Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Bentleys (Sample): The Baltimore Crime Family

Title:  The Bentleys (Sample): The Baltimore Crime Family
Author:  Angel Williams
Publisher:  Star City Publication
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"The Bentleys (Sample): The Baltimore Crime Family" by Angel Williams

Book Description....

"Love and War. Right on the battlefield streets of Baltimore Maryland. The Bentleys is a family of savages who only have love for one another and no others. Criminal minds and beyond dangerous. Taught from the best they was taught to trust no man or fear no man and that they don't. A family that is build on three things, Trust, Money and Power. Taking them from granted they had no problem turning the city into Bmore Murda Land. This savage family of five brothers and sisters take charge of the lucrative drug game that their father has left them and take the game to another level. Amina is drop dead gorgeous but is deadly dangerous. She is the woman behind the strong empire. Dealing with her hot headed brothers and her sister will she get fed up and branch off on her own? Or will she continue to build an empire with her brothers and sisters? Or will money be the root of evil for this black mafia family? 1.....2......3...The Bentley's is coming for you"....

What I liked from the read....

This was one of those reads that was definitely of a crime family (BCF) which showed from the parents to their children.  The author does a good job at displaying how this family was one force to have to be dealt with.  I was definitely left saying if this is a sample what all will we be getting from the actual novel?  If it's anything like the sample where I found the read to  be one tensed read.  Anyway, I guess we will have to wait and see.  Wow, this was a intriguing, interesting thrill of a sample read! 

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