Sunday, December 27, 2015

Suddenly Single: So Undeserving By: Deidra D. Green

Book Description....

"Are happily ever after’s only for fairy tales? Bailey Jamison’s life could have been plucked right from the pages of the most romantic story book. She married the love of her life. He loved her without condition. It was like a dream. But what happens when the dream turns into a nightmare? Devastating loss, new life and divisive lines drawn in the sand wreak havoc in Bailey’s life. Can she handle all that is being thrown her way or will Bailey crumble under the pressure? Find out in “Suddenly Single, So Undeserving”."

Title:  Suddenly Single: So Undeserving
Author:  Deidra D. Green
Publisher:  Rathsi Publishing
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Suddenly Single:  So Undeserving" by Deidra D. S. Green

My Thoughts....

This novel was wonderful written and as part of the title stated ...'So Undeserving.'  This author really knows to give the readers a story that is so full with drama,  hatefulness as well as some emotions that will keep one interested reading till the end.  I found many of the characters ...from Bailey,[Reign & Skyy], Annette, Aunt Carolyn, [Isaiah], Dr. Harrison, Yolanda, Alphia, Xavier, Carmen, Angelica, Raven, Officer Conway to several others  that really made this well written read that is done so uniquely. I know my favorite part was at the end with Bailey's departing words for 'Annette' at her funeral.  The story will leave one wondering at the end as Bailey will be left looking 'forward to getting to know'...well, this is the time I way you will have to pick up this novel and see how well this author has presented it so well to her readers.  Will Bailey be able to 'handle all that is being thrown at her?' As I finished up this read and thought about 'Suddenly Single:  So Undeserving,' I felt that there was certainly a lesson to be learned from this read.  I hope you get it....I did!

Thank you to the author for gifting me this novel for me to read and give the readers my honest opinion of the read.

BOSS (Book 1, Part 3) (The Baptiste Family Novella Series) By: Brian W. Smith

Book Description....

"The Baptiste Family run K and E Publishing, the largest African-American owned publishing company in the country. The Founder/CEO, King Baptiste has decided he's ready to retire. Each of his kids (Junior, Queen, Elan, and Carmelo) want to be the new CEO, and they will do anything - including backstab each other - to be named the new BOSS."

Title:  Boss [Book 1, Part 3] The Baptiste Family Novella
Author:  Brian W. Smith
Publisher: B.W. S.
Series:  Part 3 Novella Series
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  Five

"Boss [Book 1 Part 3]" by Brian W.Smith

My Thoughts....

OK, I will admit I don't like waiting  to read part  2  and then  waiting to read part 3 so...Now let me be clear to what I am saying. I wanted to read the whole story at one sitting, so when I met this author and learned that there was going to be a part 3 to this Boss story...I said OK [to myself].. I will just wait and read it all together Parts 1, 2 & 3 and yesterday I did just that and loved this amazing read.     Part 3 is off the chart  being so well written with all of its twist and turns!  I still loved not having to wait and read it in parts.  However, I will say this author does very well  with his writing skills in bringing all of the parts 1, 2 and 3 altogether showing all of the 'drawn emotions' out of his characters.  As the novella continues the author presents the reader with another character that will cause one to either love or hate who he is presented to the story of already a disruptive family. That definitely  was a Wow moment for me at the end of the read!  Oh, I will say the story Boss Part 3 doesn't stop here...we are getting even more from this author in the summer of 2016, BOSS (Book 2, Part 1).  Thank you to the author for such a intriguing good story. Yes,  I will probably do it again and get  all the parts and then finish my read at one time and I am sure it will be another good read that the readers will be waiting till the end to get the rest of the 'Baptiste Family' story.

Boss [Book 1, Part 2 The Baptiste Family Novella Series] By: Brian W. Smith

Book Decription....

"This is Book 1 (Part 2) of the Baptiste Family Series. King Baptiste, Founder and CEO of K and E Publishing is ready to retire. He must decide between his four kids who will be his successor. They each want the job, and have every intention to become the new any means necessary."

Title:  Boss Book 1 Part 2 [The Baptiste Family Novella Series]
Author:  Brian W. Smith
Publisher:  B.W.S.
Series:  The Baptiste Family Novella # 2
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Boss Part 2" by Brian W. Smith

My Thoughts.....

OK, as I continue on with Boss Book 1 Part 2...this Baptiste Family a decision is to be made by King
Baptiste.  Now, how with this man decide between the four ? children to become a successor as the CEO of the K and E Publishing Company?  Who deserves this job? Well, as the plot this
story gets even more awesome!  As the drama keep on coming  to King and his family the reader will be kept reading as King Baptiste drops....well I will stop here and only say you will just have to pick this part 2 up and see just what that was that King drops on his family!  Now on to Boss Book 1 Part 3.

BOSS (Book 1, Part 1) (The Baptiste Family Novella Series By: Brian W. Smith

Book Description....

"The Baptiste Family run K and E Publishing, the largest African-American owned publishing company in the country. The Founder/CEO, King Baptiste has decided he's ready to retire. Each of his kids (Junior, Queen, Elan, and Carmelo) want to be the new CEO, and they will do anything - including backstab each other - to be named the new BOSS."

Title:  Boss  [Book 1, Part 1][The Baptiste Family Novella Series]
Author:  Brian W. Smith
Publisher: B.W.S.
Series: The Baptiste Family Novella Part 1
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"The Boss Book 1, Part 1"  by Brian W. Smith

My Thoughts....

This was a little different read for me having all of these parts that will lead to the end  but I will say it was interesting  read and I look forward to the next part 2.  The author really shows his talents  as a good writer has he shows his talents with the way he slips in those twist and turns that will really captivates his readers keeping their attention till the end and definitely leaving you wanting more. The characters  from King, Junior, Queen, Elan and Carmelo are simply off the chart...well defined, portrayed and very believable giving the reader a good  novella read definitely leaving the reader saying what a family!  The reader will be left wanting the next part 2 of this 'Baptiste' story.

Ring in a Cowboy: Nine Sexy Cowboys from Bestselling Authors [by: Donna Michaels, Lexi Post, Victoria Vane ,Rhonda Lee Carver, Amanda McIntyre, Hildie McQueen, Kathleen Ball, Tori Scott and Gem Sivad]

Book Description....

"New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Authors Donna Michaels and Lexi Post are joined by seven award-winning authors to bring you nine sexy cowboys in this New Year's collection that will warm you from the inside out. Ring in a Cowboy."

Donna Michaels - Wine and Her New Year Cowboy (Book 4/Citizen Soldier Series) A Going no male resolution excludes cowboys.

Lexi Post - Trace’s Trouble: Last Chance Series #2 - A divorced cowboy, with nothing left but his pride, runs into trouble when he has to evict a feisty woman who understands animals better than humans and carries a Glock named Sal.

Kathleen Ball – A Kiss at Midnight - Will Anora accept Maverick’s Heart? Only a long awaited New Year’s kiss at midnight will tell him.

Rhonda Lee Carver- A New Year's Cowboy- Charlie has suffered tragedy, but a Christmas package offers hope and a cowboy.

Amanda Mcintyre - Lost & Found - Fate gives first love a second chance.

Hildie Mcqueen- New Year with You- A modern Cinderella type story with a humorous twist.

Tori Scott- Cowboy Masquerade - A New Year's Eve masquerade party reveals more than anyone expects.

Gem Sivad- Cowboy Burn- She slides down an icy road and lands in the arms of love.

Victoria Vane – A Cowboy’s Midnight Kiss – Almost the moment she arrives for a holiday at a renowned ski resort, recently divorced Cassidy Cantrell breaks a boot heel, sprains her ankle, and gets swept off her feet by a blue-eyed Wyoming Rancher.

