Friday, January 18, 2013

The Crush

Author: Tracy James Jones
Published By:  Smashwords
Age Recommended: YA-Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5


This was a beautifully written read by Tracy James Jones that only 'she' can give
to us the reader.  "The Crush" can only be summed up by the one word
for me ....'TOUCH' that started at a early childhood  age and is still there 
through HS and even now at the 10 year class reunion.  These were definitely 
awesome feelings of a 'lifetime'  never to be forgotten.  I was able to relate to this short story that made me even think back to that time in my own life.  "The Crush"  was such a  sweet  short story that has been very well told in just
a few words by a amazing author Tracy James Jones... Thank you!

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