this well written read.

I love romance novels and this will be one of my favorites. "Sultry With A Twist"  would definitely be a excellent recommendation read  from me because it is indeed a beautiful fun, sweet and  yes, sexy read.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Marriage of Sticks

Author: Jonathan Carroll
Published By: Open Road
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For:  GMTA
Rating: 4


"Marriage of Sticks" by Jonathan Carroll was a good read that really kept me interested until the end.  The novel started out with a high school reunion
and then it blooms out with such intriguing characters that were all so well
developed only presenting  great thoughts only bringing out such creativity
only adding to a great read that comes out a little fantastical and even somewhat creepy read.  Be prepared for there will be many surprises that are well hidden in the read.  I found "Marriage of Sticks" to be 'filled with suspense, horror and even magic.'  Now, you may find Mr. Carroll's "Marriage of Sticks" novel may seem  somewhat confusing but if you will stick with it till the end it will all come together giving you a mind-blowing fantasy of a read. 

If you are looking for a good read that will present 'scary, funny sad, weird,
and too believable, all at the same time' you have come to the right place
for "Marriage of Sticks"  and yes, I would recommend this read to you. 

The Pull Out Method

Author: Lucky Stevens
Published By: Mill City Press
Age Recommended:   Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"The Pull Out Method" by Lucky Stevens was one wild excellent read.  This
author is a very interesting storyteller in that each chapter will have you only
wanting more.  There was a lots of fast action that only keeps the reader
in suspense....that I even found myself holding my breath and with a ending
that will only have you saying .... I didn't see that coming! This was some
bank robbery and leaving you to think...Was this poor hero was in the 'wrong place at the wrong time?

 You will find so many twist and turns and with these characters who were all simply off the chart ....good....all being so well developed ...from Reggie, Grandma, Lulu, Travor, Mr. Gonzalez, George Sullivan, Wes, Bobby, Duke, Jerry White, Mike Story, Natalie, Chad Grey, Darin Kelley, Joseph Bleeker to Ralph and I am sure I have left someone else  you will just have to pick up this good read "The Pull Out Method" to see who that may be....along with what was up with the saying..."just making lemonade, baby.  Just making lemonade."   Also from this read you will get all of the why, what, who and how of it all in this well written read that you will not be able to put down until the end. This definitely was a page turner!

If you are looking for a crime novel with much suspense then I would recommend "The Pull Out Method" to you as a excellent read. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Author:  Frances Itani
Published By:   Atlantic Monthly Press
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4

"Requiem" by Frances Itani was wonderful written novel that gives a revealing
look into the Japanese internment of the Canadians in British Colombian following the bombing of Pearl Harbour, during World War Two in 1942.   This author has weaved this story into past and present with a 'heart felt family story shedding light on a painful period of Canada's history when those of Japanese descent were interned.' I felt this was a fascinating story how this man's journey back to his past with his friend...his dog and memories of his wife...along with him in the front seat.

This novel is of Bin Okuma who was a Canadian painter of Japanese descent and was married to a Canadian girl...had one son...wife going on a journey to West find that his 'first-father' is ageing...having not been close to his father... Bin now decides to see his father...and  goes the story and the part that I say to find out father you must pick up "Requiem" and find out what memories will come back to him during has childhood...with his family...their previous life as fisherman until the boasts were confiscated and then there travel to the camp in British Columbia.  In this novel you will see how the author brings to the writer three time frames: "the distant past, when
Bin lived with his family in an internment camp, the recent past, with memories of his life  with his wife and son in Canada, and the current day, the road journey across Canada with his dog, Basil."

This was a different read for me because I hadn't read about the experiences of the Japanese in Canada.  Having done so,  I found "Requeim"  a very interesting
read.  I thought that the characters were very well developed with this novel  showing much feeling,  grief and even consolation and yes, I would recommend this novel as a good read. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Author: Joanna Nadin
Published By: Walker & Company
Age Recommended: YA (some language)
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4