Title: Ring In A Cowboy
Authors:    Donna Michaels,  Lexi Post, Victoria Vane,Rhonda Lee Carver, Amanda McIntyre,  Hildie McQueen,  Kathleen Ball, Tori Scott and Gem Sivad
Publisher By:  Vane Publishing
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Ring in a Cowboy: Nine Sexy Cowboys from Bestselling Authors" by: Donna Michaels,  Lexi Post, Victoria Vane, Rhonda Lee Carver, Amanda McIntyre,  Hildie McQueen,  Kathleen Ball, Tori Scott and Gem Sivad.

My Thoughts...

Nine beautifully well written 'sexy cowboy anthology collections' that you will find it hard to put down until you are at the end of the read.  I found all of these wonderful stories will make for a good read and especially during the Christmas/New Year holiday season.

We have a total of nine stories....

Wine and Her New Year Cowboy by Donna Michaels

Trace's Trouble:  Last Chance Series #2 by Lexi Post

A Kiss at Midnight by Kathleen Ball

A New Year's Cowboy by Rhonda Lee Carver

Lost and Found by Amanda McIntyre

New Year with You by Hildie Mcqueen

Cowboy Masquerade by Tori Scott

Cowboy Burn by Gem Sivad
A Cowboy's Midnight Kiss by Victoria Vane

Did I have a favorite anthology? ...well, no because they all were some good reading by some very interesting authors.  Be ready for a little bit of it all from..'no man resolution, a cowboy evicting a feisty woman, acceptance, tragedy, a second chance, Cinderella type story, masquerade party reveal, love coming from a slide down a icy road and a divorced lady meets up with a Wyoming Rancher.'
Also,  be ready for some hot steamy ...well, I will stop here and just say you will have to pick up this good read to see how well these authors presents it to the readers.

Would I recommend "Ring in a Cowboy?"....YES!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Tree Of Hope By: Darcie Chan

Book Description...

A Christmas Novella

Title:  The Tree Of Hope
Author: Darcie Chan
Publisher:  D.C.
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"The Tree Of Hope" by Darcie Chan

My Thoughts...

This was a wonderful well written short story of a mother and the love of her girls survived during the Christmas season in 1984 after the death of her husband.  Things were tight but Josie was determine to give her girls a  real Christmas Tree.  With the help of her Aunt Ivy...just how did Josie make this happen?   Well you will have to get this short story to read and see just what the girls [Emily & Rose] saw when they got up the next morning.  .  I found this story very refreshing for the Christmas season definitely being a 'Tree of Hope' in all that Josie had to do.  I loved how the author shared what it was to be able to get it all done with what you have right around you.  When you set your mind to it as it was for Josie, it proved to her she could do it and she suceeded.  Thank you to the author for sharing this free read to the readers.  

Razor Sharp [Embryo: A Raney and Levine Thriller]

Book Description...

"A Jack the Ripper type killer is murdering male prostitutes, with one exception...

A young woman is found brutally attacked with a straight razor, her cruel facial mutilation the only link to three other horrific murders: a transgender woman, a transvestite, and a 17-year-old hustler. So nasty are those three born-male kills that the psychopath seems to be saying, they're all males...

FROM HELL he scrawls, taunting the NYPD with the original Jack the Ripper's 1888 letter to the police. This killer is cunning: wears gloves, disguises, and leaves no physical evidence. At a loss, the police ask "one small favor" from physicians Jill Raney and David Levine, friends and - until now, detectives on their own. "No warrant? No problem!" had been their mantra...until their relationship with the cops led to exhaustion and conflict.

But they share the horror that grips the country and agree to help, thus plunging into an unimaginable and terrifying maze of psycho-sexual obsession and madness."

Series order:
  • Embryo ..... Is a malignant genius tinkering with women's bodies? 
  • Embryo 2: Crosshairs ... A killer stalks women & an unborn baby.
  • Embryo 3: Raney & Levine...A murderous religious zealot threatens women ("sinners!") and a newborn.
  • Embryo 4: Catch Me ... A serial killer just targets couples.
  • Embryo 5: Silver Girl ... A beautiful young TV star dies mysteriously..
  • NEW! EMBRYO 6: RAZOR SHARP: A Jack the Ripper type killer is murdering male prostitutes: A transvestite, a transgender woman, a 17-year-old hustler - to him, they're all males. Police again ask Jill & David to help...

Title: Razor Sharp: Embryo: A Raney and Levine Thriller # 6
Author:  J.A. Schneider
Publisher:  R.G. Schneider, M.D
Series:  Embryo 6
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Razor Sharp" by J.A. Schneider 

My Thoughts....

Another well written story of the  'Embryo 6 series' by this author. We find with  "Razor Sharp" with Jill and David the duo doctor couple while on vacation do it once again helping the police catch the psycho who was murdering featuring 'transvestites. trams gender woman and a 17 year old hustler.' Be ready for a little bit of it all as this bad person is brought down in this bloody mystery thriller suspenseful novel with a lots of twist and turns.  I would recommend to get it all from the Embryo series to start with the first one and read you way through to this series.  You will not be disappointed at all, however this series is a standalone read.

Here they are is you would like to take a look at them:

"Series order:
  • Embryo ..... Is a malignant genius tinkering with women's bodies? 
  • Embryo 2: Crosshairs ... A killer stalks women & an unborn baby.
  • Embryo 3: Raney & Levine...A murderous religious zealot threatens women ("sinners!") and a newborn.
  • Embryo 4: Catch Me ... A serial killer just targets couples.
  • Embryo 5: Silver Girl ... A beautiful young TV star dies mysteriously..
  • NEW! EMBRYO 6: RAZOR SHARP: A Jack the Ripper type killer is murdering male prostitutes: A transvestite, a transgender woman, a 17-year-old hustler - to him, they're all males. Police again ask Jill & David to help..."
This author seems to have mastered it all in 'being so creative with such thought provoking stories and giving you such a good understanding of the medical and even the detective world.'  I love how she was able to bring into the story of Jill and David's son....the three year old Jesse who proved to be quite helpful in this case.  I will stop here and say to get the whole story you will just have to pick up "Razor Sharp" to see for yourself how well this story is presented to the readers.  I found this novel a page turner and had me guessing right up to the end who the corrupt murderer was.  Will there be a Embryo 7?  Well. I guess we will just have to wait and see!

Cookies and Kisses By: Trish Perry, Debby Mayne, Cecelia Dowdy and Lynette Sowell

Book Description....

"Relax and enjoy these holiday love stories while you munch on a handful of delicious cookies made from the recipes at the end of each novella in this collection of contemporary romances set in Bethlehem, Connecticut. Four childhood friends keep their beloved holiday tradition of a sleepover and Christmas cookie exchange that they started as teenagers.

The love stories in Cookies and Kisses show how these four friends' lives have changed over the years and what motivates them when they meet the men who make them weak at the knees. Anna has a chance to pursue her dream career and the possibility of love, but at what cost? After years of a secret crush on the boy next door, Carly has to face some important realities that can alter the direction of her future. Kim's life is a mess, so she returns to Bethlehem to run the family bakery and runs into someone who dredges up some old feelings she thought she'd lost. Single mom Heather has to decide whether or not to let her daughter's father back into her life—and possibly into her heart."

Title:  Cookies and Kisses
Authors:  Trish Perry, Debby Mayne, Cecelia Dowdy and Lynette Sowell
Publisher:  Forget Me Not Romance, a division of Winged Publications
Series:  Cookies and Kisses
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  Five

"Cookies and Kisses" by authors: Trish Perry, Debby Mayne, Cecelia Dowdy and Lynette Sowell

My Thoughts....

