Monday, September 8, 2014

The Buried Children By: Daniel Farcas

Title:  The Buried Children
Author:  Daniel Farcas
Publisher:  Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"The Buried Children" by Daniel Farcas

Book Description...

"This true story is the journal of an orphan child born in Romania in 1980's during Nicolae Ceauscu's communist regime, Daniel becomes a homeless child on Bucharest streets and in the city underground sewers after he runs away from the orphanage and lives through the 1989 Anticommunism Revolution.
Daniel ends up running from the Romanian Secret Service and police that want him dead and he manages to fly to U.S. using someone else passport help by Mariana, an American girl that falls in love with him while in a Humanitarian Mission in Bucharest.
There are other stories tangled in the novel, an adopted child, a child reunited with his father and a child killing his father and grandfather who abandon him."

What I got out of this novel ....

This was definitely not a happy was a horrible one and I agree with a title of a chapter  'Born in Hell.'  Wow, what a description of this child's horrible journey into manhood as he grow up in this unwanted orphan in communist Romania.  It was quite interesting how this novel is about Daniel growing up in an orphanage then in sewers then coming to America....then trying to survive where he was not wanted.  This is a intensed read of the memoirs of this author. 

My impression of this novel...

I found it very emotional interesting and even heartbreaking read  for anyone to have to go through and even more for one to have to read about.   This is definitely not a read for everyone...more for the mature audience.  I know their were grammar problems, however after all is said and done this author has given us a honest worth while and sincere accounting of his journey into manhood.

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