"Paradise" by Joanna Nadin was a good contemporary fiction read. This author gave us a well written read that full of mystery, family secrets and even some romance in this well captivating  read that moves from present to past. This novel was written very cleverly.  You will only have to pick up this read to see what I am speaking of.  Billie Paradise, a sixteen year old from London  had inherited a house in Cornwall from her grandmother Eleanor...Now maybe Billie can get some question answered she had long wondered of  ... namely just
who was her  father", why did her mother leave her hometown, why did her
mother's brother...Will die?, and just why the  grandparents that were never
spoken of?  You will find that "Paradise" will take you on a wide up and down
ride that will give you various points of views from Billie, her mother, grandmother Eleanor and also the cast characters from Alexander, Jonty, Tom and others in this good story.  As Billie falls, in love...will her love be tested when the truth about her family starts to come out?   This is where I say you must pick up "Paradise" to see all the what, where, why  and how to this well written read.  Yes, this may have been a little predictable with this dysfunctional family  but it still was a good read that I enjoyed reading.  Be ready for family secrets and lies that will all come out in the end.

If you are in for a good quick and easy read you have come to the right place for "Paradise" will give you that and so much more.  Be ready for the big bang in the end only to give you the real truths about this family and yes, I would recommend "Paradise" to you as a good read for the YA. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Little Night

Author: Luanne Rice
Published By: Pamela Dorman Books
Age Recommended:   Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5

"Little Night" by Luanne Rice was a  intriguing family drama read in that it was a little different from my normal reads that this read  simply blow me away.  It was not a easy read in that it will bring to light."violence, family abuse, narcissistic disorders, prison time, death and murder." "Little Night" plot will bring to you many twist and turns as this  story will go back and forth from the past to present...Clare and Grit's point of view with Anne's journals and website.  The story picks up with Annie trying to protect her sister from a very abusive husband (Fredrick) who was a abuser, and Clare hit him on the head with a poker  and was sent to jail for several years due to the fact that her 'own sister...Anne lied on the stand for her husband...Now Anne was out of jail.. only to get a visit from Anne's daughter Grit  for a visit to New York...  and  this will be the part where I will say you must pick up "Little Night" to see once again  how Clare's life will change and especially whether Clare will be able to ever forgive her sister Anne and what about Clare's feelings for Paul?

The characters were all very well developed with  such emotions that really made this a very realistic story and "Little Night" will give you a very sensitive heartbreaking read.

I think this author did a wonderful job as "she weaves, pain, death, sorrow, betrayal, abandonment, forgiveness and love all in a well written story" that has been well delivered to the reader  and yes.  I would definitely recommend "Little Night"  as a excellent read. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cameron By: Jade Jones

Author: Jade Jones
Published By: J.J.
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5


"Cameron" by Jade Jones was some good read that once I started reading this novel I didn't stop until I had finished with it.  You really couldn't   put it down because there is some much going on that will have you literally wondering what this author has in store for the reader next. "Cameron is fast paced and it will be so  much going up and I was trying to keep up ...well I took notes because I didn't want to miss any of it.  This storyline was so intriguing and all the drama OMG ...yes!  All of the characters were simple off the chart GOOD  really making each one very believable  that anyone could relate was all well presented from Cameron(Hypnotic),Rodney, Ahmad, Pocahontas(Poca), Terrence(Silk),X-rated, Redbone, Wallace, Pure Seduction, Tiffany, Juicy, Jerrell, Jude, Rico, Klimaxxx, Bobby,to Kevin and I am sure I have left someone You will have to pick up this excellent read "Cameron" to find out just who that may be.

This poor heroine(Cameron) really went through so much that you can only
hope for her in the end some common sense because she never gives up
and just continues to move forward with her life.  Now it is my understanding that there is a book 2... so perhaps we may  find some more interesting things about this heroine.  We know from the reading that she was a orphan and had lived in many foster homes and now her life had been... when again I don't want to give too much again....pick up the will not be disappointed!

Ms. Jones this is my second novel that I have read of yours and I really can only
say I enjoyed them both and will be looking forward to Cameron 2 novel  real soon.  With that being said I would definitely recommend "Cameron" to you as a excellent read.

