Sunday, August 5, 2012

59 HOURS...A Short Dark Thriller

Author:  R.E. Schobernd
Published By:  R.E. Schobernd at Swashwords
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Blog For:  GMTA

"59 Hours by R. E. Schobernd was a good short thriller that left you saying "OMG"  I did not see that coming. I read this very fast definitely not putting this
one down until the end (25 minutes).

For Frances...all she wanted to love... from her mother and then
seems like Frances thought she had found someone to care about her after leaving her mothers place...after showing up at her cousin's (Mikey) place...where he wasn't present but there was Michael Smith (a friend of Mikey) who was showing  Frances  love and kindness...only was this for real?  Now, this
is the time that I say you must pick up "59 Hours" to find out just what is going on.  Has Frances found love and how does bank robbing and murder fix into all of this?

I like the way the author presented this short story because it really turned out differently from my thought pattern and that ending...Wow!

For a quick short thriller  I would recommend "59 Hours" to you as a good read.

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