Four beautifully written anthologies....

Love's First Stage by Trish Perry

Kissing Carly by Debby Mayne

Loving Luke by Cecelia Dowdy


A Recipe for Family by Lynette Sowell

All of these short stories took place in and around Bethlehem, Connecticut where four friends got  together every Christmas holiday for a sleepover bringing or/and making their homemade 'Christmas Cookies.

As the  story goes will tie into the next story starting with Anna, Kim, Carly and then last Heather...all childhood best friends.

Be ready for a wonderfully written short stories by each of these author that dealt with what was going on in these characters everyday life.  I really  loved how the authors were able to bring in the Christian view in such a way it was not overly done.  .

Add with that the wonderful recipes that were shared Chocolate Peppermint  Mint Bars, Holiday Gluten-Free Macaroons[I'm trying this one] and Vanilla Cookies.'  This was definitely a delightful holiday read that I would recommend to all.

Two To Wrangle By: Victoria Vane

Book Description...


Maybe having a hot and heavy affair with the boss’s daughter wasn’t the smartest move. But country boy Ty Morgan didn’t regret a moment with city girl Monica Brandt…until she left Las Vegas to return to her life in New York.  When devastating news sends her running back, Ty can’t help but open his arms.  His heart, however, is another matter.

AND A CITY GIRLNow that Ty has what he’s always wanted—controlling interest in Hotel Rodeo—Monica is certain their time together is at an end.  Then Ty asks her to come on board as a partner.  Maybe it’s just her money he needs, but the chance to stick close to the sexy wrangler sure could make work a whole lot more interesting.

GET READY TO TANGOTheir partnership doesn’t come without a heap of problems. The two can’t agree on anything—except their iron-hot attraction.  As the hotel’s Grand Opening approaches, the truth is all too clear: Ty and Monica must find a way to mix business with pleasure if they have any shot at dancing off into the sunset together…

Praise for Victoria Vane
“Erotic and sexy.” —Library Journal on the Devil DeVere series

“For erotic passion and one-liners, the first book in Vane's new series will satisfy...Vane's latest gets a big yee-haw.”—RT Book Reviews on Slow Hand"

Title:  Two To Wrangle
Author:  Victoria Vane
Publisher:  Lyrical Shine
Series:  Hotel Rodeo #2
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean 
Rating: Five

"Two To Wrangle" by Victoria Vane

My Thoughts.....

This was a interesting part two story of the Hotel Rodeo series ....'a country boy' Ty [cowboy] and 'city girl' Monica being brought together due to a relationship to a his friend [Tom] and a her father. Now, how will these two get along even more so after the death of Tom?  What will they do with the 'Hotel Rodeo now that a new arrangement will be made after Toms death?'  Was their something going on between these two?  I liked how in this series that Ty and Monica began to talk, listen and let's not forget the hot steamy sex they seemed to have for each other.  This author will take the reader on quite a journey that will keep you turning the pages to see what will go on next for these two..Ty and Monica.  It was great seeing that by the end of the story...well I will stop here and say you will just have to pick up this read to see how it works out for them.  Now, it seems like in part 3 the story will be about Zac...Ty's friend and Delaney..Ty's ex.  I am sure that will be a interesting "Hotel Rodeo #3" series that the readers will not want to miss.

Received from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Once Upon A True Love's Kiss By: Julie Johnstone, Katherine Bone, Collette Cameron, Jullian Chantal, Lauren Smith, Samantha Grace, Alanna Lucas, Victoria Vane

Book Description....

"USA Today Best-selling author, Julie Johnstone, joins best-selling, award-winning authors, Katherine Bone, Collette Cameron, Jillian Chantal, Samantha Grace, Alanna Lucas, Lauren Smith, and Victoria Vane in this delightful limited edition, containing eight tantalizing kiss-and-tell stories. Meet dashing, wildly charming rogues, spies, pirates, rakes and their extraordinary, intrepid heroines as they whisk you along on sweet to sizzling romantic romps in these wickedly entertaining historical romances.

Widowed Lady Julianna Barrows never wants to fall in love again. But when the notorious former boxer Nash Overton hires her to transform him into a gentleman, Julianna quickly becomes the student, learning more about passion than she’s ever known, and more importantly, learning how to love again.

Duty forces him to take on the pirate code, but honor brings him back.

Prudence, Duchess of Blackmoor, has one desire—to be happy again. After struggling to overcome the horrifying death of her husband, she accepts an earl’s offer of marriage, confident she’s taking a step in the right direction. But demons, refuse to die, and Prudence finds herself caught in an intricate web of deceit that threatens the very foundations of all she holds dear.

Tobias, the Duke of Blackmoor, crosses the line when an assassination attempt on him fails. To restore the reputations of friends under attack by the same villain, and ensure his wife’s safety, he stages his own death, becoming The Black Regent, a notorious pirate bent on brandishing justice, never thinking he’d survive. But to his amazement, he has, and now the darkest-kept secrets are not worth losing the duchess his wife has become.

A marriage offer obligated by duty . . . an acceptance compelled by desperation.

Philomena Pomfrett is resigned to spinsterhood, but to ease her dying brother’s fretting, she reluctantly agrees to attend a London Season with one purpose—to acquire a husband. Stumbling upon her hiding in a secluded garden arbor during a ball, Bradford, Viscount Kingsley doesn’t recognize his first love, yet something about the mysterious woman enthralls him, and he steals a passionate, moonlit kiss.

Caught in the act by Philomena’s brother, Bradford is issued an ultimatum—a duel or marry Philomena. He offers marriage, but even impoverished and with no other decent prospects, she rejects his half-hearted proposal until her brother collapses. Now, Philomena’s faced with marrying a man who deserted her once already.

A lady, a spy, a traitor… a battle of wills.

Raised in the country after her mother’s death with only the company of three unruly brothers, Lady Augusta Covington is more proficient at fencing, riding and playing cards than being prim and proper. Myles Cuthbert, a spy in His Majesty’s service on a mission to find and expose a traitor, crosses paths with Lady Augusta when she rides to the aid of her brother, believing him to be injured. With the assignment at risk, Cuthbert agrees to accept the assistance of the troublesome lady eager for intrigue. As they move forward, his sense of obligation to her and the danger involved stir his soul.

His Mother Insists He Needs a Wife.

Fergus McTaggart, Aldmist Fell’s land steward, has no time for wife hunting. Any day his employer's sisters will be arriving at the Scottish castle for a long overdue reunion. Fergus is determined to make their stay memorable, but all anyone is likely to recall are the loud rows between him and his employer’s cheeky paid companion.

She Insists He Needs a Good Knock to the Head.
Edith Gallagher has been charged with watching over her employer’s youngest sister while the family winters in Scotland, but the stubborn land steward interferes at every turn. Eventually, she and the Scot call a truce for the sisters’ sakes only to discover their passionate battles are masking hidden desires.

Desperate times call for drastic measures as Miss Aveline Redgrave enters her third season. Fearful of fortune hunters, she attempts to stay clear of Lord Leybourne, a rogue who is not to be trusted. But his seductive smile and enticing kisses awaken a passion that threatens her common sense. No stranger to scandal, Leybourne is determined to save his family from ruin whatever the cost, even marrying an heiress he doesn’t love. But an unexpected desire and need to protect threatens his plans. Will past heartaches and a devastating wager destroy their future or will true love’s kiss triumph?

Gemma never planned on falling in love with her childhood sweetheart’s best friend, Jasper, when he returns home, but she can’t resist the naval officer’s brooding charm.

