Saturday, July 3, 2021

Worshipping God-Serving God: The Mary-Martha Syndrome-Bible Study Guide: For Individual or Group Study Kindle Edition by Denise Cook Godfrey

 Book Excerpt:

"The guide highlights the strong points in each chapter to bring out the main theme. Some areas of study are provided to enhance a thought mentioned within the book but may not be worded in the same manner. Each session is written to have you stop and think, or “selah,” which means to pause and calmly think upon something. My prayer and heart’s desire for the reader is that each one may apply the nuggets and truths to everyday life. All scripture references are from the King James Version unless otherwise noted."

Title: Worshipping Good-Serving God
Author: Denise Cook-Godfrey
Publisher: D.C.G.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
Worshipping Good-Serving God" by Denise Cook-Godfrey

My Opinion:

'Worshipping God-Serving God' is an excellent 'Bible Study Guide' that was greatly enjoyed reading. You will find that the 'chapter of the book has a practical bible study session the gives one the revelation and knowledge of truly living a balanced life of serving our God.' If we can only apply this to our everyday life...that would be so wonderful.

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