Saturday, January 30, 2016

Greener Grasses By Julie B. Cosgrove

Book Description....

"Twin sisters, Erin and Ellen, covet each other’s lives and husbands. Their festered envy has not only kept them at arm’s length for almost two decades, it has placed both on a precipice of divorce— something they’d never admit to each other.
Yet after two weeks together with their spouses, as they sort through their mother’s belongings following her funeral, they discover the flaws in their sibling’s “grass-greener” lives. But will that revelation help each sister appreciate her own husband and lifestyle as truly according to God’s plan? Or is it too late for a change of heart?"

Title:  Greener Grasses
Author:  Julie B. Cosgrove
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Greener Grasses" by Julie B. Cosgrove

Now 'Greener Grasses' was some read.  Two sisters that were twins that simple did not get along together[no longer than 3 hours], so after their mother dies and makes a request they must fulfill in order to receive their inheritance...will they be able to do it?   I found this a interesting read as this author gives us two families that will have to work together whether they wanted to or not.  I loved how the husbands were drawn into this situation with their spouses[John & Robert].  From the funeral to the end this will be one powerful  but meaningful journey for Erin and  Ellen.  End the end as they discover "flaws in their grass-greener lives will that revelation be able to them appreciate their husband and lifestyle according to the plan of God?" Yes, there will be a Christian expect in this read. I loved how this author presents this story to the readers. There will even be some humor in all of this.  It seems like even the children [Travis, Austin, Brittany, Elena & Jade]which will be drawn into this will come out in a better light. What will happen in the end for these two sister?    I will stop here and only say you will have to pick up "Greener Grasses" to see how well written this author brings it all out to the readers.   Would I recommend?  Yes!

I received a copy through NOR  in exchange for an honest review.

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