Gemma plans to marry James, her childhood sweetheart. With every letter written between them while he's been off at sea, their love has grown. Now they will be reunited with his return to England. But the man whose words she'd fallen in love with isn’t James...

Jasper, a gentleman rogue of the first order, is trapped. Talked into a scheme by his friend, he pretended to be James for eleven years while writing to Gemma. He’s promised James he’d break it off. But when he returns home, his secret will come out – and he’ll lose the one woman he can’t live without.

She gave him a chance to bury his past… but the price would be his heart…

Burdened by the past…Orphaned at a young age and left to run wild, at eighteen Julian Price joins the fight against Napoleon in the hope of attaining honor. Devastated when his best friend, Thomas, is killed in battle, Julian returns home burdened with guilt, only to find his wastrel uncle has squandered his inheritance.

Desperate to live her own life… Facing a future of drudgery caring for her aging mother and raising her brother’s children, Henrietta Houghton believes her chance at a real life died with Thomas, the only man who ever wanted her. But Henrietta is still full of dreams. When her wealthy aunt, offers her a gift of ten thousand pounds, Henrietta finally has the chance to choose her own destiny.

Everything has a price...With a fortune at her command, Henrietta offers Julian a marriage of convenience, unaware that she really offers Julian a means of salvation—not just his fortune, but his very soul."

Title:  Once Upon  A True Love's Kiss 
Authors: Julie Johnstone, Katherine Bone, Collette Cameron, Jullian Chantal, Lauren Smith, Samantha Grace, Alanna Lucas, Victoria Vane
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Once Upon A True Love's Kiss" Julie Johnstone, Katherine Bone, Collette Cameron, Jullian Chantal, Lauren Smith, Samantha Grace, Alanna Lucas and  Victoria Vane.

My Thoughts....

These eight anthologies by these authors were beautifully well written quick reads.


Many of the stories were of a historical romance theme and even some with a holiday/Christmas theme.  Be ready for a little bit of it all...'second chance at romance,dead husband thought dead but alive, marriage of convenience, military, regency, pirates, rakes spies,even a forced marriage and hot steamy sex partners.'   I really didn't have a favorite one because I rather enjoyed them all.  So, if you have time for eight quick anthology reads you have come to the right place for these authors will give the reader some interesting reads.

I received from author Victoria Vane in exchange for an honest review.  

Unfinished: A First Love, Second Chance Romance by Susan Hammond

Book Description...

"One summer, one secret, one last chance . . .

Nicole Chandler was seventeen the summer she fell in love with Jake Evans, the sexy, rough-around-the-edges mechanic who came to work in her father's marine repair shop. At twenty, Jake had seen more of the dark side of life than any kid ever should, yet underneath the hard exterior was a man who protected and cared for what was his.

For Jake, Nicole was a sunshine he’d never known—sweetness and innocence, feisty, brave, funny. And definitely sexy. He knew he shouldn't love her, yet she believed in him as no one ever had and made him laugh as though life might turn out okay. When the summer ended, Niki held his heart.

Then she broke it.

His secrets, her misunderstanding—the mistakes they both made—sent their lives on different paths, their story unfinished. Yet twenty-three years later, they still remember.

Nicole, now a successful artist, is starting over. When Jake finds her again, she’s ready to believe in what they once had. Yet after years of being alone, driven by nothing more than success, he may learn to forgive; but he can’t seem to forget. And he’s damn sure never again going to feel the pain of having someone he loves and trusts walk away from him.

Young love is fragile, but with histories and exes and families, grown-up love is messy. And while building trust is hard, rebuilding what was once shattered may be impossible.

Does first love ever really get a second chance?

Full-length, standalone novel

Just sayin’ . . . In Texas, the nights are steamy, the food is spicy, and the lovin’ is both. If this isn’t your kind of read, best give this one a pass."

Title:  Unfinished:  A First Love, Second Chance Romance
Author:  Susan Hammond
Publisher:  Saturday Edition Books
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Unfinished: a First Love, Second Chance Romance" by Susan Hammond

My Thoughts...

'Unfinished' was a good contemporary romantic read..maybe a little long but still good where you will find plenty of 'love and forgiveness.'  This read will definitely keep you turning the pages to see what was going to happen next as the story deals with some real deep issues. The two main characters...Nicole and  Jake along with the secondary characters were all well developed, defined, portrayed, colorful and very believable as the reader will see as the story unfolds. Truly the 'psychological depth' of these characters were simply off the chart...well done! All of this only gives the reader a well written story that will keep the readers attention. What I liked about this story was that it is complete with a satisfying ending where you find this author covers the story very well.  I will say that I did have a few questions about a couple of the characters in the way the storyline was presented but it all turned out OK for me in the end. Be ready for a enjoyably captivating well told  story with lots of  'trials, tribulations, depth, passion, secrets, mistrust, steamy sex scenes,  love and compassion.' The reader will definitely be left feeling this novel was one of those stories that  had a full range of emotions.

Thank you to the author for the gift of your read and my giving you a honest review of your novel.

Journey To Love By: LaCricia A'ngelle

Book Description...

"Wealthy, debonair bachelor Christian Tyler, a building contractor from Los Angeles, agrees to take on the task of building a youth center in the town of Bethany, Tennessee. Completely out of his element, and unaware of what lies ahead, Christian remains open minded as he uses his skill to pursue the philanthropic opportunity.

Shelby Lamar, the town’s self-proclaimed gold digger, sets her sights on the handsome new man in town. With a reputation for getting what she wants, Shelby stops at nothing in order to carry out her plan. A chance meeting at the grocery store provides her with enough information to get the ball rolling in her pursuit of adding Christian to her list of benefactors.

Unlike her former conquests, Christian does not easily bow down to her advances. What she finds in Christian is a lot more than her next mark. Will he be the one who teaches her the true meaning of love, or will he be blinded by her seduction and become her next victim?"

Title:  Journey To Love
Author:  LaCricia A'ngelle
Publisher:  His Pen Publishing
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Journey To Love" by LaCricia A'ngelle

My Thoughts....

This novel was beautifully written featuring Christian Tyler and Shelby Lamar.  I found the storyline very familiar with two souls wanting someone to love  in their life.  I liked how this author presented this story and in the end will both of these two got just want they wanted?  To find out you will have to pick up the sweet romance novel and see if they find their true love.  There would be some doubts as the secondary characters come into play  but as the reader keeps on reading they will see how well this author presents this situation so well to the readers.  The main issue was that we find from the read and  even in our everyday life is that one must be totally honest and truthful to each other for there to be trust and love. Now, I will say that was some ending that had me laughing hard!  Very well done by this author for a good read.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Hearts Under Fire By: Antonio Scotto di Cario

Book Description....

"Jenny is a beautiful young businesswoman. She lives in an Italian tourist town where she owns a shop. Her need for independence is her strength, but her innate distrust sometimes creates problems with others.
One day she encounters love. More than an encounter, it’s a collision, a head-on collision. Her heart isn’t Eros’s only target, and everything changes …
Police begin investigating suspicious events around her, slowing down the construction of a new great hotel in town and rocking her life even more."

Title:  Hearts Under Fire
Author:  Antonio Scotto di Cario
Publisher: A.S. d. C.
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Hearts Under Fire" by Antonio Scotto di Cario

My Thoughts...