One-Hundred-and-One African-American Read-Aloud Stories

Author: Susan Kantor
Published By: Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers
Age Recommended: Children 9+ to Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For:  GMTA
Rating: 4


"One-Hundred-and-One African-American Read-Aloud Stories" by Susan Kantor was quite  a interesting read. The firs thing I will say is that I did not feel like all of these short stories were for  young  children.  Some I would not care to read to a child. So, what I am saying  is that a adult needs to have read it and decide for yourself if you think this particular one is for your child. I found most of them most interesting. This author did a wonderful job with the colorful descriptions...Wow! OK, with that being said you will be presented with "folktales, biographies, history books: songs, poetry and chants."  There are some very informative information on 'Biography, Slavery, and History" that will keep your interested in the read.  I think in the end this could be a very good collection for a family at some set time.  You will find many myths and fables that will entertain in its teachings.  I wish there  would have been some illustrations but on a whole I thought this novel was a good read that could go into your family library.  However, as I said earlier beware that some of this is not for the younger children...parent please read and see for yourself if it would be for your child....mainly speaking of those younger that 9-10. Now, with that being said yes,  I would recommend this read to you.

All You Need Is Love

Author: Cathy Tully
Published By:  Astraea Press
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"All You Need Is Love" by Cathy Tully was a sweet romance novel and if you are a dog lover ... this one  really is for you.  Truly 'Little Man' will really capture your  heart .... along with...Jack....Caitlyn and  grandma.  All of these characters will really give you laughter with all that this author has put into this read for the reader.  I found that I wasn't able to put down the read until I had finished with it.

If you are looking for a fun sweet romance..."All You Need Is Love" is a sweet
interesting read and I would recommend it to you. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

New Bay Wedding

Author: Nell Dixon
Published By:  Astraea Press
Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"New Bay Wedding" by Nell Dixon was a wonderful read.  We find in this novella read we find that Emma's brother, Noah has plans to 'set up his sister with his someone'....with  Noah's match making skills would he pick out the right male for his sister?now who would be right for his sister Emma? With Emma's brother wedding is coming up and her being the maid of honor... she would now have to  interact his Ian who was her brother clumsy best what would become of this?  This is where I say you must pick up "New Bay Wedding" to see the what, why, and the how of it all.

Be ready for a real smooth quick read as this author delivers to its reader a
well written dialog that I would recommend as a excellent novella.  

Friday, January 18, 2013

Easy Target

Author:  David Grace
Published By:   D. G.
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"Easy Target" by David Grace was a good detective/mystery read that I thoroughly enjoyed.  Greg and his wife had moved to Varity, Kansas where he had changed his livelihood from working for the NYPD to teaching 'felony murder' classes at KCU.  Life quickly  had changed when his wife Carolyn had died suddenly  from a hit and run accident. But was this really a accident?   In "Easy Target" you will find very interesting plots...with several stories in this novel and  with well developed characters...all making this read a intriguing read.  This author really does his magic with this read presenting quite a story especially with the help of Greg Websters one  student a class assignment.."began researching local violent deaths and Carolyn's accident began to look more and more like the latest in a series of murders"  and now this novel takes off where I say ... Were these all accidents or are we dealing with a  serial killer?   Now, this is the part that I will say you must pick up this
read.."Easy Target" to see what, how and what Mr. Grace will touch us  with a great written story that you will find hard to put down until the last word only 
leaving ...."He should have heeded the old warning: Be careful what you wish for."
I found "Easy Target" easy excellent read that I would recommend to the reader
especially if you like a good mystery read.  

The Crush

Author: Tracy James Jones
Published By:  Smashwords
Age Recommended: YA-Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5


This was a beautifully written read by Tracy James Jones that only 'she' can give
to us the reader.  "The Crush" can only be summed up by the one word
for me ....'TOUCH' that started at a early childhood  age and is still there 
through HS and even now at the 10 year class reunion.  These were definitely 
awesome feelings of a 'lifetime'  never to be forgotten.  I was able to relate to this short story that made me even think back to that time in my own life.  "The Crush"  was such a  sweet  short story that has been very well told in just
a few words by a amazing author Tracy James Jones... Thank you!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

By God's Grace

Author: Felicia Rogers
Published By: Astraea Press
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA

Rating: 5


Felicia Roger's "By God's Grace was a good read that will definitely keep your
interested.  This novel was the second in a historical Scottish series for this author as she features Duncan and Arabella.  We find that Duncan(Laird) has been called back to his former land because his older brother(Cainneach) had died.  Now Duncan is to marry soon and start producing heirs, but who will that be? Why did Arabella have to complete to be presented as Duncan future bride? What was insured for Arabella and what was going on the the former 'Mistress' of the Keep who  was really the wolf? Will this plot be discovered before it is too late?  Now to get all these answers to many of these questions and will have to pick up this excellent novel to see just what is going on. "By God's Grace"  will have many characters that really brings out their emotions...with humor, disgust, sadness and happiness in a well  developed written novel.  Be ready for a fast paced read that will have plenty of twist and turns...going from one event to another interesting scene that we will see a murder, double identities, and even romance that will bring this to a complete circle to a excellent read. 

