Sunday, January 7, 2018

11-11-11 (End-Of-The-World Trilogy #1) by John Rachel

Book Description...

"Noah was turning 23 and desperate to get out of town. Pulnick, Missouri had always been a hopelessly hayseed blemish on the pallid face of rural Bible-belt America. Always bland and soporific, it was now being invaded by white supremacist meth heads, visited by an unprecedented crime wave, exploited by spiritualists and local politicos, and driven to hysteria by paranoid rumors that the world would end on November 11th. Moreover, Noah's personal life was becoming more convoluted by the day. Everything seemed to conspire against his singular need to go somewhere where he could begin a new life and learn how to dream."

Title:  11.11.11
Author:  John Rachel
Publisher:  Melange Books, LLC N Schumacher 
Series: End of The World Trilogy # 1
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"11.11.11. by John Rachel

My Thoughts....

If you are looking for a humorous and even a few tears then you have come to right place for '11-11-11'  will give it to you and so much more. This was quite a interesting read with Noah Tass who grow up in a small town in the Midwest [Pulnick, Missouri] and wanted to leave this 'Bible belt America.'  Will Noah who was turning twenty three get his wish and be able to finds 'a new life and truly learn how to dream?'  I enjoyed how this author was able to give us a read that had some real events that came together in a type of up and downs that are usually found in a lots of small towns.  If one even lived in a small time and wanted to get out I would definitely suggest this read for you.  This story will definitely charm and keep you laughing at all the going on in this story.  There were quite a few characters that will keep your interest turning the pages to see what was coming next in this well written 'who-dun-it' read.  Now, this story will not stop here and continues on for more adventures for Noah in the next trilogy  '12-12-12.' 

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