What a wonderful emotional read [setting in Italy] with 'My Way'[the song] being so well featured in this well written story. This was definitely one of those stories where you may think you know what is going on then then there will be some twist, turns and deceptions that you certainly will not expect.  I will say for this heroine [Jenny] that was a lots on her plate....running a shop  trusting people...enjoying a relationship with Andre but unexpectedly after hearing 'My Way' being played by a violinist...will she have feelings from someone else?  Then this story will take a turn...what is up with the man with the green gray eyes[Chris]?  OK, this story moves on and there will be a murder, a hot steamy romance. a suspenseful journey and by the end definitely a reality...all  that will keep you turning the pages to see what is going on next. That ending was well...I don't want to tell you any of it ...only saying you will have to pick this one up to see for yourself how well this author  writes this intriguing story for the readers.  Now, I will say my favorite part was the unexpected ending... 'The Confession.'  All I will say is that this will clear up a lots  of questions I had from this read.  Very well done to the author!

I was gifted Hearts Under Fire by the author Antonio Scotto di Carlo for an honest review.

I Heart Obama By Erin Aubrey Kaplan

Book Description....

"A personal and cultural exploration of Barack Obama as black president, black icon, and black folk hero....

In his nearly two terms as president, Barack Obama has solidified his status as something black people haven’t had for fifty years: a folk hero. The 1960s delivered Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, forever twinned as larger-than-life outsiders and truth tellers who took on racism and died in the process. Obama is different: Not an outsider but president, head of the most powerful state in the world; a centrist Democrat, not the face of a movement. Yet he is every bit a folk hero, doing battle with the beast of a system created to keep people like him on the margins. He is unique among presidents and entirely unique among black people, who never expected to have a president so soon.
In I Heart Obama, journalist Erin Aubry Kaplan offers an unapologetic appreciation of our highest-ranking “First” and what he means to black Americans. In the process, she explores the critiques of those in the black community who charge that he has not done enough, been present enough, been black enough to motivate real change in America. Racial antipathy cloaked as political antipathy has been the major conflict in Obama’s presidency. His impossible task as an individual and as a president is nothing less than this: to reform the entire racist culture of the country he leads. Black people know he can’t do it, but will support his effort anyway, as they have supported the efforts of many others. Obama’s is a noble and singular story we will tell for generations. I Heart Obama looks at the story so far."

Title:  I Heart Obama
Author:  Erin Aubrey Kaplan
Publisher:  Foreedge
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"I Heart Obama"  by Erin Aubrey Kaplan

My Thoughts....

Wow, this was some good read.  How this author was able to put this altogether of President Barack
Obama [a folk hero], head of the most powerful state in the world; a 'centrist Democrat' was wonderful delivered to the reader.  I loved how this author "offers an unapologetic appreciation of our highest-ranking "First” and what he means to black Americans. "In the process, the author explores the critiques of those in the black community who charge that he has not done enough, been present enough, been black enough to motivate real change in America. Racial antipathy cloaked as political antipathy has been the major conflict in Obama’s presidency." "By the end we get a well written "story about collective yearning and hope, against a backdrop of disillusionment and despair.  In picking up this novel you will get a read that will make you think and even share through discussions long after the read.  I thought this novel was very well written by this author being 'eloquent, honest and compelling'. ...thank you for a very interesting read about our President Barack Obama.

I received a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Christmas Cravings By: Emma Hamilton

Book Description....

"How could everything that seemed so right suddenly have gone so wrong for Mia? Snow is on the ground and Christmas lights twinkle in the German Christmas market. The warm, spiced wine is just right, but there's still one key ingredient missing from her romantic dream. Will Mia's Christmas turn out to be sugar and spice and all things nice - or a deflated soufflé of loneliness and regret?
Christmas Cravings is a festive romance standalone episode from the Greedily Yours series."

Title:  Christmas Cravings
Author:  Emma Hamilton
Publisher:  Bastei  Entertainment
Series:  Greedily Yours 
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Four

"Christmas Cravings"  by Emma Hamilton

My Thoughts....

'Christmas Cravings' was one of the 'Greedily Yours' series.  I found it  was one interesting short chick lit romantic read.  For Mia and her friend Lizzy gave the reader a interesting read with even some humor. As the story goes on it will be friend with a love story of Mia and Tom as they go throw some up and down before it call come together in the end.  The novel also includes a few recipes from the story located at the end of the story.Be ready for a story full of 'food references, a visit to a real German Christmas market, a sweet dog  with some interesting characters that will keep you reading till the end giving the reader a quick read for the holidays.

I received a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

A Girl's Guide To Moving On By: Debbie Macomber

Book Decription....

"In this powerful and uplifting novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber, a mother and her daughter-in-law bravely leave their troubled marriages and face the challenge of starting over. Leaning on each other, Nichole and Leanne discover that their inner strength and capacity for love are greater than they ever imagined.

When Nichole discovers that her husband, Jake, has been unfaithful, the illusion of her perfect life is indelibly shattered. While juggling her young son, a new job, and volunteer work, Nichole meets Rocco, who is the opposite of Jake in nearly every way. Though blunt-spoken and rough around the edges, Rocco proves to be a dedicated father and thoughtful friend. But just as their relationship begins to blossom, Jake wagers everything on winning Nichole back—including their son Owen’s happiness. Somehow, Nichole must find the courage to defy her fears and follow her heart, with far-reaching consequences for them all.

Leanne has quietly ignored her husband’s cheating for decades, but is jolted into action by the echo of Nichole’s all-too-familiar crisis. While volunteering as a teacher of English as a second language, Leanne meets Nikolai, a charming, talented baker from Ukraine. Resolved to avoid the heartache and complications of romantic entanglements, Leanne nonetheless finds it difficult to resist Nikolai’s effusive overtures—until an unexpected tragedy tests the very fabric of her commitments.

An inspiring novel of friendship, reinvention, and hope, A Girl’s Guide to Moving On affirms the ability of every woman to forge a new path, believe in love, and fearlessly find happiness."

Title:  A Girl's Guide To Moving On
Author:  Debbie Macomber
Publisher:  Ballantine Books
Series: New Beginnings 
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"A Girl's Guide To Moving On" by Debbie Macomber

My Thoughts....

I loved how this author gave us a read that focused on Nichole and Leanne...daughter in law and 
mother in law.  Wow, to have these  two that had been cheated on by their unfaithful  husbands was really some good read.  Seeing how they dealt with their new  situations in life was really quite some story and well presented to the readers.  This was a beautifully told story about a family[lovely strong women] and just how they figured how and just what they needed in their life.  Be ready for a story that shows how both of these ladies dealt with life after their divorces and the new men in their life that treated them as only they should be treated.   I loved the characters in this novel .....Leanne, Nichole, Nikolai, Rocco to name a few other that that will keep the reader turning the pages till the end.  This read was really something what this author brought out about those cheating husbands toward  at the end of the read that did give me some surprise to its ending.  I especially liked the epilogue that will sum the story all up at the end giving the reader a nice conclusion to a well  written story.  
I received a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Woman At The Top Of The Stairs By: Deidra D. S. Green

Book Description....

"Domestic violence is an unfortunate part of many relationships today. Every year more than 1.5 million women are made victims of this relational epidemic. Has domestic violence become so commonplace that it is no longer considered a problem? Have we grown so accustomed to seeing and hearing about it that we not only turn a blind eye but a deaf ear as well? Meet Gina. She is the woman at the top of the stairs who repeatedly hears the cries and screams of the woman who lives below her as she is constantly victimized at the hands of her partner. Bearing witness to Zenobia’s pain reminds Gina of the abusive life she narrowly escaped from. But Gina can’t get away from the nightmares of her past; the tumultuous reminders of how she was battered and nearly broken at the hands of her contemptuous and menacing husband. Will Gina be like the many and turn her back on Zenobia, leaving her to fend for herself, or will she build an alliance with Zenobia to end her suffering once and for all? Find out in this compelling novel, Woman at the Top of the Stairs."