If you are in for a good mystery with plenty of adventure, suspense & romance, you have come to the right place for this recommended novel  because "By God's Grace"  will give it all to you. 

Black Sheep By C.J. Lyons

Author:  C J Lyons
Published By:  Minotaur Books
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Black Sheep" by C.J. Lyons was a truly another one this authors good reads
that only 'she' can deliver. This novel will be presented with mystery, murder, a thrillers, suspense with even some  romance.  Black Sheep was the sequel to
Blind Faith and if you haven't read it....well you are missing out...but this story
continues as this novel's interest is in FBI Caitlyn Tierney...who gets involved with a incident that had happened some twenty-six years ago...involving her father(Sean Tierney) and his best friend(Eli Hale).  Caitlyn who had given her all with the FBI didn't play totally by their rules and when she is notified of the disappearance  of a childhood friend...all hell breaks her trying to see just what was going on at the end of the rainbow.  The novel moves very fast and the characters for me were simply off the chart...ALL good. Now, I will only name a few but not all....from Caitlyn,Whitford, Eli Hale, Sean Tierney, Lena, Jessalyn, Vonnie,Bernie, Jimmy McSwain, Poppy, Weasel, Goose, Paul, Tommy Shadwick, Sheriff Markle,   Caruso, Judas Bearmeat, to  Mrs. Littlejohn and I am sure I have left someone out so it will be up to you to pick up this excellent read to see just who that might be.

This author really works her magic in bringing us such a well written dialog that will  you keep you on the edge of your seat .... not being able to put this novel  down until its  end.  This ending will probably surprise you....I was... I had my thoughts who I thought was involved but the actual killer...WOW!  Now, I will say no more other than tell you to please pick up this read.  This author has a way that only she can tells a story to us and leave us is saying Wow... that was a some good read.
If you are in for a good mystery along with some thrills, and lots of suspense and surprises ... you have come to the right place for "Black Sheep" will truly take you there and I would highly recommend this to you as a excellent read.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Strands of Bronze and Gold

Author: Jane Nickerson
Published By:  Random House Children's Books
Age Recommended:  YA
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4


"Strands of Bronze and Gold" by Jane Nickerson was a very good read for the YA that was of a historical fiction with bits of horror, love and romance. This author gave us a well written dialog that used a wonderful descriptions with such detail for a easy read.  This plot with will keep you on the edge of your seat till the end offering a dramatic ending.  The setting of the novel was from the Civil War period set in the Mississippi area.  Young Sophia agrees to join her godfather... Monsieur Bernard de Cressac at his Wyndriven Abby estate in Mississippi.  From there this story takes where you will find some fantastic descriptions like  "expensive gifts and moments of flattery and indulgence don't make up for the cruelty of the rest of the time, the kindness and respect dare more important than superficial charm."  Parts that I did not particularly like was the 'handling of race and slavery'....However,  in the 19th century and slavery was part of their life... Now, this is the time that I say you must pick up the read "Strands of Bronze and Gold" to get all they how, why, what and  who of the well written novel.  I will say at this point that this is the story of the 'Bluebeard' Fairy Tale... retelling of it to another degree.  Be ready for some glimpsing of ghost issues and even more interesting twists. Sophie may have started out  a 'naive sweet girl' but in the end she  will soon 'grow up' to not only protect herself but those she had now grown to care about at this Abbey and and her own family. 

"Strands of Bronze of Gold' will keep you captivated in the read and I would
recommend to anyone who loves a good  'Fairy Tales.'

