Saturday, July 3, 2021

Dear God: Hear My Prayer Kindle Edition by Lakisha Johnson

 Book Excerpt:

"Since the age of 14, Jayme’s life has been hell, and she has one person to thank for it, Pastor James Madison.

He stood in the pulpit on Sundays waving the same hands that abused her at night. He glorified God with the same mouth he used to chip away her self-esteem daily. He was a man of God who had turned her away from the same God he told people they needed to serve.

He was the man who was supposed to pray for, take care of, and eventually love her. Instead, he preyed on, took advantage of, and shattered her heart before it had a chance to truly love someone else.

Now, 14 years and a son later, she finds herself needing God, yet she doesn’t know how to reach Him. She longs for God but isn’t sure He can hear a sinner’s prayer until she starts to say, Dear God ..."

Title:  Dear God:  Hear My Prayer
Author:  Lakisha Johnson
Publisher:  Twins Write 2; 2nd edition 
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  Five
"Dear God:  Hear My Prayer" by Lakisha Johnson

My Opinion:  

'Dear God:  Hear My Prayer' was quite a sad read for one to read, even though it was a good read.  For Jayme, Jackson, and the other children who went through this abuse because of James's molestation ways.  And oh yes, he was a minister and had a church who was to be a man of God and a pillar to the community.  I found this story one that could have one questioning God.  Now, why was we see Jayme saying so many times...why me?
 I still don't know what to think of Jayme's mother, Josephine, who seem to let this go on and did nothing. And as I was feeling so sorry for Jayme, her son.. leaving one to say now who his father was?   It was good for Jacob to meet Jayme and show interest in her and her son Jace. Jayme, definitely went through more than enough before she finally started seeking God in her life.  To understand this whole story, you will have to pick up this good read to see how this author brings it all out for Jayme, Jace, and Jacob.  Will Jayme be able to turn her life around.  Well, it seems like something will happen that will bring it all out so well for her and Jace. Again, to find out, you will have to pick up "Dear God:  Hear My Prayer," and He did! 

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