Title:  Woman At The Top Of The Stairs
Author:  Deidra D. S. Green
Publisher:  Rathsi Publishing
Series:  Book 1
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating  Five

"Woman At The Top Of The Stairs" by Deidra D. S. Green

My Thoughts....

This author really delivered a 'Domestic Violence' read to the readers that was simply off the chain well written.  This was definitely a good read of  what can happen  to any abusive men when the women they has messed with get fed up with what they have been put through as it was for Gina, the characters ..[victims.....Gina, Zenobia and Yvette].  I will say these  [perpetrators..Mac Percy and Marlon] are in for some real awakening.  The women...Gina, Zenobia had been pushed to the limit and they felt this was the only way in order to survive.  Was this too much in what happened to the perpetrators...the abusers?  Well, I will say you will have to pick up this read and come to your own conclusion. For me, I thought the author did a good job with this tough subject matter that was so well covered  dealing with domestic violence.  


Let the Church Say By: Deidra D. S. Green

Book Description....

"Sinclair Livingston was as nervous as any blushing bride could be. She’d wished for this day for so long; having dreamed about it since she was a little girl. Sinclair was preparing to marry the man of her dreams. She couldn’t wait to be Mrs. Tyson Jones. All she needed to do was hold it together a little while longer, get through the ceremony and wait for the pronouncement. This should be a breeze, right? Her year and a half of preparation and planning since Tyson proposed were finally coming to fruition. Picking the bridal party, wedding planner, the dress, flowers, the cake, choosing the honeymoon destination and the groom’s gift, her work was done. All Sinclair needed to do now was walk down the aisle to meet her future husband and pray her lover and best friend wouldn’t blow it for her…"

Title:  Let the Church Say
Author:  Deidra D.S. Green
Publisher:  Rathsi Publishing
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"Let the Church Say..." by Deidra D.S. Green

My Thoughts....

Now this was one of those romantic reads that you thought you knew how it would all come out.  Not! The author takes us on quite a interesting journey.  After all of the planning for this perfect wedding what will come to light and break it up into many pieces.  I found all of these characters...from Sinclair, Tyson Jasmine,  Paul to a few others simply well developed, well portrayed and believable.   Will there be any forgiveness for Sinclair who has committed one awful sin that costed her dearly? However, there will be a wedding but who will be walking down the aisle with her future husband? Well, the reader will just have to pick up this good read to see because it definitely wasn't who I thought it would be in the end. No, I didn't get the happy ending I had hoped for but still the author presents the readers with a good story of  how life is and bad things can happen to good people.

Tempted to Touch By Nigeria Lockley

Book Description...

"Kira Seagram is frustrated by her husband Mason’s zeal for the Lord, so she pours all of her attention into her work and reserves her soprano singing skills for the shower. Kira would rather not use them if she get can’t the adoration and recognition she feels she deserves and doubts she’ll find singing lead for Mason’s choir. When a routine drop off at her son, Nate’s private school turns into a ten-year reunion with her ex-boyfriend, Quincy McAdams, Kira isn’t interested in Mason's half-hearted affection or willing to keep her voice to herself. With a firm offer from Quincy to help Kira cut a demo and possibly revive the love they let die, Kira has some choices to make. When Kira finds herself tempted to touch will she remain faithful to her husband or yield to the desires of her flesh?"

Title:  Tempted to Touch
Author:  Nigeria Lockley
Publisher:  Inheritance Books
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Tempted to Touch" by Nigeria Lockley

My Thoughts...

Wonderful and well written story that will give you much thought long after the read.  The subject matter 'temptation' was right on the mark on what can go wrong so quickly in any marriage whether you are a Christian or not when they try to deal with issues separately there  can be problems as it was for Kira and Mason Seagram.  For these two people from the read you  will see how the enemy almost wrecked their marriage. However, for these two their was a wonderful Pastor Stone who was there with her wisdom which was such a beautiful part of this read that I truly loved. Will Kira and Mason get back to being 'healed, whole and walking in the promises of God?'  Now, I will stop here and say you must pick up this wonderful story that was 'powerful, amazing and beautifully' presented to the readers.   Well done to the author!

No Perfect Affair 2 By: Charmaine Galloway

Book Description....

"Asia, Melody, and Sasha are the queens of all things drama. Jerry Springer has nothing on them. From scandalous affairs and drug induced sexcapades to secret pregnancies and murder in the first degree, these cousins have the personal drama on lock. When backstabbing and betrayal infiltrates their relationship with one another, the once tight trio quickly finds that blood is nowhere near as thick as water. At the end of it all, these chicks ain’t loyal."

Title:  No Perfect Affair 2
Author:  Charmaine Galloway
Publisher:  Racquel Williams Presents
Series:  Book 2
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"No Perfect Affair 2" by Charmaine Galloway

My Thoughts....

Wow, all I can say is this novel picked up from the first novel that featured Asia, Melody and Sasha and yes with all their drama.  The story continues with 'affairs, backstabbing, murder. drama and betrayals' all relating to its title 'No Perfect Affair 2.'  It was so hard to believe these three ladies were ever friends with all the drama they brought on themselves and each other.  Now, I will not talk about those men...Rodney, Lance and Steve.  You will just have to pick up this novel to see for yourself...but also to really understand a little more about this story you must pick up the first novel...No Perfect Affair. You will not want to miss any part of this dramatic read.  In the end I could only say for poor Melody, Asia and yes even Sasha.  What a friendship that went wrong with all the lies and  broken trust.  I have happy at the part of the story where one of the characters were able to make amends with her mother and letting there be forgiveness.  

Saturday, November 28, 2015

A Chance of a Lifetime By Marilyn Pappano

Book Description....

"Sometimes love finds you when you least expect it...

To Benita Ford, Tallgrass, Oklahoma, will always be home. It's where her beloved grandmother raised her and where she rode bikes with her two best friends—the man who became her husband and Calvin. And Tallgrass is where she stayed, even after her husband died while serving his country. Now Calvin is home from that same war, and the sensitive, mischievous boy she once knew is today a man scarred by wounds no one else can see. Falling in love with him is something Bennie never imagined.

Tallgrass still haunts Captain Calvin Sweet. Yet it's where he must go to see Bennie—the one woman he always loved but could never have. Calvin regrets so much about what happened years ago. Still he can't deny being with Bennie makes his future feel bright, like anything is possible. But the demons of his past won't be quieted that easily. As old hurts linger, threatening to pull them apart, Calvin and Bennie must take the ultimate risk for the love of a lifetime."

Title:  A Chance of a Lifetime
Author:  Marilyn Pappano
Publisher:  Forever
Series:  Tallgrass # 5
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"A Chance of a Lifetime" by Marilyn Pappano

My Thoughts....

This series really puts more icing on the cake as this is this author's fifth in the Tallgrass series that
features Benita Ford and Captain Calvin Sweet from Tallgrass Oklahoma.  The reader will be presented with a story that will be with the reader long after the read. This read will take the reader to three friends since childhood but after growing up we find that only two of the third friends had remained friends.  What had happened in the total relationship to Calvin, J'Myel and Bennie known as childhoods....'The Three Musketeers?'   Would a death of one of the friends and the return of another from Afghanistan who was now back home suffering with PTSD bring these two friends  [Bennie and Calvin] back together again after many years had passed?  I loved how this author was able to bring into this storyline not only the two main characters but another group of characters were simply off the chart so well developed, defined, well portrayed and believable.  Here are just a few of this wonderful cast of characters..... The Sweets Family, Pickerings Family, Ms. Emmeline, Diez, Joe Cadore, Lucy[Luce],Trinity Adams, Ilena Gomez, John, Tuesday Night Margarita Club members....Carly Clark, Jessy, Fia, Marti, Patricia, Leach, Therese to name a few.  Many of these people will have there own story that will be well mentioned  in this story. The Margarita Club members who were all friends and widows...who had lost a husband in war. I loved this group of ladies!  I found this novel to be very well written by this author...the main question would Calvin and Bennie take the ultimate risk for a love of a lifetime after all is said and done and Bennie learns the whole story of just what had happened between them[Calvin & JMyel?  I don't want to spoil any of it other that say you will have to pick up  this author novel 'A Chance Of A Lifetime.'  It will keep your attention all the way to the end giving her readers a good read.  Would I recommend?  Yes

I received a copy through NOR  in exchange for an honest review.