Monday, January 14, 2013

A Night of Southern Comfort

Author: Robin Covington
Published By:  Entangled Publishing
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For:  GMTA

Rating: 5


"A Night of Southern Comfort" by Robin Covington was a wonderful romantic
read that was indeed enjoyed.  Sexy, fast paced, great hero and heroine was
all in this wonderful read.  Truly Jackson was a person with some flaws but
a hulk... proved to be a perfect match for Michaela.   Michaela was a character with the ability to stand up for what she wanted.  I found "A Night of Southern
Comfort" was somewhat predictable but will a good read and the ending only
saying  OMG good!  Now,  as this storyline  goes...Michaela is being stalked
...will Jackson be able to aid will find out by picking up "A Night of
Southern Comfort" to find out.

Be ready for a quick read that you will not be able to put down and some twist
only to give you a good fun read that I would highly  recommend to you.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Fresh Set Of Eyes

Author:  Liz Strange
Published By: MLR Press, LLC
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"A Fresh Set of Eyes" by Liz Strange was a very interesting mystery read that I thoroughly  enjoyed.   This was a second in a series with Missing Daughter, Shattered Family being  the first in this  series.   This novel was well written and had a good plot that this author set that really kept me intrigued till the end.  Be ready for many twist and turns that will even make it even more  a fascinating read.  The characters were really off the chart good...especially David Lloyd who was a good investigator who had been fired by one of the boys mom to  find   who had  murdered those two boys.  David was taking a cold case and after ten years  this cold case had been on the he started to work above and beyond to prove the innocence  of the boys (Nathan Klassen, Alex Snider and John Dean) that had been accused wrongly and imprisoned for murder.  What was strange about this case was that many people believed that these three boys had not done the murder.

I really enjoyed how David took over this investigation and this mystery went at
just the right pace to keep you up with just what was going on.. all  making sense  to me.  Be ready for many details and finding  a novel to be very  well written with great dialog.   Will there be a little romance between David and his
roommate...well, this is where I will say you must pick up "A Fresh Set of Eyes'
to find the answers to the what, why and how of this and many other questions.  This was a good mystery...I did not find out until the very end. 

If you are looking for a good mystery, you have come to the right place for
"A Fresh Set of Eyes" is a excellent read that I would recommend to you.

The Marriage List

Author: by Jean Joachim
Published by:  J.J.
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4


"The Marriage List" (New York Night) by Jean Joachim was a very beautiful 
romance novel.  The novel was of two independent people. Grey and Carrie both having career goals ahead of family and marriage.  With Carrie being a aspiring author...meets with a publishing company to have her reviewed and it was  how she meets Grey.  Would there be a instant attraction between these two people?  This is where I say you must pick up this good novel to see what will happen next.  I believe you will find the novel entertaining and the characters enjoyable that will keep your interest.

If you are looking for a good  quick read... you have come to the right read...for
"The Marriage List" you will receive a sweet love story and I would recommend
this one to you.

Just The Man She Needs

Author: Gwynne Forster
Published By:  Kimani Press Arabesque
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4


"Just The Man She Needs" by Gwynne Forster was a good read.  I found this novel very easy to connect to even though it wasn't one of my favorite novels  from this author.  "Just The Man She Needs" was of a journalist, Felicia Parker  who wrote social columns who had not been successful in her own social life...contacts an escort service...and is hooked to an escort named John Ashton Underwood..who wasn't exactly  escort.  Now this story line will pick up from there and this is where I say you must pick up this novel to see the what, when, how of it all in this good read that only this author gives to the reader.  You will find that this story will mainly focus on these two main people and their interactions with their families which will proves quite interesting.

 I felt this author gives us a good read and I yes I would recommend this one as a good read.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Come August, Come Freedom: The Bellows, The Gallows, and The Black General Gabriel by Gigi Amateau

Author: Gigi Amateau
Published By: Candlewick Press
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4


"Come August, Come Freedom: The Bellows, The Gallows, and The Black General Gabriel" was really some read for me. As I continued my read I wondered if I could make it through it and I did. This author did a wonderful job with this storyline. I will say she did a great job with all the characters that really added much to "Come August, Come Freedom. I felt that this was a well done dialog of a fictional account of this conspiracy of a slave know as Gabriel Posser. This slave was born in 1776 in Virginia...later to be hung in late October 1800. It was not a happy novel for me but I did make it through because this author did a good job in bringing it to the reader mainly to be know by a few historians and some folklorists. Yes, I have even heard of this person and even the song 'Posser Gabriel'. Now this read is not for be aware of that in choosing the title. Do your research.