A Christmas Bride in Pinecraft By: Shelly Shephard Gray

Book Description...

"Christmas has come to Pinecraft in bestselling author Shelley Shepard Gray's final Amish Brides of Pinecraft novel, an uplifting story that proves anything is possible when you follow your heart

When manager Beverly Overholt's beloved Orange Blossom Inn is broken into, she's shaken to the core. The inn has been her whole life since arriving in the quaint Amish vacation town of Pinecraft, Florida. Hoping to repair what's been lost, Beverly calls Eric Wagler, the inn's handsome owner. To her surprise, he promises to be on the next flight out of Philadelphia.

Ever since her fiancé jilted her, Beverly's been closed off to love. However, with Eric things feel different. She can't help but be hopeful that their work relationship will turn into something more—even though they are from different worlds. She grew up Amish and is now Mennonite. Eric, on the other hand, grew up on the city streets of Philadelphia. How could they ever find common ground?

But as Beverly and Eric put the inn back together, prepare for Christmas, and even witness romance blossoming for another couple, the trust—and love—between them grows. Will Christmas bring a second chance for Beverly? And if it does, will she be brave enough to take it?"

Title:  A Christmas Bride in Pinecraft
Author:  Shelley Shepard Gray
Publisher:  Avon Inspire
Series:  Amish Brides of Pinecraft # 4
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"A Christmas Bride in Pinecraft" by Shelly Shephard Gray

My Thoughts....

"A Christmas Bride in Pinecraft was a beautifully well written  enchanting Amish/Mennonite romance.  I found this novel somewhat interesting because as I was reading I found out that this was three stories in one that seemed to tie altogether.  I loved how this author presents us with Beverly who manages the Orange Blossom Inn in Pinecraft, Florida and their has been a robbery where now she must call Eric the owner and tell him of this situation.  It seems like since Eric had met Beverly some time ago he had feelings for her, so he leaves Pennsylvania and moves to Pinecraft  Will this bring him closer to Beverly?  What secrets did Eric have than may destroy any feelings Beverly may have for him?  Will these two people be able to find common ground and love?  But where there is 'forgiveness, mercy, happiness and good will to all men'  will there be any good from all of the unexpected  obstacles that are put in front of them?   Well, this is a Christmas novel so what will happen after the robbery at the inn?   Be ready for a read that will give you humor, tears and even finding yourself cheering your favorite character on as you will see 'such fear, faith, love. devotion, redemption and second chances' that is displayed in this well told story.  The main questions....  Will Beverly be able to face her fears and move on after the robbery?  Beverly has gone to a lots and when it looks like she may even love again will her faith be put to the test?   How will this Amish community react to a marriage between Beverly and Eric?   Now, to get all of those questions answered and much more you will just have to pick up this fantastic Christmas novel to see just how much it will capture and warm your heart.

What I extremely liked about this novel was how this author was able to bring out the realization of how there were young people going hungry in the town of Pinecraft and that solution to the person who had robbed and vandalized Beverly property was also wonderfully presented.

I received a copy through NOR  in exchange for an honest review.

Cowboy Take Me Away By Soraya Lane

Book Description...

"The King brothers are three of the wealthiest, most hard-riding heartbreakers in the great state of Texas. And it takes a rare breed of woman to lasso one of their hearts...


As a veterinarian and single mother, Hope Walker knows how to handle most emergencies, inside and out. But when she shows up at the sprawling cattle ranch belonging to Chase King. Hope finds herself in a state of panic: How could Chase be even hotter after all these years? And why does Hope feel more attracted to him than ever?


Chase can't believe that Hope - the gorgeous, brilliant woman who disappeared after one blazing night of passion - has walked back into his life. After all this time he still thinks of her as the one who got away . . . and he's not about to lose her now. But is Hope ready to get back in the saddle and ride into the sunset with the cowboy of her dreams? Or will a long-buried secret rise to the surface - and tear the two reunited lovers apart?"

Title:  Cowboy Take Me Away
Author:  Soraya Lane
Publisher:  Martin's Paperbacks
Series:  The Texas Kings # 2
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Cowboy Take Me Away" by Soraya Lane

My Thoughts....

I liked this well written novel that dealt with a sweet romance.  I liked this author's novels and wanted to see what was 'Cowboy Take Me Away.' There will be a lot of question asked as the  reader reads through 'Cowboy Take Me Away.' Like... Who knew that after one night of passion and now many years later  these two Hope Walker and Chase King would meet back up again.  What affect will this meeting have on these two especially after a big secret comes out that had been kept from Chase? Now, this will not be the only thing but what other complications will their be for these two especially when a 'special high quality sperm' has come up missing from Kinds Ranch Herd?  Who is behind all of this? This will be one interesting read as the reader will see how this author gives the readers a wonderful well written story.   Will these two be able to solve this plot as it unfolds for the both of them? How will these two make it through as this family's amazing journey begins?  Now, to get all of these questions answered  and a lot more you will have to pick up this good read to see how well this author tells it so well to  the readers.Would I recommend this heart warming love story?   YES!

I received a copy through NOR  in exchange for an honest review.

Duke's Are Forever By: Anna Harrington

Book Description....


Battlefields and barrooms hold much more interest for Edward Westover, Duke of Swarthmore, than a little girl's fondness for dolls and lace. When he takes possession of his enemy's estate, everything that villain held dear—including his daughter—belongs to Edward. Hire a governess, arrange a dowry, give a few reassurances, and be off on his way—that's Edward's plan. But he's in for the shock of his life. For his new ward is a beautiful, impetuous, and utterly irresistible woman...


Kate Benton is stunned. Who is this arrogant, infuriating man who's invited himself into her home and taken over her life? Her vow: to do everything in her power to convince him to leave her—and Brambly House—alone. Yet as chilly days melt into sultry nights, Kate sees glimpses of kindness underneath Edward's cool façade . . . and a passionate nature that takes her breath away. There's so much she doesn't know about this man. But does she dare trust this devilish duke with her heart?"

Title:  Duke's Are Forever
Author:  Anna Harrington
Publisher:  Forever
Series:  The Secret Life of Scoundrels # 1
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Four

"Duke's Are Forever" by Anna Harrington...

My Thoughts...

This novel was quite interesting in all of its drama and emotional storyline with so much going on in this historical romantic setting.  The author will gives the reader a story that will have lots of 'passion and even love scenes' with these two main characters...Kate and Edward.  For Kate we find her to be a independent heroine and Edward a powerful aristocrat.  Wow, what all will happen as these two take this journey together. Where was Kate's father and why had a 'Duke' become her guardian? After they meet will they be able to fight the attraction that have for each other?  Will Kate ever get the true sense of what all her father had done to her?  We find that a lots will come out as we read "Duke's Are Forever" and we see Kate and Edward falling for each other.  However, when Kate doesn't obey Edward's order to to have no communication with that father of hers....things change very quickly for these two.  And after a night together Edward ....well, I don't want to spoil it ....I want the reader to pick up this good read to see what happens next for these two.  Be ready for a read that will have the two main characters head butting through most of of the read that will helps make this one interesting Regency world read.. Now, why is this? I liked how this author gave the reader a real intriguing read of seeing the story that is  'seductive, imaginative and a  bedazzling' that  come to a good resolution showing a delightful happier ever after ending.