I believe the author did a OK job with this story and if you are in for a read that may not have a happy ending but I am sure it may have happened. History like this have played this way for some of us. 

Death of Gossip

Author: M. C. Beaton
Published By:  Grand Central Publishing
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4

"Death of Gossip" by M. C. Beaton was a excellent fast pace  mystery read.
This is a first  Hamish Macbeth novel in a series for this author.   "Death of
Gossip" was of a famous gossip columnist (Lady Jane Winters) who was a
'pompous, bulling gossip columist' has been murdered at a fishing school and it seems that no one is willing to talk but it looks like it is up to the local constable Hamish Macbeth will be the only one that will be able to get to the bottom of this and unveil the murderer. This gossip columnist was from a big London newspaper gathers information on the potential scandalous behaviour of other
guests and manages to make everyone of them wish her dead. And now she was dead....Who had done this?   How will this all go,  this is where I say you must pick up the good read "Death of Gossip" to find out. I found this read very interesting....funny..... and will definitely keep you guessing to who, what, how and why of it all.  This author will send you on a ride from Scotland, England and New York.
"Death of Gossip" was a  good murder mystery that was a fast read and yes, I
would recommend this novel as a good read. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Author: Debra Webb
Published By:  Pink House Press .
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5

"Obsession" by Debra Webb was a excellent read that was full of suspense
with a bit of romance that will not let you put it down until the end with so many
twist and turns.  All of the characters were very interesting and well developed that will give
you a awesome read that will only have you wanting more.  After FBI Jess Harris had
made her first mistake and a bad man will walk because of it...with no family or
husband...a boss who had 'thrown her career under the bus'...Jess returns to
Birmingham, AL to help out Police Chief Dan Burnett who had been her first
love,  to help in the bizarre case of five girls who had disappeared.  This novel
really moves...from all of this to the serial killer who will be set free due to Jess's
mistake.  Now, this is where I say you must pick up "Obsession" to see how this
author will present a outcome to all of this.  This novel "Obsession" is  a part of
a trilogy so be prepared that you may not get all of the answers to your questions
in this one read.  I am more than sure you will want to pick up the next book. 
You will be kept on the edge of your see with this investigation, the rekindled
attraction that still seemed to be their for Dan and Jess, a serial killer (Eric Spears)
being set free will only keep you reading.
"Obsession" is a excellent thriller with plenty of suspense  that will only keep you
reading this novel and even the series....and YES, I would definitely recommend
this one to you. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Florentine's Hero (Rodeo Rebel)

Author: Debra Kayn
Published By:   Entangled Publishing
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4


"Florentine's Hero" by Debra Kayn was a good read that had you laughing, tearing, and even cheering this heroine(Florentine McDougal) in this novel.  This novel was a fourth in a series called the 'Sisters of McDougal Ranch.'   It was hard for me to even amagine but Florentine was trying out for the top spot in the world of Bull Riding....Yes Bull Riding which until now...I even thought this was just for the male gender.  Florentine was trying to make her mark in this sport of a male dominant scene and the new of Florentine's main sponsors and the only business that would even sponsor her....Cole Readon was not for her doing this this at all.  WHY was that?  Cole had other plans that would allow him out of this contract that they had signed, however, Florentine would have none of this and that is when this novel takes off...and this is where  I say you must pick up this good read to see where this author is going to take us...the reader.  Would Florentine let Cole out of this contract?   The characters were simply off the chart good  from Florentine, Cole, Sara, the McDougal many others that were presented with  joys, sorrows, dreams and love and even some hot sex!  I found this novel had a fast paced that simply left it hard to put down with a unforgettable thought that women can do anything even be bull riders!
If you are looking for a read with sexy cowboys, rodeos, romance you have come to the right place and I would recommend this novel..."Florentine's Hero" to you as a good  read. 

The Science of Racism Everything You Need to Know but Probably Don’t—Yet by Keon West

 Book Excerpt: " In this frank, funny, and meticulous book, a leading social scientist lays out the striking facts we know about racism...