I received a copy through NOR  in exchange for an honest review.


The Gift of a Charm By: Melissa Hill

Book Description,,,

"From Melissa Hill, author of A Gift from Tiffany's, comes The Gift of a Charm-another New York Christmas love story to restore your faith in miracles

Holly O'Neill knows that every charm bracelet tells a story. Many years ago she was sent one with just a single charm attached. The charms have been appearing ever since, often at challenging times, as if her mysterious benefactor knows exactly when she needs a little magic in her life.

As a result, Holly's bracelet is her most prized possession. So when she finds someone else's charm bracelet, she feels she has to try to reunite it with its owner-even if the only clues she has to follow are the charms themselves."

Title:  The  Gift of a Charm
Author:  Melissa Hill
Publisher:  St Martin's Griffin
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"The Gift of a Charm" by Melissa Hill

My Thoughts....

This was a beautifully told story of  'Christmas love to restore your faith in miracles.'  I liked how
this author was able to present us a story that started with a 'charm bracelet' being found at 'The Secret Closet' [resale shop] and with Holly's desire to return it to its rightful owner.  Why did this charm bracelet mean so much to Holly?  Who was this 'mysterious benefactor' who has been sending Holly these charms?  The characterization of each one in the novel were all well developed, defined, well portrayed and believable and with this happening around the holiday season was the  perfect setting.
This novel will be about two dealing with Holly and her son and the other being about Greg and his family. I will say it was quite a journey as Holly goes on these hunts trying to find the rightful owner of this charm bracelet.  Now, how this all comes out will be a quite interesting read where you will have to pick up this good read to see how well this story is presented.  If you are looking for a good holiday read or maybe a good read at anytime,  I would recommend 'The Gift of Charm' to you.

I received a copy through NOR  in exchange for an honest review.

When Somebody Loves You (The Southern Belle Book Club# 1) By: Shirley Jump

Book Description....

"First in a new series from the New York Times bestselling author of the hugely popular Sweetheart Sisters novels!

At heart, Elizabeth Palmer is a practical Jersey girl. And her life reflects that—until everything suddenly falls apart.  In a bid to change her luck, the intrepid reporter accepts a job to write a story on a reclusive quarter horse breeder in Chatham Ridge, Georgia. To her surprise, she finds herself settling into the warm, inviting town—even joining the Southern Belle Book Club—and craving the company of the rancher she’s there to interview….

Hunter McCoy has good reason to keep his distance from the determined reporter. Tragedy has taught him to stick to things that don’t require his heart. But he can’t seem to resist the vulnerability he detects beneath Elizabeth’s tough demeanor.

But when Hunter is faced with the possibility of a terrible loss and shuts Elizabeth out, she will have to prove to Hunter that having somebody love you can heal all wounds…"

Title:  When Somebody Loves You
Author:  Shirley Jump
Publisher: Berkley
Series:  The Southern Belle Book Club # 1
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"When Somebody Loves You" by Shirley Jump

My Thoughts....

This was a first of  'The South Belle Bookclub series' for this author that was a well written story of
'dreams and broken hearts'  for the two main characters...Elizabeth and Hunter.  How these two came
together with Elizabeth's now being new magazine writer job [wanting to follow her dreams]now hired as a freelance writer doing a story about Hunter's ranch. Both Elizabeth and Hunter have quite a past...with Elizabeth leaving Jersey, her job, a  wired mother and a fiance who dumped her to her new job in Chatham Ridge. Now, meeting up with Hunter who is trying to run his Quarter Horse ranch with no thanks from his father with his gambling habit, also dealing with the grief and guilt of the death of his fiance. Now, we have Elizabeth on her new job trying to work with Hunter to get her story.  How will this Elizabeth effect Hunter quite lifestyle?   Will Hunter be able to come out of the rut he has been in due to all that has gone on  in his life for some time?  There will be some interesting secondary characters that will come into play in this book club that will really give the reader some humor.  To get how this story will all come out you will have to pick up "When Somebody Loves You" to see for yourself how well it is presented by this author to her readers.  Be ready to some well developed characters in this small town, a beautiful plot and a sexy romance.

I received a copy through NOR  in exchange for an honest review.

Forever This Time By: Maggie McGinnis

Book Description....

"Forever This Time is the story of Josie Kendrew, who returns to her tiny Vermont hometown after ten years' absence when her father has a stroke, and Ethan Miller, her jilted high school sweetheart, who's taken her place as the CFO of the Kendrew family business: running Snowflake Village—a "Santa's Village"—style amusement park.

Josie, now a successful therapist with a Boston practice, isn't sure how she feels about being back in Echo Lake. In some ways, things have changed a lot; Ethan's got an MBA, seems to have something going with Molly, her childhood best friend, and he even owns the beautiful Victorian they'd always talked about buying together. But in other ways, the place is exactly the same, with reminders of the heartbreak that drove Josie away lurking around every corner. When Josie's "Little Sister" Avery died of cancer at the age of ten, the grief nearly destroyed her, and ultimately inspired her choice of career. It also caused a hurt so deep she knew she couldn't stay in Echo Lake, surrounded by memories. And she's not going to stay now; as soon as her dad's health improves, she's headed right back to Boston, to her therapy practice and her quiet apartment. To her lonely, safe life.

As for Ethan, he's not all that pleased to see the woman he once loved. It took a long time to pick up the pieces Josie left behind, he's proud of the work he's done to bring Snowflake Village into the 21st century, and he's worried that if Josie finds out about his project to honor Avery's memory, she'll get the wrong idea. He's not planning to make it easy for Josie to come back, and he's not going to pretend that all is forgiven. They can't just pick up where they left off… right?"

Title: Forever This Time
Author:  Maggie McGinnis
Publisher:  St. Martin's Paperbacks
Series:  Echo Lake # 1
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Forever This Time" by Maggie McGinnis

My Thoughts....

This author really out shines herself with this well written story...its unique plot and main and secondary characters that will keep your attention all the way to the end. From this story the reader gets a wonderful heartwarming and emotional love story being about Josie and Ethan from a small Vermont town of Echo Park. This was a love that was... then it wasn't?  Why was this?  What was this 'history, passion and pain' before the story gets to this part for these two people? What drove Josie away from Echo Park to Boston for ten years?   Now that Josie was back home due to the fact her father's stoke will there be any forgiveness in all that had happen and why she left in the first place?  Will Josie come to turns with her past, present and future?  What was up with Jose's mom[who had been a drunk] and that Molly[who was a ex friend]?  Will this be a happiness in this season of Christmas with all of the bitterness that Josie has had in her past?  Will there be a second chance for Josie and Ethan[who was her ex] in this complexed relationship that is fulled with so much emotions and family dynamics?  I will say with this novel being so emotional you may need a tissue or two especially near the conclusion of the read.  This was a good read just seeing how this heroine has changed and being able to trust again.

Even thought 'Forever This Time' was full of sadness and grief in the end the reader gets a much uplifting romantic story it will be a very intriguing long journey to see if Josie and Ethan will get back together again.  If you would love a good love story I would definitely recommend this one to you as a good read.

I received a copy through NOR  in exchange for an honest review.

The Science of Racism Everything You Need to Know but Probably Don’t—Yet by Keon West

 Book Excerpt: " In this frank, funny, and meticulous book, a leading social scientist lays out the striking facts we know about racism...